Little Manistee Trail Report for 7/8 (Woodsy Edition)


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
Rob, Young Ted and I were the slated roster for this ride. YZMAN400 was bummin', but just couldn't get the case of work flu going hard enough to make it.

As usual, my rides found be running 10 minutes late, despite the fact I pulled into the Bowman Bridge campground the night before and got a good nights sleep (this campground is really nice! I'll be back there again as soon as next weekend). I was cruising along M-37 looking for my turnoff to the right. Up in the distance, on the side of the road.....what is that? A blue vehicle.....a blue van....what's that sticking up on the side......"Woodsy's Delight"!!!!....Ted! Just as I made it out, Rob pulled up from the other direction. It seems that the DNR closed up the parking spot I'd chosen, so both were lost and 3 of us were.... We decided to pull into the lot on the west side of the road.

So as we're gearing up, I'm thinking "where's that partly sunny day in the high 60's the weatherman said we're going to have"? Just then it starts a slow drizzle, just enough to get the goggles misty. By then we're off, of course I was last to be ready and get my bike running. The CR felt pretty good on warmup. I could immediately tell that the front fork modifications had done what I hoped - the suspension still works great on heavier stuff, but the little stuff doesn't transmit through the bars like before. The bike's running a little lean due to the colder weather, but not enough to get a screwdriver out for. Besides, I forgot my tools!

So, I go to lock up the ramp with the same chain and padlock I used for the Rites of Spring. Wrong key - AGAIN!!!! Geez, good thing Fred wasn't here, he would've blown a gut muscle laughing. Of course Rob and Ted may have too if I would've told them. Now they know.

Off on the trail, and soon we're (I'm) realizing we can't find the single track. We backtrack to the road and find it's right next to the road! D'oh!

We zip onto the single track. The traction is 100% b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!!! The rain we've gotten (and were still getting as we rode) has really made the ground superb, even the deep sand on the ORV route had great traction, and was pounded flat by whatever contraption was last on it.

The CR was handling really good! The motor is now perfection for woods riding, I really can't believe the difference! The flywheel and Gnarly pipe has given the bike great low speed manners, and it runs along in 3rd gear with little shifting needed. It'll still bark in the open, but tempered down. It feels a lot like my KTM 250, but with more low end grunt and a little more power overall. Exactly what I wanted. And the handling is impeccable!! The only modification I made on the trail was to turn down the compression damping on the rear shock two clicks (with a screwdriver borrowed from Ted). Jetting will have to be messed with, and I may need to repack the silencer, but otherwise it's perfect.

Back to the trail. The drizzle has been persistent enough to soak all of the leaves pretty good. The single track is tight enough that contact with leaves was pretty frequent. Each time it felt like I hit a cold wet sponge. Even though the trail was perfect, this was dampening the day (pun intended, yes). Of course trying to see the trail through mist-covered goggles made it tougher. Then to make matters worse, my left contact fell out into my goggles. I recovered it, put it back in, blinked a couple times and took off again. About a mile down, it fell out again (I forgot to change them out-when they're worn out, they fall out easily). This time I couldn't find it. Sooooo, now I'm riding with one blind eye looking through misty goggles. This will make things really interesting!!!

By this time, my normally slower pace got slower yet, and I had trouble judging just exactly where the trees in front of me actually were. So I let the other guys go by thinking that watching a rear fender would help with my depth perception.

We take the cut-off labelled "Service". Ted swears this is the cutoff for the Carrieville campground. I'm thinking otherwise, but oblige. We're whipping along the curves, when up in front of me is a huge metal blade blocking the trail! Boy, the CR brakes work really great too! Thank God for that! On the back side of the blade is a man sitting on a dozer. Must be they're opening up the trail width for those Argo's after all! Good thing this isn't a weekend, or there'd be bikes splattered on that dozer blade like bugs on a windshield. Anyway, we confirm that the "Service" cutoff is for Peacock, turn around, and proceed to go back the way we came. Realizing this, since our tracks were the only ones on the trail, we turn around and head south.

We're cruising along OK, still getting pretty wet. I'm trying to deteremine if there's a try spot on my body....well, never mind, too much description. We're at the south peak, at 1:10pm, when we stop for a break. Rob says "You know, I have to be back at the truck by 2, you think we can do this". Gee, I do the math in my head....we left between 10:30 and 11:00, it's now just past 1, and we're at the halfway point. Sure, we can do it!!

So we head out, with plans to pick up the ORV route at Carrieville that cuts the southern part of the trail loop in half. In here, the single track is really tight, and the leaves constantly hit us in the face and body. The Acerbis Rally Guards protect the only part of my body that's dry - my fingers. The rest is getting a leaf sponge bath. Uck! The constant drenching combined with speed = a rapid cooling effect. My bones are aching from the cold, but I'm still having a great time! Better than a road bike ride!

We miraculously find the ORV Route and blitz westward. This part of the route is actually really nice too, not too beat up like other parts. We get sailing in the top gears just fine, and the jersey starts drying out because I'm not hitting the leaves anymore.

One more bumble. I went too far north, but I was thinking I'm still south of the trail parking lot. So I pick up some single track heading north, and boogey along. I realize I'm all alone. I wait for awhile, but don't hear anyone. I start my bike just in time to hear Ted's motor. He came and told me Rob was heading back down the road. You know how Ted can tell you that you messed up, but do it so diplomatically....he did that to me. We headed back, and he proceeded to head down M-37 south. Wait a minute Ted! I'm riding a bike with only number plates, no license! Oh, what the heck! I head off after him, hoping to God that the local Sheriff is having a coffee break back in Baldwin. We whip into the lot just as Rob in loading his bike. The time: 1:55pm! Plenty of time to spare for Rob to be able to get another hall pass from the wife for the next ride!

Ted hands out our "Woodsy's Delight" trail emergency kits. Boy, that Ted sure provides some useful tools and trailside menu guides!! I'll cherish that kit for a long time, thanks Ted! I just hope I'll never have to use it. With my trail guiding abilities however, I'd better bring it along. Woodsy, don't worry, I'm picking up where you left off - I got turned around about a half dozen times on this ride, and this is easy stuff! Just imagine if I had to ride the Boon Trail.

So Ted and I talk for awhile. I really feel like riding some more, and wish I had a spare contact. But riding half-blind wasn't that great, so I decide to pack it in. I invited Ted to join me for a sandwich and coffee at the trailer, but he declines politely. "I've got more riding to do north of here". I know where that is, and I know it'll involve pictures for Woodsy.....

Ted is something else. He leaves the Chicago area at 3am to make this ride. He rides 20-30 miles with us, is taking off mid-afternoon to do more. Then he's heading back home to pick up his wife and work on Friday. Then Saturday morning he's heading back to Michigan for another ride, then the Rose City hare scrambles. What an awesome guy!!! He's got such a great outlook. He say's "I bought this KTM this year to see if I could wear it out, or I would be worn out trying". Well Ted, that KTM sure looks more worn out than you! You look younger and better each time I see you! I think you'd better think about a major rebuild for that KTM this winter so she'll make it all next year!

Thanks for the great ride, guys!


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
One more thing. Ted took pictures of my CRE, I'll put them up as soon as he has time to send them to me. More eye candy for our friend Woodsy!


Dec 2, 2003
Great ride by the sounds of it. Although I it sounds like it was wet enough that I think I actually enjoyed being at work Thursday.

That bulldozer encounter bothers me. What was he doing in there? Making an already too wide trail wider? Not good.

Dont feel bad about getting lost there Mark. I have heard that a few times lattely. One of my friends ended up in someones back yard. Although I dont understand how. Its a loop. ya keep ridding and you will end up right back were ya

Kinda like the ride to Boone and back. The trail goes up, the trail goes down. A pretty simple concept in theary. But it never seems to work out that way does it. Its those shortcuts that always seem to turn into long cuts.

Mark you mentioned camping up there next weekend? I am gonna be up at the cabin next weenend. You are welcome to join us. Its just a little bit down US10 towards ludington. Maybe 10 minutes from 37.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
FANTASTIC ride report there Brother Mark!! I could not have done a better job of leading an unsuspecting pack of riders into the abiss myself!! MAIDEN VOYAGE ON A BIKE, RAIN, NO TOOLS and LOST - has the makings of a GREAT ADVENTURE - Woodsy style :) I am soooooo glad to hear that you have "taken up the slack" for me about getting lost!! One thing that I might toss in here - your 1st mistake was actually Teds first mistake and that was that the Emergency Kits didnt get passed out till after the ride - I am telling you - THE KIT WORKS!!!! By the way, most of my own REAL lost situations occur beyond the Lincoln Hills Bridge on the Boon Trail so you are definitly filling a void of necessary Proper Trail Leadership! I dont usually get into "advanced adventure antics" like you did when I am below the Bridge. Anything "lost in nature" below the bridge that I do is nothing more then "a twisted mind trying to twist someone elses mind! Perhaps, once I am back in the saddle, you and I could plan a 5 day ride/adventure extravaganza , you leading everything below the Bridge and me leading everything above it :) Problem may be getting victims, ahhhh I mean "followers" to go with us.... I will have to work on that...
Actually, that dozer was probably doing trail maintenance on the ORV trail that services snowmobiles in the winter (I havent heard of single trail being lost to widening up there - sheesh, I HOPE that aint the case, I would sic Joe Daugherty on them for sure!!). They run that doser cause a sled trail grader dont stand a chance of leveling those sand whoops during the winter but a dozer does a GREAT job of controling things during the summer. One thing for sure, if your riding that double wide stuff on a bike or a quad you dont wanna be caught "dozing" or your sure to be caught being "dozed" (I could go on and on :) ) Another good reason to stay on the single trail!!! Of course, no one enjoys having wet leaves and roost being tossed in your face either, so every once in a while even us "single minded people" will wander over onto the double wide stuff, at times!! This all brings up another interesting point about the issue at hand. During the Snow Chicken (and at MANY other occasions for us winter riders) that area becomes REALLY volatile. It is entirely possible to find 60 plus bikes and quads venturing out for "the chicken" onto those trails while our sled riding brothers are still out there RIPPING in the woods on their 150 horse sleds - gotta REALLY be careful on the double wide stuff!! Again, makes ol Woodsy even more confident that the LOVE for single trackin is the road to happiness!!
All in all, sounds like you guys had a GREAT adventure. THANK YOU for the suberb write up Mark! It REALLY means alot to us shut in folks!! And, oh yea, :thumb: on the comparison between street and dirt!!
By the way, your comments about Young Ted are RIGHT ON TARGET!! He and Connie (WHAT A SWEETHEART!!!) visited with me for 5 hours today so I had a "heads up" on your report! We laughed and cried together - what a fun day!! I am going to write up a "Visit Report" soon and attach it to the ongoing Woodsy's Situtation thread so keep your eyes open - YOU WILL BE SHOCKED at what those 2 wonderful people did!!


Mi. Trail Riders
Nov 1, 2002
YZMAN400 said:
That bulldozer encounter bothers me. What was he doing in there? Making an already too wide trail wider? Not good.

Now I am wondering what is going on up there. I rode the Little Manistee Route (2 track) last May and the route had been recently groomed. It was smoother than the average Michigan road. No whoops, berms,or ruts. Just as boring as riding a road bike. Rumor has it that Tin Cup was groomed too. Has anyone been to Tin Cup lately? Are they turning that into a road too?


Dec 2, 2003
IF they are taking the woops outta the 2-tracks that is fine. As long as they stay out of our single track.


Mi. Trail Riders
Nov 1, 2002
YZMAN400 said:
IF they are taking the woops outta the 2-tracks that is fine. As long as they stay out of our single track.
YES, I agree.... but the grooming of the 2 track was completed last May, that is why I am wondering what is going on up there now?



Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
YZMAN400 said:
That bulldozer encounter bothers me. What was he doing in there? Making an already too wide trail wider? Not good.

Not to worry, they were opening up the two track by Peacock. It looks like that's all the guy was doing.

As far as smoothing it out, he was actually making it worse.

Mark you mentioned camping up there next weekend? I am gonna be up at the cabin next weenend. You are welcome to join us. Its just a little bit down US10 towards ludington. Maybe 10 minutes from 37.

I'll keep that in mind, and will let you know later on if we'll do that. Thanks!


Sep 1, 2003
Judge MWEISSEN has covered things very well. I can add some from my side though. It has been two years since I was on those trails and when we got to the junction with the big stump, I thought it was the one where you went east to Carrieville. That junction is where the MCCCT joins the Little Manistee - my error. That dozer was on the service highway to Peacock and Mark's Honda sure has power - he was pushing him off the trail when I came up behind him. After making the 180 at Peacock, Mark directs me to lead. At the service sign I go right and keep going until I realize there are tracks on the trail and haven't gone through an open area. Something is wrong. The Woodsy conclusion is obvious - we're lost. There is a second service sign I didn't see, nor did I see the trail to the right at that point. So much for my leading ability. We had more than one laugh and to me it is well worth whatever it takes. Life riding in the woods is just a ball.
Ready to roll
Young Ted


Sep 1, 2003
Mark – On another thread there was mention of judge, bribe and connected to me. Someone whose name I’ve lost right now made this. It’s bound to show up eventually though. Is there a possibility that your invitation for lunch after riding is a part of this? Maybe backwards, but a bribe is a bribe

Young Ted


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Lost does as lost should do - he keeps his head low and his mouth shut!! Well, I tried (that lasted 5 seconds :) ) , now let me say that if that luncheon was at a resturant where a waitress named Renie resides then, ABSOULUTLEY: a bribe (not a bride) warrant is certainly established!!!
Chew on that Nelson hahaha
On the mend!!!!!!!!!


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
woodsy said:
On the mend!!!!!!!!!Woodsy

After that picture of the Mrs. Young Ted and you, I should say so!

Ted, I thought we were going to keep the bribeery to ourselves until Woodsy's mind was clear of those funky prescription drugs he's taking! Oh well, the words out, that 20 you spotted me will do! INCA 1, KADIE.....oh, I can't do that to a man down!! Hurry up and get well there Woodserony!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Hey Mark (and EVERYONE!!) :
I just stood outside on my "lawn" for 45 minutes talking to Larry (you know him - the CR250 guy) and NO GOING NUMB from the waist down (in brace though)!! HURRAY HURRAY HURRAY!!!! FELT FANTASTIC!! My walking time is up to 20 minutes at almost full stride (still on the drugs though) then I "pain out" but this is HUGE compared to where I was!! Like I said guys - ON THE MEND :thumb:
I do have some new "numbness" that concerns me on the top and side of my thighs that may or may not have to be addressed in another surgery but HEY, I am on the road to recovery!!!
Now, about that bribery. I KNEW IT, I JUST KNEW IT!! And here I have been pulling in KADIES rains (I dont know how to spell the other kind of "rains" :) ) You 2 have been in cahoots all along..... Well, the next time I will be more careful who I trust (sheesh, I wonder if those words have ever been spoken before..). Ahhh, thats ok, Kadie and I will know who to hunt down for a friendly mud coating on our first outing!!
(now dont that sound more like the REAL Woodsy?)


Sep 1, 2003
Mark - Glad you mentioned that 20. I'd forgotten to list it for Schedule C as a business expense. The word bribe therefore is no longer applicable. What does kahoots and Renie at a restaurant have to do with survival of the fittest? Do I detect a little jealousy from our determined patient? Your compassion for not picking on KADIE while down is commendable. KADIE is not only down but I also know for a fact that he is lost and Woodsy isn't even aware of it.

Woodsy - As I recall, we are on your roost list already. Does this mean we now get a 2 added behind our names?

Young Ted


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
That is exactly the way it works there Master Of The Trail!! You have now earned 2 coatings!! I can only hope and pray that the little section of trail on the White Cloud Trail that I LOVE so much gets as much water in it as it had on YZMAN's video!! This REAL special small area is about 4 miles in (kind of in a little valley) that is PERFECT for a "ROOST AMBUSH" and mud as black as it gets!!!
Do you guys remember it? If you dont now you will when I get better :) Pretty big talk from a man who cant even wipe his own bottom :) hahahahaha

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