
AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
Thought I would share a couple of crappy shots I got out at McAfee this last Sunday. It's an awesome track and is good for all skill levels. The owner (Mark McAfee) has it setup with a sprinkler system so dust control is taken care of. Shade... plenty of that! Dirt.... Excellent. Similar to Nocona but a bit more sand.

They have open practice. Track opens at 9am and closes at dusk. I know for sure that it's open Saturday and Sunday. I think he's open Tuesday and Thursday. Phone number: 214-543-1575

It's location is on 902 kinda near Lake Kiowa. From Denton take Hwy 380 to 377 North till just before Collinsville. Turn left on FM 902 and it will be about 5 to 6 miles down on your left. You will see a small pond at the front of the property. I live in Plano and it takes me an hour to get there. :cool:

It's a new track and he's making changes to it to make it even friendlier to the general population. The only thing that might need some changes are maybe a bit more lift on a couple of the tables and it would be cool to have a whoop section. It is definitely worth the $15 fee and the drive!

Next time I head out, I'll take my good digital and try to get some better shots of the whole track.



Freedom Ain't Free
Jul 3, 1999
This place is awesome & definitely worth a look see. The track layout is excellent and the jump faces are near perfect (Twinny, you just need to go faster) :ride:

Nice shaded parking area & that nice sandy loam type soil.


AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
taraker said:
This place is awesome & definitely worth a look see.

WOW! All I can remember is me cursing a fouled plug and YOU whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining and whining about a wet track and your purdy bike! Such a turn-around for a whiner. ;)

I'm headed back out Sunday morning for the 9am opening. It's not for the meek... It might be a little wet from the sprinklers. :nener:


N. Texas SP
Nov 7, 2001
I see Nocona is closed again this weekend so it might be a popular place. I'm hoping to get away and head out there Sun as well.


AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
I'm out for tomorrow.. next Sunday is my plan now...


AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
Going tomorrow... by myself... AGAIN! Be there at 9am. More pics to follow..... :)

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