Need safe places to ride, anyone know any local tracks for me! HELP PLEASE


Aug 1, 2008
hi, im new to thr forum, i ride a kx85, motocross. I live in westchester NY and i need to find some places i can ride for safety reasons. Im not trying to get hit by a car now, breaking bones is cool with me just as long as its done on a track or in woods or a safe environment. Im 16 but i can drive about 30 min. - 60 min. to a spot. If anyone knows any tracks or any local spots where they ride please let me know. Im new to riding and i want to kinda get a feel for my bike, i wanna try racing on a real track, with a bunch of noobs like myself ofcoarse, so i dont piss all the good riders off. I wanna learn how to ride real motocross like james stewart and ryan villapoto and all those guys. Im currently and just riding in a local spot, just some woods in Elmsford. Please Help me find some spots guys and girls. Thanks. Post or PM i dont care i just need to know where to go. :boss:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Breaking bones is cool with you? How about your parents?

Think about this for a minute. You want to ride at a track... how do tracks make their money? By having races and practice sessions. How do riders get faster? By practice. So chances are you can find a place but it's not going to be spodes only because no track would last if it was strictly for people that ride slow and fall down. What you need to do is find a local club or track and then hook up with those folks. As long as you are going to use manners, pull your own weight and speak in reasonable english most good people will help you out. Try to be a cool future James Stewart and you'll be sitting on your bike in the garage alone. Ask around the local shops to see what clubs or tracks might be near you and which ones might be less dangerous to your parents financial situation.

Next and I really hate to be the bad guy here but if you plan to be the next JBS or RV you started about 8 years too late my friend. There is no reason you can't get to the higest level of local racing and maybe even dabble in some national stuff but the money, time and family commitment to hit the mark is scary.

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