Wayne Meuir

Feb 2, 2009
Hi, I have already made a couple of posts, but have never introduced myself, so here goes:
I am 62, retired and have been riding bikes all my life, starting with a Cushman Eagle when I was 11. I rode strictly dirt bikes from the mid 60's to late 70's. I then began touring the country on street bikes and stopped riding dirt bikes altogether when I broke my back on New Years Day 1982 on an RM125. I currently have 10 street bikes, all but one are 2-strokes, 1972 Kaw H2 Triple, 1975 Kaw H1 Triple, 1977 Kaw KH400 Triple, 1976 Suzuki GT750 Triple, two 1966 Suzuki T20 X6 Hustlers, two Suzuki GT550 Triples and a 1984 Yamaha RZ350, and a 2002 Kaw Concours sport tourer.
Reason I am here:
I am going to give dirt riding another try and hope I am not simply too old to handle it. I know I will enjoy it, some of the best times of my life were on dirt bikes. My Grandson is 7 and is riding a CRF50 and I hope to get to enjoy watching him progess.
I am currently looking for a KDX200/220 because I am a 2-stroke nut and do not want the maintainenece headaches of a 4-stroke. I think I know my limits and can ride without getting hurt, maybe not like I used to, but it should still be fun.


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