newbie - expected rebuild interval


Sep 17, 2005
I'm looking to get a trail bike and my research as led me here. I want something that I don't have to rebuild all the time like those MX bikes. So, I've been looking at the XR250, TT-R250, WR250, DRZ250, KLX300, and of course the KDX.

My question will require a pretty subjective answer I know, but I need an idea of how long I can ride the KDX before I have to rebuild it. Like I said, I just plan on doing normal trail riding for fun, no racing. A lot of my riding will be with my wife (who has a little klx125L), so I won't be pushing it at all when I'm with her.

If you can't speculate to the number of hours or miles between rebuilds, how much more or less often would a KDX need a rebuild as compared to the other thumpers I mentioned?

Thanks for taking the time to help a newbie!


Aug 23, 2005
do a compression test every other year if thats all your doing, they can go forever and still have some good power. Mine is a 2001 and it was trail ridin untill i started going full throttle sometimes. But i think i can go another 2 years before a rebuild. Trust me a kdx is the way to go.


May 23, 2004
I bought my 03 220r new in 04 , i have heard all the rumors about the grenade stocker piston , checked into it some , and really didnt buy into it after the research i did. I summed it up to people riding a KDX as they should (Hard and Fast) and just going way to many hours on it. I put 13 months of every Sunday 4-5 hour rides , and in the late spring and early summer week night rides of a couple of hours. When i did the top end with my RB head mod and carb , the stocker was in great shape , but now i have a wiesco. I ride a fair amount and i ride it hard too , so i have with all my 2 strokes , been the type who likes to do the top end once a year , that way im never ,sorry than safe. It is really cheap insurance and an evenings work , and the exhaust valves need the attention anyways.


Dec 29, 2002
I've had several of the bikes you listed- the XR250 and WR250 and know the KLX300- and my KDX is the most reliable, trouble-free, bike I've ever owned. I ride 2-3 times a week for 1-6 hrs a stretch (usually around 2) and change the piston and rings every other year. The first time was after the other owner and the ring gap was near the end of the "new" specs. The second time was all mine. Running YamalubeR at 32:1, after 2 years, the Pro-X piston looked great and the rings were only 1/2 way from "new" to the "new" limit, nowhere near the service limit. It's an easy rebuild and the main reason I do the top end is more to clean the powervalve than for the piston. Once you done the work of popping the jug and buying gaskets, $85 for a new piston seems reasonable, so I just put a new one in.


Aug 23, 2005
supposidly the stock piston isnt great. Mine is pretty good, cause ive been racing my bike and it still runs like a champ. So im thinikng when you get the time put a weisco piston in it and that will last you years and years

John Harris

Apr 15, 2002
No piston problems on the 200s like some 220s. A KDX 200 will trail ride for years. I have had 4 KDXs starting with a 175 and have never had the top end off of any of them. Just ride and enjoy. Modify or not to suit your tastes and pocketbook. John

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