Aug 5, 2005
Well I was out this past weekend with Derrick, Steve and I. After riding on the south side of Burma rd and coming back out that way I decided to cross back over at the power lines and see about all the new signage. This is where we met up with a bunch of guys from RI that were also very good riders. Turns out they didn't seem to mark any of the single track but there are a few signs up on the main fire trails. It's a little confusing to say the least as to exactly where they don't want you. Think this might be on purpose? I do! If you line up the signs I saw and plot them on a GPS you can still ride most of the single track we love over there. I even found a trail that was over grown and right in our backyard that we never road before. It's not like I'm going to push the issue of riding over there but it seems like we can still ride. I also spoke with a couple of the RAC guards and one of them tells me he will check it out and let me know when he see's me next week. He hasn't heard of anyone getting tickets yet but I know that isn't true. My take on it is that it won't be long before the locals take down the few signs that are out there and no one knows again where to stay away from. Seems like it will be a problem for them in the long run anyway as the bikes keep trails open so if there ever was a fire there might be a way to get to it. Anyway enough of my ranting see you guys out there Sat. 10-2 unless I decide to go racing in NY. I love that area and they put on a really nice event. Will keep you all posted but right now I'm riding RAC unless I hear back that more of you want to run the race even if we just ride it like a Dualsport which is always a good option.


Apr 2, 2009
I'm in for Saturday if you don't head up to NY. I'd even go there Sunday if I could get away without the plate and stuff that I don't currently have. Haven't heard back from Brad yet about other options...


Aug 5, 2005
Sorry guys can't make it this weekend. With all the rain I need to get somethings around the house done tomorrow and looks like rain again for Sunday.

Hope to see you guys next week


Jun 15, 2001
Im good for Sunday. I just got my tire back at 8:30 PM so I'll mount it Sat and I still need to do some welding on the stem clamp. Good news is it looks like GPR fixed the travel issue durring the service. Ill know for sure when I get the clamp welded up. Only have 1 rim lock but it will have to do. Better than none. Ill take it back next week for a second one to be put in.


Aug 5, 2005
I only ever run one. That's all you really need unless it goes flat then it would be nice to have two. I'll be getting the bikes ready tomorrow and hope to be out weather permiting Sat the 9th.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
I can remeber times when Jason showed up at Paragon to ride and his front tire was already flat. It never slowed him down. I actually think he needs 4 rim locks on each wheel. :ohmy:


Aug 5, 2005
Saturday The 9th

Bikes are ready to go. Spoke to Jason and he might ride. Brad has to wait and see till Friday. Who else is going to make it? Might be the last of the warm days this year.


Jun 15, 2001
RM_guy said:
I can remeber times when Jason showed up at Paragon to ride and his front tire was already flat. It never slowed him down. I actually think he needs 4 rim locks on each wheel. :ohmy:

Yeah the front's not a big deal for me to ride flat but I blew out my front earlier this year when I was running a trials front and that was a handful to say the least riding about 2 miles back in on the rocky main trails. I took some clicks off my front compression and that is helping me to be ok running a bit of air in the front now, that and having my GPR back in working trim :nod:
The new Trials X lite on the back has a stiffer sidewall and nice soft center, I had a great day on it riding the rocky and slimy single track up in Hazelton Moon Shine country last week after all the rain. I was watching all the guys on knobs chin saw on the rocks and I was even riding the rear at 12 psi. I was running the old trials at 10 psi but it was shady over 30 MPH. We road back in on the street about 5 miles and it felt just fine on the pavement even in the turns.


Aug 5, 2005

Decided not to ride the Dualsport as I doubt it will be worth the trip as far as single track. Hooked up with a local guy last week and he's going to show us around on the south side of berma rd this week. Should be a really good ride he's a very talented rider and knows the area well. Meet Berma rd ready to ride 10:00am. Right now it's Brad, Steve and me along with the local guy Matt. Who else is planning on coming out to play?


Aug 5, 2005
New area!!!!

Wow! is about the appropriate word to sum it up. The ride started with Brad Steve me and the new guy Matt. Brad made it about 1/2 mile and his bike died so we went back to the truck and I helped him figure out that it wasn't getting fuel through the carb and needed to come apart and be cleaned. He hasn't ridden the thing in over a month and something clogged it. I took Matt through some of the stuff we normally ride and showed him a new area that he's never seen then we went into his turf and the fun began for me. There is a whole valley down past where we usually take a break in that washout down from the fire tower and then up onto the mountain on the other side. we covered about 20 miles of some glorious new single track that I can't wait to get back and explore. Darrell when you make and out and ride with Matt it will be an interesting day to say the least. He's a very talented rider. You'll really enjoy it!


Aug 5, 2005
Tomorrow 10/23

Just checked weather and it should be a warm and sunny day. I plan on explaoring the new area that Matt should me last week. Looks like Brad, Steve and me so far. Who else is planning on coming?


Aug 5, 2005
The riding doesn't get much better than this!

This past saturdays ride was absolutely incredible! It was the usual cast of characters Brad, Steve, Jason, me and a special guest appearance by Buddy and Draw. We started out on the north side doing a small loop waiting for the Kirats to get there. They met us at Burma and the power lines and I took them on some stuff that only I had ridden the week before and even found a branch that I didn't see before. It's amazing how much is out there if you only just look. I must have clocked over 20 miles before we were down near the lake on the south side and buddy wanted to show me some stuff that I hadn't seen over there. We both took turns showing each other new and very challenging terrain that was right under our noses. By the end of the ride near 40 miles of pure single track heaven. Brad who hadn't ridden in over 3 months was begging to go back to the truck but secretly didn't want the ride to end. The weather, company and terrain was awesome! What more could you ask for? SOme of you guys that haven't been out will be in awe when you get to see this stuff.
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Aug 5, 2005
Saturday 9/30

So who's in for this weekend? Looks like the weather will be awesome and I want to explore some more. Should be a great ride!

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