
Jul 3, 2002
Yesterday another bill HB1698, was introduced with the intention of diverting most of the NOVA (Nonhighway and Offroad Vehicle Activities) funds to "nonhighway road recreational facilities", in other words, rest stops, outhouses, parking lots! No trails, not for us or any other trail users either.

When you write your state senator and both representatives opposing section 359 of HB1165 and SB5401, please also express your opposition to HB1698. This is just another case of taking funds intended for motorized recreation and desparately trying to spend/waste them on anything but what they are intended for.

I sent out 44 letters yesterday before I found out about this, guess it's time to buy some more stamps and do it all over again.
Good thing I bought 500 envelopes last week :silly:

Sure hope all of your are taking time to write your letters too!
Your right to ride on public land is depending on it!


Jul 3, 2002
Originally posted by Tahuya Rat
When are they going to vote on these?

Currently SB5401 and HB1165 are in committee and since they are the major budget bills, they'll be making a slow trip through the process.
HB1698 was not even been assigned to a committee as of midday yesterday, so I don't how fast it'll move, but most likely it'll get a committee vote much sooner than the other two. Once HB1698 is in a committee, they schedule a hearing on it (public testimony is usually permitted) and after that decide if and when to vote. The committee chairman usually has a lot of control over this process.
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Jul 3, 2002

HB1698 has been assigned to the House Fisheries, Ecology and Parks committee. It should have been assigned the the Natural Resource or Transportation committees, but three of the bills sponsors are on this committee, including committee chairman Mike Cooper.

Because of this, it is moving fast. The first hearing is scheduled for Tuesday February 11, 1:30pm, hearing room A, John L. O'Brien Building.

If your representative is on this committee, please call or email them ASAP

committee members
Mike Cooper (d) - Chairman and bill sponsor
Jean Berkey (d) - Vice Chairman
Bob Sump (r)
Bill Hinkle (r)
Jim Buck (r)
Al O'Brien (d) - bill sponsor
Kirk Pearson (r)
Dave Upthegrove (d) - bill sponsor


Aug 13, 1999

To me, what is even more disturbing than increasing the amount of money spent on facilities, education & law instead of trails is the last section to be added to the RCW's in this bill:

{+ (3) Beginning January 1, 2013, and updated every ten years thereafter,
the interagency committee for outdoor recreation shall contract with an
independent entity to study the source and make recommendations on the
distribution and use of funds provided to off- road vehicle and nonhighway road recreational activities under this section. The study must determine the relative portion of the motor vehicle fuel tax revenues that are attributable
to vehicles operating off-road or on nonhighway roads for recreational purposes as provided in this section. The study must include the types of vehicles and location of their use, the types of recreational activities, the types of recreational facilities used, and the recreational use of forest roads relative to other, nonrecreational uses. +}

More studies to waste our 1% that we don't even get to use for our trails.

If they want to study the matter fine BUT the money should come from the 3.6% that we are due but don't get. The 1972-73 study indicated that 4.6% of the total gas tax was generated by ATVs and other eligible vehicles by their use on trails and non-highway roads. The legislature gratiously granted us 1% instead of the 4.6%, then they divided that 1% into all kinds of non-trail and non-motorized programs.

If they want studies then I want provisions for the funding to be determined based upon the REAL percentages. If OHV's generate 2% and hikers in their SUV's generate 0.01% then that should be the split and the USER groups through the IAC should get to determine what is done with the money.


Sep 26, 2002
Thanks Tod and BBBoom!
Not good news but great job on providing the facts.
I wrote and emailed all my reps again and the committee members who were not bill sponsors. Hopefully we can turn the tide on this one.


Jul 3, 2002
legislature gratiously granted us 1% instead of the 4.6%,

Actually, it's even worse. In the early nineties, the legislature froze the rate at one percent of the 1990 tax, so currently it's only 18/23rd of one percent.

I'm going to Olympia next week to stir the poo, but today it's off to Walker Valley for a little brain cleansing


Jul 3, 2002
Yesterday I went to Olympia and testified before the House Fisheries, Ecology and Parks Committee in opposition to HB1698. About a dozen people spoke and was pretty well split 50/50. Unfortunately for us, the committee chairman, Representative Mike Cooper (d) is also the prime sponor of the bill and they have two other co-sponsors on the committee.

So out of a committee of nine, you need five votes to move the bill from committee to the full house. Three democrat sponors, plus the two other democrats against four republicans. The math is pretty clear and I'm sure we'll see this move out of committee soon. Kirk Pearson (r) is on that committee and was very supportive but will be outvoted.

Additionally, I visited with six other member of the House of Representatives yesterday and all of them were interested in our concerns and appear to all be on our side. They all happened to be republicans, so it wasn't a real cross section. Merely another indicator how the world of legislative politics revolves around party line most of the time.


Sep 26, 2002
Thanks for waving the flag for us Tod.
Other than writing our representatives, which I have already done, is there something else that the average Dirtrider can be doing to help our cause?


Jul 3, 2002
Hey folks,

Thanks for supporting your sport.
Here's the offical NMA word of the day.
Cut and paste, print and spread around!

Tod :p


Dirt bike riders, ATV riders, 4WD enthusiasts, equestrians, mountain bike

We have been fighting radical green attempts to steal our only source of
funding for off-road motorized/multiple use trails and parks for years.
Last year, they finally made a dangerous breakthrough. Using our trail
project funds, via key, inside connections in Olympia, they got a fuel use
study going.

Without going into gory detail, the results of this underfunded fuel use
study, which used questionable language and methods (no on-the-ground,
in-person surveys), are being used to justify a complete reallocation of our
only source of funds (gas tax refunds) - to every sort of recreation except
motorized/multiple use! Non-motorized use of fuel tax refund is an

While the IAC is at least asking for six months to meet with the existing
NOVA committee, and will be adding whole raft of new members as indicated by
the study, to come up with a new reallocation - the WTA can't wait and is
pushing, with the help of friendly legislators, bills which drive a
reallocation right now! They think they have got us over a barrel, that
they have won! NO WAY!

HOW BAD IS THIS? Motorized/multiple use recreation currently gets about 80%
of the gas tax refund. Under a straight cut reallocation per the fuel use
study, we would be cut to 20%!

We have a huge disparity between the demand for off-road trails and parks
and the available opportunity, it has reached a crisis level. To suffer
such a cut in our only source of funding will be a disaster. We will be
hard pressed to just keep our existing ORV areas open, never mind ever
closing the gap between demand and opportunity!


We have a three pronged plan of attack:
1. Stop any and all state legislation (bills and budget proviso
language) that would forever reallocate our only source of funds.
2. Work hard within the proposed IAC process and try to protect
as much of our current funding as possible.
3. Continue to research any legal options.

We need your help to do this! This is way bigger than a Walker Valley
seasonal closure, and you all came through big time on that one. DO YOUR

First, we need to launch a communications blitz into Olympia. Every single
legislator must receive letters, phone calls, emails and faxes. And no form
letters! Following this are the talking points we think will have the
greatest impact on our legislator's thinking. Use them! If you need any
help finding out how to contact your legislators, go to the NMA's site,
where you can get the information just by entering your zip code.

Second, we have a dedicated enthusiast now serving as our lobbyist,
attending and testifying at every hearing, and meeting with Legislators. We
need everyone who can manage to do so, to show up in Olympia and stand by
our man. Even one more person at a hearing can make a difference! If you
think you can put some time in here, contact us and we'll connect you up so
that you can know the schedule and can line up a session.

Third, the NMA needs money, to help maintain our presence in Olympia, and
cover legal costs. Please, as an individual, or as a club, or a business,
make a donation to the NMA Land Use/Legislative/Legal fund! Take a moment
to think about how much money you spend every year pursuing your off road
recreational interest, then send even just 1% of that amount to the NMA! Do
it Now! Next month may be too late! Send your donation to; NMA Treasurer,
6702 Penny Lane, Lynnwood, WA, 98036.

Here are the talking points for your communication with your legislator:


We believe that a grave mistake is about to be made.

Demand continues to grow far faster than opportunities for off-road
motorized (and therefore multiple use) trail and park recreation; indeed,
the disparity is reaching crisis proportions.

An underfunded fuel use study with questionable language and methods, and
results which do not correlate with past and recent studies (including
federal), is being offered by those who oppose shared multiple-use
recreation as a reason to radically reallocate the only funding source for
off-road motorized recreation in this state.

Any reduction in the funding for off-road motorized/multiple use trail and
park recreation will drive the current demand-opportunity crisis towards a
full blown disaster. Failure to provide managed, appropriate opportunities
will result in the demand naturally seeking other outlets.

Already, bootleg trail systems and backyard tracks are exploding across the
landscape. When the sole sanctioned ORV trail opportunity in the northwest
sound, Walker Valley, was recently manipulated into an unnecessary seasonal
closure, the outpouring of public response was overwhelming. The demand is
bursting at the seams! Forcing this exploding demand to seek its own
unmanaged opportunities is NOT what we want for our state lands!

Further, a frustrated marketplace will soon severely impact the ORV
businesses. New unit sales and service, and an extensive aftermarket
cottage industry, will suffer and contract, hurting employment and tax
revenues. Northwest Puget Sound businesses saw their traffic almost
immediately dry up until the Walker Valley reopening.

All of the possible recipients of any proposed reallocation of this funding
have ample primary sources of funding for their single purpose non-shared
use. Remember, Nonhighway and Offroad Vehicle Activities (NOVA) funding
for off-road motorized/multiple use trails and parks was created in the
early 70's when those very recreationists came to the state government and
offered to rescind their right to a personal gas tax refund and to add a new
ORV registration fee, in return for the creation, management, and
maintenance of such opportunities.

Washington needs to focus on ensuring that the current meager funding for
off-road motorized trail and park recreation is more effectively spent,
indeed, we need to actively pursue options to increase the funds! Please,
deeply consider the terribly negative outcomes of any decision to reduce the
funding for, and therefore off-road motorized recreation opportunities!


In the early 70's, emerging demand for multiple use/motorized off-road
opportunities led to the realization that there was no source of funding to
create, manage and maintain such in Washington. Such recreationists
created, with the Legislature, the only Washington state program focused on
satisfying that demand.

As a result, under RCW 46.09.170, 1% of the state's gas tax, and dirt
bike/ATV registration fees were provided to the Department of Natural
Resources (DNR) and the Inter Agency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC),
to provide properly managed opportunities.

The growth in demand has rarely faltered over the decades, indeed, it has
been exploding . Sadly, after an encouraging beginning, growth in
opportunities has been absent. No, we have instead regularly lost whole
riding areas, and many trail miles from the areas still open. The disparity
is worse now than it was when off-road motorized recreation enthusiasts
first turned to government to create a solution!

It has not been easy, trying to get value for the small amount of money
supposedly focused on meeting this demand. Anti-motorized off road
recreation organizations have increasingly blocked projects with lawsuits,
such that land management now avoids even proposing projects, and
bureaucracy has absorbed too great of a percentage.

Now, this thinly veiled attack on this family oriented form of outdoor
recreation by those who openly hate this activity, threatens to create a
land management and economic disaster in Washington. Please, don't cut the
ONLY source of funding for truly shared multiple use, which includes
properly managed ORV recreation!
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die you sycophant !
May 22, 2000
Thanks for the heads up, Tod!

Would you be able to send me a Word doc that I could print for disttribution like you did for Walker Valley? I'll get some out to the shops this weekend if you can.

Tahuya Rat

Apr 11, 2002
The one on the NMA site can be pasted into a word doc, trying to do it from the drn post is a pain.
I'm going to stop by Tahuya and post it today.

Tahuya Rat

Apr 11, 2002
Ran into one of the DNR guys at Tahuya, they're definately opposed to the legislation. Seems the cut affects them too, as that's where their money comes from (Educational Enforcement). Also, turns out there were only 50,000 fuel use study surveys sent out (out of a population of about 3.5 million), with only 7,500 responses. They'd already heard a number, 20% of the 1% instead of 60% of the 1% that we're legally entitled to but never got.
Has anyone ever seen legislation acted on 7,500 responses for anything, anywhere, ever???????????
This is no less than criminal.


Jul 3, 2002

HB1698 will be discussed in executive session by the House Fisheries, Ecology and Parks committee Thursday morning (27Feb) at 8 AM. Public comment is not allowed at this session, but it would not hurt to contact committee members and remind them how much this bill stinks, ESPECIALLY if it is one of YOUR representatives on the committee.

committee members
Mike Cooper (d) - Chairman and bill sponsor
Jean Berkey (d) - Vice Chairman
Bob Sump (r)
Bill Hinkle (r)
Jim Buck (r)
Al O'Brien (d) - bill sponsor
Kirk Pearson (r)
Dave Upthegrove (d) - bill sponsor


Aug 13, 1999
Thanks for your work over there Tod!

As far as a Word Doc, I can email you one that I made up with information on the 3 Bills and the Representatives. PM me or email me at and I will send you one.

The information is 3 pages long with a sign up sheet for anyone that may want more info (I will call or email anyone that needs more info) - name/number/time to call/email are requested. The last page is a tear off strip thing with the names of the 3 bills, Legislative Hotline # and web addresses for the Wa Legislature and NMA.

I printed out several copies, added copies of the Legislative District Maps and Rep. Contact Info for the Districts around Spokane and started handing them out to the local shops and anyone I knew that could help out.

There is so much information that it's hard to get something for people to take with them so I thought the tear off strip and sign up sheet may help motivate a few more people.

The last page of my Document refers to the Districts around here so you will need to change that or remove it if you decide to use it.

If anyone wants a copy, let me know. If you see a better way of doing it or saying what needs to be said on it let me know that too - I have no Pride of Authorship (besides, I plagiarized Dave Hiatt & the NMA!!!).


Jul 3, 2002
Here's some additional ammunition to use when discussing the need to protect/increase ORV funding:

The number of offroad vehicle registrations is Washington State has increased 47 percent in the last 10 years.

The amount of trail mileage open to offraod motorcycles has decreased from about 11,000 to 2477 in the last 30 years.

Tahuya Rat

Apr 11, 2002
Comittee member email list;

Mike Cooper (sponsor)
Jean Barkey
Bob Sump
Bill Hinkle
Jim Buck
Al o' Brien (sponsor)
Kirk pearson
Dave Upthegrove (sponsor)

I suggest sending notes seperately, and tailored to whether they are sponsoring this pig or not.

For complete address & phone #s of all our reps,

Tod, for overall hiker mileage should our milage be added to it?

Tahuya Rat

Apr 11, 2002
To Kirby Wilbur, KVI radio 570 AM;

Dear Kirby,
Please help stop an attack on NOVA funds by a special interest group, the Washington Trails Association. There are 3 bills, SB5401 (section 359), HB1165 (section359), and HB1698 that are attempting to divert almost all NOVA funds to non-motorized trail use. NOVA was set up about 30 years ago to use our gas tax refunds for off road vehicles towards trail mantainance, Enforcement and Education officers, etc. Even though 100% of the trails open to ORV's are also open to all non-motorized users as well - and are a small fraction of the trail systems available to non-ORVs, the WTA's paid lobbyists are pushing through these bills that would eventually result in the elimination of ALL ORV recreation opportunities in this state.
Please read this message from the Northwest Motorcycle Association:

and read the sections of the bills in question.


These bills are a sneak attack on the ORV community. They conducted an incredibly flawed and biased "fuel use survey" last year which compared hiker's freeway miles to ORV's trail miles in determining who contributes more refundable off highway fuel tax. This survey was sent out to just over 40,000 WA residents and had approx. 7200 hundred respondants, yet are the basis for 3 BILLS!!


That's the way they want it. The only mention I have seen in the daily comic strips, was a wildly distorted and biased view in the Seattle PI's "sound off" column, which, of course had the PI's desired effect - completely misinformed responses.

Please help with our efforts to make the public aware of this travesty. If you are willing, I can get you much more information, however, either Tory Briggs or Tod Petersen of the NMA could explain the situation far better than I.

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