
Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
Ok, so here's the deal, back in about Feb. me and my dad noticed that my bike was losing tranny oil at the top of the case (or whatever, where you put in the oil at). First we replaced the cap, didn't fix it. We looked and looked and finally discovered there was a crack in the gasket, which we replaced and it fixed it... until now. It's leaking oil again. I discovered that it was leaking once more during an enduro this past weekend, at about mile 37, it seemed like it had lost about a third of the oil in it, there was a decent sized puddle in the skid plate. I got hurt so I havent' got to wash it yet and look a little closer, but I was wondering if anybody had any ideas what could be wrong with it. Oh, it's a 97 YZ 250 if that makes any difference. Thanks.

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