
Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Rode the Old State House trail/route this past weekend near Oscoda. We stayed at Camp Nissokone, a YMCA camp about 3 miles east of the trail head. This was my first ride since breaking my collarbone on 6/2 (14 weeks out), and was Zach's (age 8) first real ORV trail ride.

The staging area is a nice graded area about 1/4 mile down a dirt road off the main highway. There is a 12 mile ORV route (two track), and a 17 mile ORV trail (single track). Both start and end at the same point. The staging area was empty except for a quad trailer.

I had heard that the Old State House system was good for kids, so we started out on the 17 mile single track loop. The first 300 yards were pretty sandy, especially for my son's XR-70. He had never ridden in sand, and this combined with the twisty single track left him a little unnerved. He was used to riding in a wide-open grassy field, and he didn't like the bike getting squirrely so close to all the trees. We turned around and decided to take the wider 12 mile loop route instead.

The two track was still pretty sandy and dusty (no rain!), but gave the little XR-70 more wiggle room to fight through the sand. The first 1-2 miles were pretty rough. I kept telling Zach to tough it out, and that it would get better and eventually easier. There was always at least 1"-2" of sand, and in quite a few spots 5"-10". The lack of rain did not help. We rode 6 miles, and came up to a slight hill that had fairly deep sand ruts. The XR-70 had done pretty well, and Zach was at least starting to fight through the sand without cussing under his breath :) . So we headed back with a little of that fine Michigan sand experience under his belt. 12 miles in all the first day.

The second day was much better. We took the same 12 mile route again, but this time did the complete loop. We went the opposite direction so that the up hill encountered the first day would be a down hill on the second day. There were some fairly hard packed spots found deep in the woods towards the back of the loop, but still a fair amount of sand for a little kid. The really cool thing was that Zach was a lot more confident riding through the sand. After he made through a tight sandy corner with both feet on the pegs, he was ecstatic. He had gone from "I hate this sand, lets go back! :( " to "Hey that was fun - I made it through! :thumb: " It was cool following 20' behind him and watching him fight his way through the sandy sections, trying to keep his feet on the pegs and using some body english.

We got a little lost, but ended up completing the loop with 17 miles on the odometer the second day. There were quite a few dirt roads, side trails, and stop signs that the route crossed over. After we got back to the staging area, someone there mentioned that the single track is only really sandy in the beginning, so I'd like to try that next time.

It was a great experience watching my son on the brink of tears, hating the sand, to eventually having a riot and enjoying the challenge of it all.

As we were loading up, a guy pulled up in his pickup with a KTM 250 EXC (white, a few years old), and a KX-65, along with his 8 year-old son. They were really nice, and we talked for about 20 minutes. He's from Howell (about 30 minutes from my house), and has about 50 acres of riding area right next to his house. He invited Zach and I to come out and go riding sometime. He never heard of DRN, so I told him all about it.

Overall a great (but short) riding weekend!


- Bill
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Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Hey Bill - Great write-up! Glad to here you are enjoying our sport (I think it is the BEST!) with your son (it dont get no better then that) - mine is 17 now and believe me it is not the same! I really enjoyed your description of seeing your child change from "lets go home to lets ride!".
Its people like you that positively effect our future of trailriding on public land!


Jun 1, 2001
Hi Bill - Glad to hear you are back on the trail. Great to spend time watching/teaching your kids the sport. Take care, see ya at Trailfest IV.

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
it was alway's a good trail to train the young one's on. sand makes them learn fast plus it a bit more forgiving when they do lay it down. you should of keep going on the bike trail, it's a faily wide trail it will harden up a bit but is still very sand. both my boy's learned on that trail. all the way to the back there's a hard pack hill that should just be his speed. just show him how to put the bike down if he can't make it!!!! that way he'll have more confident's. find a small sand or gravel hill let him climb it and stop half way, then put it on the side. then pull it around and walk it down the hill a few times. he get this move under his belt, hills will not bother him any more.


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
The happy end to a dusty trail ride... :thumb:


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Sponsoring Member
Sep 24, 2000
Hey Bill, man I'm sooo envious of you and Zach. My dilema is with my other ( better ) half and a bike for my 8 year old! Momma says he needs better grades, he keeps worrying about brands!

Let me know if I can join you and your new buddy in Howell!

Glad you're back on the trail :yeehaw:



Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Hey Rick -

I asked this guy (Rob) if he knew you, but he didn't. I figured that Howell is a pretty small town, and there weren't too many good looking guys with KTMs! ;)

Based on his business card, he works at Cottman Transmission off Grand River. I'm sure he'd be open to another KTM riding bud. 50 acres of private land! He has an 8-year old on a wicked fast (and loud!) KX-65. I'll keep you in the loop for any planned rides.

Bring your son up to TF IV on 10/26. If he doesn't have a bike, he can take turns riding Zach's. It may give him the incentive to work on his grades so that he can ride! I may even be able to borrow the XR-50 back for that weekend. :aj:


Sponsoring Member
Sep 24, 2000
Bill, thanks for the offer for Trailfest. I'll "grease the skids" and let you know.

Mark, the yzinger sounds nice, maybe around xmas???

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