Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Since I have officially attented a National Indoor Mototrial Championship (Cow Palace, Jan 2003)  AND shaken hands with hottie Geoff Aaron ;) I am officially ready to try out your Dirt Week Trial Des Nations (well,  the nation of Oklahoma anyway).

So what's the scoop??  Is anyone bringing a loaner trials bike?  Are we wingin' it on our bigger bikes? :scream:   Are you bringin' the teeter totter thingy? (I might just take my score of 5 on that....:think: )
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Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Yep!! Pantsman is having some form of Trials event and I want in too!!!


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Nat-- tell ya what, we'll let ya test ride our Beta Rev 3 if you let us try out your 250RFS! :)

Trial des Dirtweek.   I kinda like that!


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Yes I plan to have something for the TdDW. A “fun trial” is going to be setup with a few sections that anybody should be able to test their skills riding the bike they normally do. These will be slower and tighter than what most folks are use to with some off camber turns and if I can find some safe but intimidating obstacles I may get a multiple line section or three set up. I’d also really like to set up a more formal trail if we can find some areas to do it. I’m pretty sure Guy still has a goat bike or two in his stable so this could be a real possibility. Since DW is more of a long travel off-road bike gathering I want to make the slow speed fun available to as many people as what to try it without ending up having loopouts or headovers on some of the real nasty ledges that a higher center of gravity would cause. Obviously anything that’s set up will be open to anybody but I just REALLY want them to understand that just because it’s first gear stuff it doesn’t mean it’s not going to get ya’ hurt or damage your bike. As always I’ll have my Monty along (pending I don’t sell it and try to pick up a new one by then) and am really pretty good about sharing since it does nothing but generate more interest. Just find me and you’ll be “feet up”, I’m pretty sure the line forms behind Rich.

BTW anybody that is interested in helping me set this up just let me know.

PS I am working on on getting a special guest to show up and show how this stuff is really done. Cross your fingers because it's on completly different level when this person does it.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Originally posted by Patman
...PS I am working on on getting a special guest to show up and show how this stuff is really done. Cross your fingers because it's on completly different level when this person does it.

You mean Thump does trials too?



Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
No this would be the OTHER end of the scale Jaybird.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Wow, I show you how to hop a concrete pipe in your backyard and you consider me to be a "special guest to show up and show how this stuff is really done." :laugh: Man, that's nice of you but don't give me so much credit. ;)

I'll attest to what Pat said about the "just because it's first gear" thing. Being on rocks, roots, stumps etc... Just means there are more jagged edges to tear off things like side panels, silencers and such. Been there and done that. :thumb: For those of you with the mad cash flow attending dirtweek. I suggest you use your "practice/ beater" bike for the trials stuff. :)


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
OK so we're going even further in the wrong direction of the scale. I'm actually attempting to get somebody that does this on the pro level, you know a REAL rider.


Jun 8, 1999
Half the fun of an event like this it to ride it on your fullsize MX bike. It makes it harder for the competitor and MUCH more entertaining for the spectators. riding a trials bike in an event like this is like showing up at a pit bike race with a CR450F.

I will be glad to help in any way I can can Patman. SHould be in Tues night or Weds morning.


Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by Patman
I want to make the slow speed fun available to as many people as what to try it without ending up having loopouts or headovers on some of the real nasty ledges that a higher center of gravity would cause. Obviously anything that’s set up will be open to anybody but I just REALLY want them to understand that just because it’s first gear stuff it doesn’t mean it’s not going to get ya’ hurt or damage your bike.

BTW anybody that is interested in helping me set this up just let me know.

Slower than 1 MPH? Will training wheels hang up on the obstacles? Please no turns in the bottom of washouts!! :laugh:

BTW - I'll be glad to help out. I don't know the first thing about trials (except what I have seen on the boob tube), but I figure if I help set up the obstacles, I will be able to see the obvious lines. It appears to be like rock climbing in that sense.

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