Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
No, I'm not referring to Pred.
The other day I stopped to put fuel in my truck and grab a Coke. I started the pump and began walking to the store, I hesitated to allow a OHP Trooper to drive pass me to park. The Trooper was in a Chevy Tahoe with tented windows. Now at this point I didn't think anything about what I was about to see. I went into the store, grabbed a Coke, turned around and take a few steps to the counter. WOW! Ducking down coming thru the door was a 6'11" 260 lb. lean tree trunk wearing a badge and gun! Talk about intimidating. OHP Troopers wear the "Smokey the Bear" brimmed hat and even if the guy took it off, he would still have to duck under the door frame. I didn't get to check to see if the front seat was pulled out of the Tahoe because there was no doubt he could reach everything from the back seat.
Later that night, I was trying to figure out where I had seen this guy before and it finally came to me. The next time you see the OU Sooners play, this guy is Bob Stoopes' body guard.
Apr 30, 2007
Here I thought you'd stopped by my neck of the woods!


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