
Apr 16, 2006
My friend just got a "mint" 02' yz250f. He invited me over to see it, We tried to sart it when I got over wouldnt start,2 hours of kicking and and screaming :bang: . As it turns out 6 month old gas in the tank a pinch in the fuel line and no fuel in the float boal. So we drained the tank of the old gas and just checked the float for gas, non. We took a ride to the local gas station, got some 93 octane and poured away, got rid of the pinch and checked if every thing was in sound condition. My friends dad sat trying to get the piece of garbage to start and said "this isn't gonna start, dont you guys giv it any gas any more" Well I went over sat on the bike gave it a few WOT to get some gas to the engine and bam, first kick got the baby rumbling. Well after a few minutes running with the choke on to heat up the engine my friends dad decided he was going to take it out for a spin in the rain on wet tarmac, there was the first problem :nener: , plus going a little hardon the throttle and put it in first a bit to quick :laugh: , does a burn out for 3 seconds does a 180 degree fish tail, gets traction and almost loops into a pine tree, instead jumps on the bars and hits the caddy :ride: , now down to some business. Is the header supposed to to turn glowing red-orange after that? Maybe its me but Im used to 2 smokes and were we come from our pipes dont do that and if they do your in some serious $#%^, but ideas on why its glowin red after few minutes of the bike running.
-thanks in advanced for responding or even reading this for a laugh :cool:


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Yep the pipe will get that hot on a 4 stroke if no air is flowing over it to cool it down. Working on ours in the garage I have seen it happen in as little as 30 seconds idling.

Often with a 4stroke it helps when cold to give the throttle a couple cracks to prime the intake and then be sure you give it a solid full through the stroke kick- not short quick jabs you can get away with on a 2T

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