Ride Report - '03 YZ 250F (my first ride)


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
I just picked up an '03 YZ 250F yesterday and took it out to a buddy's practice track this morning. Track was sandy/loamy and pretty wide open. Not too much for jumps. Temperature was around 40 degrees.

Here are my first impressions. Keep in mind I am coming off of an '01 YZ 125. I have done some laps on 450's, 426's, and 250F's but this is my first thumper.

STARTING - Finally Yamaha got it right. And I mean RIGHT!! The bike started FIRST kick every single time today (at least 12-15 different times). A few times I tried it in gear. Once was after having it nearly upside down over a berm (yep I laid her over in a sand berm). Once when I purposly let it stall in 2nd gear. Once when cold (first warmed it up for the day). And all other times just normal. Keep in mind I'm 5'5" and just manage to kick over my 125. Even that normally takes 2-3 kicks. I always used the hot start (now bar mounted) except for the initial start where I just used the choke. I did turn the idle up a little bit before riding the bike. Even though I was riding sand and loam (and going very slow at times) I never stalled the bike once. I was VERY IMPRESSED with the 250F starting! It was one of my main concerns. I hope it stays this good!

POWER/MOTOR - This thing is awesome! Throttle response is really good and there seems to be power everywhere. Not throw you off the back of the bike power like a 450/426/etc., but very usable power. I never got in 5th but used 1st through 4th on the whole track. Turned most corners in 2nd and 3rd and didn't have to use the clutch anything like a 125. The deep sand/loam sections did suck me in a few times, but usually because I was in a gear too high. Seems to make the best power in the midrange revvs. It has overrev but doesn't pull as hard when topped out in a gear. I like the 250F because I feel comfortable twisting the throttle wide open in 2nd/3rd and hanging it out a little more before a turn. I love the power of this thing over a 125 (and the less effort needed)!

SUSPENSION/RIDE - Can you say STIFF! Red (who's 210 lbs. and riding a CRF450) thinks the 250F suspension is stiffer than his 450! I had a hard time pounding through whoops (didn't soak up much with the bike... all with my body). Also had a hard time in some turns trying to get it to stick. And got out of shape in some rough sand whooped sections and had a hard time controlling it and bringing it back. One time I totally blew a tall left handed sand berm and put the front tire right over the berm and did a nice headder into the sand. Luckily the stock bars, despite getting buried in the berm, didn't twist up. It would have also helped if I could have carried more speed through the turns but I didn't feel quite comfortable with the stiff set-up. (Just a note - I'm 125 lbs. and run .38 and 4.2 springs on my 125). Once Jeremy Wilkey works his magic on my 250F suspension - I'll be all set. The new seat is also very thin and very hard. Probably doesn't help ease the ride.

WEIGHT - I was very worried about the extra 15-20 lbs. over a 125 and if I would be able to notice. The power and easy to ride motor counterbalanced the extra work needed due to the extra weight. On straights and sweeping corners and jumps, the 250F was effortless and felt just as light as a 125. In some turns, whoops, and rough sections - I could notice the extra weight in the effort to bring the bike back to a comfortable ride position. I think suspension will help some with the weight issues. In the air, the bike doesn't feel much heavier except when I tried to get a little whip going and had a hard time bringing the bike back before landing.

COMPRESSION BRAKING - I didn't notice extreme compression braking like on an older 426, but there is a little. I seemed to use the front brake a little more for a little extra stopping power when approaching a turn but no huge need for the back brake. Seemed like downshifting before a turn was the most effecting way to slow down for a turn and get through it quick. Sometimes I did feel I was getting a little sucked in to the deeper sand/loam sections but this was probably because of the terrain not compression braking.

OVERALL IMPRESSION - Once I get the suspension worked out... I think I will be deeply in love. This bike will compliment my riding style. Over a 125 - the 250F is easier to ride, requires less effort, and less clutching. The power always seems to be there whereas if you turned a corner in 3rd on a 125 and gassed it, it may take a second or two to get the power up to where it needs to be. This thing instantly goes. Awesome bike!! I'm glad I went for it! :thumb:


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Smiling for the camera:


  • 250f 019ss.jpg
    250f 019ss.jpg
    33 KB · Views: 1,519


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Another photo:


  • 250f 004s.jpg
    250f 004s.jpg
    33.6 KB · Views: 1,496


May 23, 2000
Ummmm....no DRN fender stickers on there yet? Sheesh, you've had it a whole 2 or 3 days now. I thought that would be your first "upgrade." ;)


Oct 31, 2002
UhOh Okie! Now you don't have to worry about her passing you...........cause you'd have to be ahead of her at some point to get passed! :flame: :)

Ooooh, this is gonna hurt. :eek:

Formerly known as 2001yz250


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
Looks like a fun ride. So how do you stay on top of the corn :confused:
BTW, congrats on your 3rd title :thumb:


Nov 14, 2000
Nikki: You'll love that motor even more after your start racing the bike. During a race this weekend a guy on a cr 125 gained 2 bike lengths on me in a set of whoops. Soon as we hit the straight away I hit 3rd and reeled them back in, in no time and passed'em back like they was standing still and we we're both wide open. :) I won't forget look on his face as I motored by it was a kodak type of moment lol.

Pvt Joker

Apr 29, 2002
Excellent report. :aj:

I'm glad you like these little 4 stroking things.... I'm afraid everyone is gonna want one. :yeehaw: :yeehaw:


Jul 21, 1999
Originally posted by Reesknight
UhOh Okie! Now you don't have to worry about her passing you...........cause you'd have to be ahead of her at some point to get passed! :flame: :)

Does being lapped count? :)


Apr 21, 2002
Hey Kawi I am going to be at Hollister on Thursday. Will you be there? If so let us know maybe we can hook up. I need to get my bike sound checked. I hope it will pass due to all of the B.S. I have been thruogh. C-Ya !!!


Mar 25, 2002
Great report Nikki. I am for sure getting one after I make it through B-ball season. I can't wait. I think that it will help me a bunch because I like stiff suspension and nid range power. Maybe sometime we can meet at LTM and you can lap me. LoL



Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Originally posted by Kawidude
Ummmm....no DRN fender stickers on there yet? Sheesh, you've had it a whole 2 or 3 days now. I thought that would be your first "upgrade." ;)

LOL Kawidude!! To tell the truth... I haven't turned a clicker, set the sag, looked at the air filter, changed the cheap stock bars, or even put a crossbar pad on the cheap stock bars. (I did however make sure their was oil, gas, and antifreze in the bike and move the front brake lever.) You betcha those DRN fender stickers will be on there asap :thumb:

(And I only had the bike for maybe 24 hours at the time of the pictures :moon: )


Apr 20, 2002
All of this YZ250F talk has me wanting to sell my Husky and Concours so I can buy Ivan's! And to think I thought I was over the feeling of wanting a new dirt bike....


Oct 19, 2000
Good ride report Nikki! For just one day of riding you really were able to figure out the pros and cons of this bike. I'm sure for your light weight you need new springs and a possible revalving. Have you considered looking into having Jer lower the bike at the same time like he did for Rich's CR450. That would be a big help on the start and in the corners. The seat height of the late model YZ's are among the tallest of all the jap bikes even though the YZF seat is so thin.


May 23, 2000
Okay Nikki, I'll let you slide on that one. I've never owned a brand new bike :( so I can only imagine how excited you were to ride that thing. I would have done the same thing. Shoot, I would have sat on it in the back of my truck making 250f sounds!


May 23, 2000
Hey Hot4Teacher, sorry I didn't check this thread again until Thursday morning. I don't know if you'll want to be at Hollister today. It was pretty wet when I left for work this morning. A little rain and then a little sunshine and the dirt will be perfect!


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000

Took the 250F out for the second ride on Friday at Buko138's track. The track was more SX style than my first ride on the F. Before riding, I turned on the clickers to try to soften everything up and it did help.


I was able to do almost everything in 2nd gear. The bike never seems to rev out. Finally got up the courage to try the biggest double (maybe 40-50 feet) and it was no problem in 2nd gear. It does have a nice big face to it, though. The bike felt great in the air. I was able to move it around, adjust my body position, adjust the bike position, and land smoothly. The constant throttle response and smooth power gave me confidence to jump just about anything. It was also pretty windy (15-20 mph wind gusts). I was worried because on Red's 450 - I feel like a windsock getting blown everywhere, but on the 250F - I could barley notice the wind in the air.

Out of the turns, the F made dependable power and hooked up FAST. Even off camber uphill flat turns, once it started to hook up, it might have rode a little wheelie, and then I was set to pin it for a jump. After a few laps, I even started carving some of the inside lines and still doing the jumps. The little need for the clutch is probably one of my most favorite things on the F compared to a 125. So much easier to ride and takes so much less effort.

There was also a nice 6 whoop section. They were pretty mild, so I kept trying to be more and more agressive in them. A few times I was even able to triple in and triple out! That was the best feeling in the world getting through in two jumps. I don't think I have ever been able to get through a whoop section that fast. On my failed attempts of tripling in, I dropped the front wheel down before the third whoop and just pounded through the last few whoops and felt pretty in control. The bike tracked through very nicely.

It still started great - one/two kicks every time. I haven't stalled it yet, either. The new ergos and ride position of the 250F (compared to my 125) make it very easy to slide back and forth on the bike.

I hopped on Stacy's (Buko138) '02 CR 125 after riding the F for an hour or so - and I could NOT ride the 125! I felt like I have never been on a 125 in my life. In the meanwhile, Stacy rode the F and she liked it! :cool: Came back and said "Man... this thing is effortless!" That was exactly what I said after riding JP's 250F at Cooperland. 125's just take way too much work to go fast! :confused:


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Steve - I'll probably just have Jer revalve and put in softer springs. He never shortened anything up on my 125's and I was okay. Heck - I don't even feel too bad on the 250F stock (as far as being short) but it will definately be better with some softer springs. In the starts - I use blocks :confused:

Kawidude - thanks for cutting me some slack ;)

Boozer - those were the best photos - Red's still learning with the digital camera so a lot of them came out pretty blurry.


Oct 24, 2002
hey nikki, you probably know way more than I do about MX but I heard what you said about the suspension being stiff on your bike. I've heard that the suspension on the yz-f's takes a while to break in, so maybe that could be causing your problem. Your bike sounds like a dream!!


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