Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Ride Report

My morning didn’t start out so good – I had to thaw a frozen pad lock on the trailer so I could load my bike. That ordeal took me some extra time but I did end up arriving at like 9:59. Mike, Joel and Ted were already there waiting. We chit chat for a few minutes, check out Joels Berg screws –he’s been busy! We unload the bikes and gear up –we fire up the bikes and Eugene won’t fire.(Hey these guys like to name their bikes, so I go along with it) I think he’s mad at mike for thinking of replacing him last weekend, neglecting his top end and he had enough! Several attempts were made to clean plugs, tow with Teds bike and even got towed by a snowmobile but he wasn’t going riding! So there! Mike convinced us to take off and we left him the key to supplies and tools so he could coax some life out of Eugene while we were on the trail.

We saw a few sleds go out and a few quads but we were excited to see that if appeared they left the single track alone.

So Joel, Ted and I took off after Joel roosted me on film for the delight of Mark Weissinborn. Off we went and the trail was perfect for 300 yards and then we saw where the quads jumped on –crap this is gonna be a long day. Any packed down snow makes the front end float on top of the snow and the bike won’t steer. We rode on and made the best of it –the winter scenery was beautiful. We get to the first cut off and it looked tempting with all that virgin snow but we kept going, eventually we caught the 2 quads in front of us and they were in the trail parked and the guy was talking on his cell and his wife was drinking a beer. I wanted tio get in front of them in the worst way so I attempted my Roselawn move and went over a triple layer log but I didn’t quite get the rear wheel over the last one and the short leg syndrome got me so over I went. I picked up the bike and walked to to the trail. The lady set her beer down and decided to get off the trail so the others didn’t have the same adventure. Saweeeeet! The trail now was perfect and I was having a blast. Me and Joel would take a breather every few miles and pretty soon that thumper would come down the trail –Ted was looking good. At first I think he was wondering what the heck he was doing out in the snow covered woods but once the trail got better he know he made a good decision. The rail would be great for a while and then we would encounter an adventurous snowmobile track and it would suck again. Off and on is was like that for miles. We made out way around a few trees and eventually got out to moorsetown rod. Ted took our first picture and we took off again ahead of the quads, this would happen a few times and as soon as we would hear them we know we had to go!

Joel took the lead the next time he saw virgin snow like a man possessed –I backed it down and let him had some fun but I’d see him at the road crossings as he checked for snowmobiles. Eventually Joel made a bad alternate route around a log and I saw the virgin snow and went after it like a Viagra addict after a porno movie. Yeah! This is more like it and then I see a friggin KTM looking at me and was thinking to my self ‘how did Ted smoke by me with out me seeing it?” But upon further investigation it was Mike and Eugene –they made friends! Mike said that after several attemps at fixing the carb he finally go it going and headed toward us going against our route so he would find us. We got together and took off. The trail was pretty sweet for a while. (Did I mention how many times I got face full of snow doing the right thing and cleaning off the pines for my fellow partners? Well it was beginning to take a toll on my body heat and I was getting cold so I kept moving. Eventually we happen upon another snowmobile tracked trail and this time I’m really fighting the front wheel, Joel is riding be hind me and I dumped it. We got going again and I’m avoiding the trail as much as I can but when the trail got tight there was just no way to keep the tire up on plane and I see a parallel log, actually 3 of them in the trail but I can’t miss them and down I go nearly hitting a tree. :think: I smacked my buttocks on the trail pretty hard but after a minute I’m OK. Joel and I get the logs off the trail and waited for the others to get there. We’re almost back now and take off and about 200 yards from the finish a tree branch bites my face and I’m bleeding. The nose was saved this time! Once we get back I say if things don’t change I may just have to name my bike “Flipper” because she don’t like snowmobile tracks or parallel logs and keeps flipping me to the ground. (Remember the last story where I did the sliding turtle move like a break dancer in Harlem?) :rotfl:

Well we chatted for a while, were glad we rode and we got about 35 miles in and called it a day. I wanted to get home to see my son off to school and made it in plenty of time. So it was a great day. Thanks Ted, Joel and Mike for taking the time to ride with me! :cool:


Dec 2, 2003
Sounds like a great time Fred. Glad I missed it. :)

I went to White Cloud today instead with Slow Joe and another fella from TT. We had a blast. For the most part the single was virgin. It was awsome. I think we all went down at one time or another.I went down hard and mashed my rh calf betwen the bike and ground. It wa fine untill I got back to the truck and took off my Tec 6 and Oh baby. Its wrapped up prety tight now.

I think we proably rode around 35-40 miles. Seen a handful of sleds and about 6 quads. Like you we were fighting the quad tracks on the way back. It was a handful keeping the bikes upright.

A great day for all though. Wouldn't of missed it.

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Mike and Eugene make up!

Fred pretty much covered all the trail tales, so I guess I can relate the excitement from the parking lot perspective!

I sent the guys off and had a serious one on one with ole Eugene. :pissed: He's been feeling neglected I guess. I promised him the new top end was on the way, but did scold him for spewing fuel out the carb overflows. So I decide to rip apart the carb and see what was going on.

As I worked on the carb, I think I was the parking lot entertainment for all the snowmobilers! Time and time again, they would come up to me "You ride THAT in the winter?!" (uh nuh) "You must be nuts" (uh huh) :coocoo: "How do you get any traction" (I nod to the screws) "Dont your tires go flat with all them screws stuck in them". One guy borrowed a wrench, chatted with me, and asked if i had enough spare plugs to work out my issues - I said I had one more - so he hands me two fresh ones! Nice guy.

After what seemed like a hundred conversations like this, i finally had an intellegent conversation. This black SUV pulls into the lot, no trailer or sleds or bikes...tooling along slow like they are looking for someone. No one I know, so I kinda ignored them at first. Then, next thing I know, I hear someone say "KTM Mike?". I look up - to see V Man and Sally! They were up to do some XC skiing and stopped by to say "Hi". We chatted for a few minutes, and they went on their way.

So, I tore the carb off, took bowl off , cleaned it all up (thanks for the carb cleaner Fred!) and button Eugene back up. I musta stroke him just right, second kick! Spewing nasty spooge like mad - the snow behind him was all speckled black!

I quick pack the tools and stuff away, and head out where the others did. I was hurrrying to much and in a real crappy frame of mind - the riding sucked the first few miles - found a tree that wanted to get to know Eugenes headlight up close and personal. I decided I had enough, and when I crossed the sno mo trail headed back to the parking lot. Only had 5 miles in. Well, it cant count that as a "ride" with only 5 miles - I spot the other end of the trail coming in to the lot - virgin snow! Ok, I will give it a shot. Had a rip roaring blast (except a few sled tracked sections)! I found one section with some nice roller whoops, nicely spaced I really enjoyed. Eventually, I stopped for a breather in an open clear cut area - and hark...what do I hear? The sounds of 1,050 CC's approaching! In a minute or so, I see Fred, then Joel and then Ted!

Fred told the rest of the tail from there!

And - for you Mark...just for you! Attached is a pic of Joel trying to roost on Fred. He was being way to polite - something to do with flying screws? :yikes: and one shot of Ted - talk about a big grin on that guy's face!

And a few other pics to follow.


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KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
And here is a shot of Fred getting underway after surviving the pelting with screws! And a shot of Eugene - I think I see a slight smirk on his face...he is thinking "heh heh...that will show him..talking about replacing him" :nener:


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KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Last pic - the four of us. Left to right me (KTM Mike), Ted, Fred and Joel. Note the blood on Fred's left not THAT cheek.... :moon:

When i got home, one of my boys asked "how was the ride" I said "Great!" Then later on I started to describe more details of the ride, they said "I thought your ride was great?"...well, actually it was! It is amazing how quickly you can forget the little headaches once you get on the trail! I did manage to get in about 21 miles or so (I messed with my bike for over an hour) , the others musta had 25 to 30 ish is my guess. Not to bad. :ride:


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Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
KTM Mike said:
And here is a shot of Fred getting underway after surviving the pelting with screws! And a shot of Eugene - I think I see a slight smirk on his face...he is thinking "heh heh...that will show him..talking about replacing him" :nener:

Fred, thanks for being a sport. My perverse sense of thrills got the best of me. I forgot about the threat of spitting screws! I definitely need some bike wrench time real soon!

Mike, I''m really glad you finally got to ride. It's no fun when the bike doesn't want to cooperate! My CR 250 was that way at the Trailfest this fall. My own fault - trying to predict jetting, I went way to rich. Guess where my spare jets were? (hint - home).


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
GREAT tales of some GREAT trails there guys!!! I have been EXTREMELY busy with family for the holidays and LOOK what I return to find - SOME AWESOME RIDE REPORTING!! :worship:
Ted stopped by for a visit last night and I got a first hand account of it all before I read your reports.. Even having prior knowledge of it all didnt detract from the fun of reading everyones prespective!!!
Hope all the bumps/bruises and mangled flesh heal up quickly!!! :laugh:
Ride On Brothers :aj:

Oh yea, and Mark - ""I forgot about the threat of spitting screws!""
Kadie is VERY disappointed :p :rotfl:

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
A quick point of clarification

"No animals or Fred's were harmed or screws actually spit in the filming of this ride"

Hey Woodsy - I was wondering what was going on...MTR was oddly silent for a while there with no Woodsy posts!


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
woodsy said:
Oh yea, and Mark - ""I forgot about the threat of spitting screws!""
Kadie is VERY disappointed :p :rotfl:

Remember now Woodsy - it wasn't spitting screws that hit me from Kadie at Ted's b-day ride at White Cloud, she was spitting knobs!

Glad to see you back online!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
ahhhhhh shucks guys.. It is so nice to be missed!! We had a RIOT of a time in this little house with 6 adults for 9 days :yikes: When Mr. del Solar ( :rotfl: ) stopped by to check on me he said "sounds to me like you had a heck of slumber party" and he was right on the money!!!!! I was "rock-a-bying" my 22 year old "doctor to be" at the time and told Ted that I still see these "adults" as "children" :coocoo:
At any rate, its always nice to get back to ahh hummmm "normal" :eek:
By cracky Mark, I stand corrected on that spitting screws comment!! I went out and got Kadies counsel and she said you were correct-O-mongo there bud.. She said it was Larry that had received all the loose screws ;)
Back to Freddy and Mike's thread here!! GREAT RIDE REPORTS GUYS!!!
You guys make me proud!


Sep 1, 2003
Timers Moments

A new experience, another challenge to be riding trails through the woods in the snow. It took a little while to get used to how things are going to go. Following quad tracks for the first six miles didn’t help. I soon discovered that going faster is easier as you don’t try to steer as much. There is no comparison to following two bike tracks. It is as though they weren’t even there. When it comes to following sled tracks, forget it. To do that all the time would take it out of you in a hurry. At one of our break stop discussions the matter of why we ride in the snow was covered. There is no law against it and there is nothing wrong about it either. We simply enjoy it. For those that can’t understand, it is a matter of living as you go through life.
To meet Mike on the trail was an encouragement. He worked to salvage the day and succeeded. An enduro rider in the making. For me it was another good day and my thanks to Fred and Joel for waiting while I caught up and to Mike for following me to see that I was OK. Sure, I went down a few times but the landings were on the soft side and they are part of the game.
Dessert for the day was spending some quality time with Woodsy at his abode. Any time spent with him is of the highest quality. With some laughter and serious moments out of the way I headed for home, arriving here after a 25 ½ hour day. I don’t belong to the International Nut Case Association just so the KTM can have a name.

Young Ted


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