
May 6, 2009
hello everyone, hope you can help. i have a 94 rm125 that wont shift into first gear, well actually it will go into first but when it does it locks up the rear wheel and stalls the bike. 2nd-6th gears work fine its only first gear. I put a new clutch cable on as well as took the clutch apart, all the plates looked fine but the basket had some deep grooves in it, so i thought that might be the prob. I filed the grooves out and tried it again but still the same problem. Thinking i might have to split the cases. Any ideas or help would be appreciated. thanks


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
Probably a bent shift fork...

I'd guess that when you are trying to shift into first, something is binding causing it to lockup the gear box.

Splitting the cases is definitely called for.

Do you have a service manual?


May 6, 2009
Thanks for the quick reply, i was hoping i wouldnt have to split it open but figured it was coming. no i dont have a service manual, do you know where i could get one?
thanks again,
i hope your right and its only a shift fork.

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