Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
If you stayed home to skip the pending bad missed out. It was a great time and the trails were awesome.
The Saturday Family Enduro was good, a little mistY rain During the event but it got over before it started raining steady and temps were in the 40's. Then we had a great dinner suprise party for our good buddy "GOBUCKS"

Sunday I woke up and even saw some sunshine! It was cloudy most of the day but the woods and trails were great-a little soft in spots and rutted but it held up pretty good with all the rain. Never got rain at all Sunday, just blustery winds.

It was good to once again see all my enduro buddys and have a fun weekend. The beginning of the season is exciting....winter is over...well at least soon. I heard da UP got a bunch of snow just before the enduro and Nickolino had to plow his way out but he made it! :cool:


Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 13, 2003
I'm just glad it stopped raining by Sunday. I thought my 200 was going to blow-up in those wet corn fields. Most of the trail was really fun. Better than 90 and dusty. I thought arrowing was good and I liked the flourescent arrows. Great season opener. Nothing to complain about execution. Great job GKTR.


Jan 19, 2004
Freddy & Brett, looks like you last years speed had carried over, great rides. Chuckie the C bagger moves up to B and wins his class, awsome, this Buds for you :laugh: DW, why only 11 checks?, you allways rode em all on KTM. :nener:


Apr 11, 2007
I want to thank Jeff Fredette and the GKTR club for a great event! The layout and the trail marking was great as far as I was concerned. I agree with Brett that the once we got riding the weather was not a problem. Even for someone who fell in to the water crossing at the start of the second loop. Boy was the water was cold!

I left before they posted the scores. Can some explain how 21 people, including me, missed an OB check? Where was it? I'm not complaining, just wondering.


Jan 9, 2005
That was a fun race! Somehow I missed the E check on the first loop. Does anyone remember where that was? SEAN

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
All the checks were right along the arrows. If you cut you took a chance, I almost missed an OB when I saw this pile of guys in some trees and thought they were all screwd up on some logs so I went around them and caught the flags looking to get back on the trail on the other side of them so I spun around and went through it...whew! :nod: Don Marsh was there and he was giving me crap about almost missing it.



Jan 9, 2005
Yeah, I went around that too. 2' was just too high for me to get over. But I honestly was not cutting trail. I might have accidently. I was actually wondering if there was an E check at the house since there was no check between it and the lunchbreak. I saw Mike M write my number down but nobody tried to stop me and I didn't see a check sign. I'm just going to have to stick around for the contesting period from now on. Even if it's just to figure out where I messed up.


Jan 9, 2005
Thanks Bret.

I'd like to politely suggest that the next time there is a split in the trail on purpose that there be two crews and two clearly visable check point signs or move the check point back.

When I came over the pipe the next orange marker was a clear shot 30 degrees to the left. To the right, I saw what I thought were more spectators and no visable sign, so I went. I did't see anyone running out in front of me telling me where to stop so the could write on my fender.

Mike, Is it possilbe my time was writen down on your clip board?

Don Marsh

Jun 5, 2001
"Can some explain how 21 people, including me, missed an OB check?"

I worked the 2nd & 3rd OB's we had a few that cut trail and missed the 2nd one. The 3rd one was not hidden and if you did not pay attention to the arrows and cut the corner you missed it. We were set up less than 20 feet from where you turned rode down the two track & headed into the woods. It really was entertaining as a check worker watching everyone who missed it. If I was riding it wouldn't have been so entertaining................
I walked the trail before and after the event just so I knew myself if anyone complained and the event TRAIL was clearly marked.

It really gave a different prospective on the event by working it. :laugh:

Good job Freddy & Brett :cool:


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
I was not working an E check and I was not at the house. I did work two checks, but they were secret checks. Sorry. To answer your question...if a score was not written on your card, but you were listed on the back up sheet, the score would be corrected. The back up sheet is a very important job!
Don, I recruited two "newbies" to work at the checks also. Unfortunately a broken bike created their availability, but I think TJ and Craig would echo your comments about working a check. Everyone who races should work a check...even a Family Enduro maybe on April 26th in Kalkaska. If you are not riding and would like the experience of working on a check, let me know.


Sep 1, 2003
I was the one checking score cards against the back up sheet for the 3rd OB, which should have been an N in the third box. On the back up sheet there were 21 marks where they were keeping track of those seen as Don mentioned. I had 18 cards in my hand at the time. The 3rd OB was after check #11.
When questioned why a rider wasn't scored for check #12, I offered to "fix" the missing OB situation in return for dancing on a picnic table. The reply was that I had to give a lesson first. My reply was - you have a deal. Who knows what will happen next in the world of enduro riding.

Young Ted


Oct 2, 2005
TCTrailrider said:
Freddy & Brett, looks like you last years speed had carried over, great rides. Chuckie the C bagger moves up to B and wins his class, awsome, this Buds for you :laugh: DW, why only 11 checks?, you allways rode em all on KTM. :nener:
I elected to take the short way out of the woods as I Unfortunately found some barbwire growing out of the ground on the MARKED trail. It found its way wraped around my ankle and seriously injuring my glute & hamstring. I’ll be out for 4-6 weeks. Again I would like to thank Brett Becker for stopping and getting me out of that mess and to my bike.


Apr 5, 2007
House or Tires?

For those of you that did the house in the past years and did the tires this year, which did you like best?
I chose the tires because of the bottle neck at the door. I was handlebar deep in the house door, but no one was moving after a minute(seemed like 5 minutes), so I backed out
and took the tires. I wouldn't make a very good trials rider, but I made it through without incodent, and faster than those who took the house.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
I pushed my bike through the house spinning the rear tire to make it around the corners. DW pushed his bike through the Enduro Cross section. I wonder which way was faster? I never saw him push his KTM through stuff before. there buddy! :cool:


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Oct 2, 2005
I couldn't say which way was faster as I had some cluster fk crash over the first tractor tire jump just as I was committing - Therefore you see the end result. Although Fred at the rate your going I'll be surprised if your head makes it through the 1st turn at the next race....By the way in your spare time why don't you come on over and set my bike up properly for me and give me some riding pointers.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Wolverine423 said:
I couldn't say which way was faster as I had some cluster fk crash over the first tractor tire jump just as I was committing - Therefore you see the end result. Although Fred at the rate your going I'll be surprised if your head makes it through the 1st turn at the next race....By the way in your spare time why don't you come on over and set my bike up properly for me and give me some riding pointers.

Easy there big fellar just yanking yer chain like you have been yanking mine all winter bagging on my KTM e start. Besides pushing a bike requires no skills and thats how I went through the house. :cool:


Oct 2, 2005
Yes it is Brett - Sorry for snapping at you Freddy, I'm not taking this injury very well at all.


Feb 21, 2008
:ohmy: DW what a bummer I got caught in barb wire at goshen last year, My son Nathan got his baby finger torn off at Upland no fun. But hey you can have sexxytime with your wife while your on the mend. Oh did I say Factory FRED the fastest man in or out of bed.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Wolverine423 said:
Yes it is Brett - Sorry for snapping at you Freddy, I'm not taking this injury very well at all.

No worries mate I figured you were down about it, but you'll be up and running by the first of June-plenty of time!


Aug 23, 2003
Wolverine423 said:
Yes it is Brett - Sorry for snapping at you Freddy, I'm not taking this injury very well at all.

If nothing else DW I think I have a skirt that will fit you!
You can join the ranks of "Pit Bitches" Like Cody M and Myself!
You are always welcome to hang with us!

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