
Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
First off, I’d like to thank everyone for a fantastic time. I remember thinking a week or two before I left, that I better tone down my expectations, otherwise I was letting myself in for a huge downfall. I couldn’t drop my expectations & I have to say the only thing I was disappointed in about the whole trip, was the fact that I’d come over on my own, rather than dragging Henk’s butt over as well.

As I went through customs, I realised I’d forgotten to buy a trip diary, so quickly bought one (often too tired to fill it in & then it was only brief when I did get a chance).

The trip was uneventful up until just before arriving in SFO, where my stomach decided it was water-logged so I headed off to a bathroom (just made it) to throw up. I filled in the paper work to get into the States and realised that I had no idea of addresses as to where I was staying. I got hassled a bit by customs (the guy couldn’t understand why I had no idea & phoned Kali to get the address – I had phone numbers, which was good, especially as I’d forgotten Kali’s surname – talk about memory lapses). I got released & went outside to wait where I decided I still had too much water in me & threw up on the pavement – oops). Poor Kali, I apologised to her when she arrived and went to give me a hug. We just spent a quiet day at her place.

Friday we went sight-seeing, where I got to see the streets of SFO, along with the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz (from a distance), the Twin Peaks, the cool antennae thingy on top of them, expensive districts, just everything. We also headed off to meet SFO Princess at her shop, where we met her husband too. It was mentioned we were meeting up with Buddy & Firelily for dinner the next night, so they decided to join us.

Saturday Kali & I went off to Muir Woods to look at the huge trees, where I decided to be a dumbass & leave behind my jersey, which we found later. It was a really neat day (again). We met up with everyone for dinner (Japanese) and had a good time.

Sunday was meeting up with Buddy & Firelily for a day of boating on the River Delta, where I got burnt (and peeled for the rest of the trip lol). Kevin decided to show how to wake board, so hopefully I got decent pictures of that (to be developed soon). Firelily showed how to knee board and Kali learnt how to. I’m too paranoid about my ear to even go in the water, so just watched & laughed. We went Chinese for dinner and I started getting my appetite back slowly.

Monday Kali & I got up at some ungodly hour so that her & Kevin could get rid of me to Oregon. After arriving by bus in Sacremento, I got in line to catch the next bus. Before I could board, the doors were shut & the bus disappeared. About a dozen of us were abandoned in Sacremento. As I couldn’t get hold of Pegasus, I decided to catch the 11.15pm bus, so that I’d arrive at a decent hour (7am), rather than at 1am. A group of five walked around Sacremento, got lost, had a laugh (or many) and all played tourist. I felt bad that Kali had had to get up really early, only for things to have gone wrong – I could’ve taken a later bus after all – thanks Greyhound, not – letter of complaint will be filed soon. It was neat to meet the group that I did, so I can’t say it was a waste of time, we all had fun but what a weird group – a 20yo white female, a middle-aged female, myself, a young black guy and an older white guy (as the white guy said, he’d fit in well with the homeless lol). I didn’t get the older guy’s name & address, but everyone else I’ve got contact details to send them a photo I took of our group. We all managed to leave Sacremento safely (I waved them all off as I was the last one to be leaving).

...lots more to come


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Tuesday I got to see what everyone had been talking about – as soon as I mentioned I was going to Oregon, I’d get the remark “the land of a billion trees”. Wow, steep, big, trees. Driving along, I was reminded of Kaingaroa Forest over here, but way bigger and loved looking at the houses hidden in the trees. We picked up a TTR125 that Mary kindly offered for me to ride (Pegasus, if she finds anything wrong, let me know, I will send a replacement brake lever soon, just wish I’d had time to fix that before I left).

Pegasus, Marshall and I also went out to the ranch to organise stuff for the ride school – me as dumb labour, of course. Things are a bit of a blur at the moment, even with me having a diary.

Wednesday, after getting me a helmet (Pegasus and I had been shopping a bit on Tuesday, getting me some gear, just no helmet yet), we headed out from the house for a bit of a ride. Pegasus had had some work done on her Pampera, so had to run it out of gas. After putting it on reserve, we thought we should head home. The Pampera sat outside the shop idling merrily away, then Marshall took it for a ride, then Pegasus, then they gave up. We loaded up & headed off to the ranch to try out some of the trails (both existing and ones made for the ride school). After a while (no idea of distances), we came to part of a trail that went upwards for a bit, but the rest was going to be downhill, so Pegasus & I thought the Pampera would run out of gas on the uphill, but no, she finally ran out just before heading back into the ranch. Is this bike economical, or what!!!!!!

Thursday E&M’s friend Dave turned up, while Pegasus & I had been out running errands in town. Dave & Pegasus spent hours nutting out what trails to use for the ride school & for what classes. I think they were finally happy at about 1.30am (I’d gone to bed a bit earlier).

Friday – D-day. We headed out to the ranch to finish off a few things – ribbon to be placed, banners to be hung up, branches to be removed, trails to be marked, etc etc. As I was taking the last of the branches down the driveway (feeling like a real quad rider – cap backwards, full safety gear lol), I lost the load (hey, they were long branches and it wasn’t balancing properly) and thought “knowing my luck, someone’s going to come along right about now with me blocking the drive”. Right on cue, Mike & 4EverOrange turned up (at least, from memory, I think it was them).

Eventually we had a group together to go for a ride. Marshall asked if anyone wanted a bit of a cruisy ride first, so I had to say yes. We headed out on fire roads & a couple of easy trails. As I’m used to riding alone, I wanted to stay near the end of the group and also know that with large groups, it’s only as fast as the slowest rider.

At one point, I stayed on the road to point to the trail we were heading up, but unfortunately the next rider misread my indication & continued up the road (sorry, that was my fault, I should’ve moved the bike so I was pointing the trail better, rather than relying on you having seen it). After coming around a corner, I came across the rest of the group (or rather, a large percentage of it), with someone having trouble with a hill and others waiting for their turn.

We then continued (after regrouping at the top of the hill), along more fireroads. Some of us decided to try our luck at lower cellphone hill. I saw a camera & lost the plot (and bike) and after heading down again, joined the rest of the group taking the road to the top of the hill.

While there, we heard bikes coming up the hill, so went to watch Kerrie, Andrea & Nicole. Nicole went off to try upper cellphone hill and decided it wasn’t as easy as all that. (Lower cellphone had been set aside for the intermediate riders on Saturday, with Upper cellphone was marked for advanced).

We then headed back down toward the ranch, with a deviation from the easy roads/trails, where it was discovered a lot of us don’t like downhills. While floundering down the hill (it’s worse when you’re following someone else who doesn’t like downhills), I spotted someone with a camera & promptly dropped the bike (no, I wasn’t polite about it – I really do hate cameras, unless I’m behind the lens hehehe). After finally getting down, we sat & waited for the rest to follow, but then heard someone had come off & hurt himself. Thinking it was only minor, we just sat there. Mike’s bike got brought down & eventually Mike was also with us, but needing medical attention for his leg. The rest of that story you’ve heard.

Saturday, first day of the ride school. We were happy to see Leann back with us, even though Mike was still in hospital. We learnt a lot, we had fun, my brain couldn’t take more in. I can’t honestly remember how it all pieced together, but do remember the instructions – look ahead, being the motto of the school.

... still lots more to come


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Sunday, after more instruction in the morning, we were put through our paces in the afternoon. I’d done off-camber turns perfectly on Saturday, so wasn’t concerned about that part of the test. Well, my brain-fade came into play & I stuffed it up totally – 5, 5 & 3 (scoring per trials’ rules lol).

Sunday night those of us staying were heading out to dinner. While waiting for a ride, I noticed a car heading out the drive & thought nothing of it. When asked how I was getting to the restaurant, I told them how I “thought” I was getting there. Eventually, I went to see what the heck was taking so long & while walking up to the room, started laughing at myself – I’d just figured out the car heading down the drive was probably my ride. As I entered the room, I realised I was right. I knew where Marshall kept the keys for the trailer, so went & grabbed a couple of beers & sat down in the meadow, just thinking about my trip, the weekend & realised I was horribly homesick. I hoped no-one would come back for me, as I wasn’t overly hungry & didn’t mind missing dinner, but was upset about missing home. Henk & I have been married about 7 years & have never spent longer than a weekend apart.

Brian came back for me, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry – I felt terrible about inconveniencing everyone. Of course the jokes were flying about me at the restaurant, which made me feel happier and did cheer me up – nothing like laughing at yourself to make you feel better. We headed back to the ranch to pick up my stuff & other gear & headed back to M&E’s house.

Pegasus took Kerrie & Nicole to the airport. Tami & Eric had stayed over, so the guys went out riding together. For some reason I thought Tami might be going with them, but no. Ellen, Tami, Marissa & I headed out for a ride together, which was fun. Going along I tried to practice some things I’d learnt at the school & felt better about downhills. It was a fun ride, but hot. Marissa & I ran out of water (I did not long before we ended back at the house).

Tuesday we went to Brian & Marissa’s place in Seattle. Wednesday Marissa, the girls & I headed up the Needle & generally went sight-seeing. We’d spoken to Bbbom & organised I’d head up there Thursday morning, rather than Wednesday night. Visions of my previous fun trip with Greyhound sprung into mind. Everything went well – heck, I even had a tour guide on the bus, who happily explained what I was seeing to me. Just before arriving in Spokane, I started wondering how Bbbom & I would know each other (I was expecting a drop-off point like Grant’s Pass, i.e. small, one building place with the only person leaving the bus being me – but had figured out it was nothing like that lol). I then realised that under my seat was a helmet, so it should be easy to figure each other out hehehe

Bbbom was not as tall as I’d expected (meaning, I did not feel like a total midget next to her, which I did next to GSR lol). We went food shopping & headed back to her place, where we didn’t make it inside before starting on the beers.

Friday we packed ready to go “camping”. As we were driving along, we looked at the weather & realised it was turning bad, but hoped we’d be able to set up camp before the rains came down. We stopped in a little town for the kids to have a break and Bbbom remembered that LoriKTM was going to call at 4-4.30pm. Just before losing reception (again), the phone rang & I got to speak to Lori. I was meant to phone her to let her know how the weekend & riding at Mica was, but forgot until at SFO airport & realised it was now around midnight in NY (sorry Lori). We set up camp, couldn’t work out how to put the awning up on the trailer and the rains came down (beautiful timing).

... more to come


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Karl eventually turned up & we had to continue partying. Saturday, FC22 was meant to be joining us at 9am. At 9.50am, I commented that she’d obviously decided the weather was too crappy & wasn’t going to join us. At 9.56am, along came FC22 (huh, proven wrong, yet again lol). Because of the bad weather, we decided to go inspect a local cave & go riding later on in the day.

The cave was ¼ mile away from Canada, so of course we had to hike there (while waiting for the tour guide). Unfortunately, there was no sign saying we’d landed in Canada, so I’ve got nothing to prove I’ve been there, but I know I have been. The cave is lighted, it was neat looking around it.

We headed back to camp (stopping to look at local sights along the way), had lunch & got ready to go riding. The rains had diminished, the ground was lovely & wet (nice big puddles). By the time we were suited up, a friend of Bbbom’s turned up with her son, looking to go on a nice, easy first trail ride. Somehow she decided to join us (first trail ride, meaning had never been before). Debbie rides a TW200 and her son rides an XR100. Both did fantastically, it wasn’t an easy ride (I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to rocks, as I just don’t get a chance to ride them here). Debbie somehow hit something & bruised her leg, then later on her bike decided to throw its chain (she hit a rock, I think). Bbbom & Pat went off to chase Karl down to get a bigger wrench, so Eric & I sat waiting for them to come back. Eric ran out of gas while we were riding around trying to keep warm. The others came back after a couple of hours, with the trucks & tie-downs. In tow, were a group of guys they’d found, who went off to sort Debbie’s bike out. Finally we headed back (about 10pm by now, if not later), dropped Debbie & Eric off & went back to camp for dinner.

I’ve heard so much about “Karl rides” I’d been disappointed during the day as to how unadventurous this ride was – until Deb broke down lol. Now I felt the day was complete.

Sunday we awoke bright & early (yeah, right) and headed off to the Radar Dome (in ruins, but fun to look around). Eric came with us, but Deb didn’t want to fall off again & hurt her leg further (believe me, if you saw it, you’d understand, it was nasty, pretty much all her shin was purple & black & swollen). After heading back to camp, I decided to stay there so Bbbom & Karl could go for a decent ride & not have to babysit me any further. Then it was time to break camp & head home.

FC22 left her bike at Bbbom’s place, with a comment that any of us could ride it. Karl took it out for a ride & swapped with me at one point (mistake #1). I took off on it (when I could finally start it & not stall) & headed off down the trail everyone else had taken. As I was at the back (well, Karl was behind me – but he’d stopped to adjust levers on the TLR), I didn’t see where the others had gone & carried on riding (hey, I liked FC’s bike). I rode around for a while (how long was it???) and got myself horribly lost, so stopped for a long break to see if I could hear the others looking for me. I moved from where I’d been waiting to a point higher up the mountain, nearer where I heard the bikes.

I heard a bike going further away from me, so decided my best bet was to start the 200 & ride again, so headed off down the mountain again. Karl came past me, yelling “is this a shortcut to NZ we don’t know about” & we headed back up the mountain, to meet up with Bbbom. Eventually we regrouped, headed back to their place, to meet the kids & get ready for another ride. I’d swapped bikes back with Karl, as I didn’t want to injure the 200. I’d also decided it was the bike that keeps getting lost, not the rider!!!!

We then headed up “Hangover Hill”, “OoopsIcrappedmypants Hill”, to the Dome on the mountain & what else, I can’t remember – huge fun & my theory worked – I didn’t get lost again hehehehe – but I did fall off once & stall a few times.

Tuesday, I packed up, had lunch, said my goodbyes & went back to SFO to head home. I had visions of all sorts of things going wrong, but it was an uneventful trip back home. Heck, I didn’t even have trouble with customs.

I’ll try to post some pix at some stage, but as I have 16 rolls of film to be developed, it may take a while lol

Thank you to everyone, I had a fantastic trip, huge fun, learnt a lot (you couldn’t tell by my riding, but I’ll be practicing what I did learn on my KDX).

... more to come


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
As for what I enjoyed the most – I hate to say this, but I enjoyed everything. I am thrilled as to how the whole trip went, loved all the people I met, just fantastic. A huge thank you to everyone, words cannot express my gratitude. I’m sorry I didn’t spend more time with some of you (hmmm, that should be all of you). I really hope I can come back some day and hope I didn’t piss too many of you off.

Leann & Mike, you’re great, the pair of you. I hope Mike heals quickly (and well), that was a real downer to the trip (especially the ride school, I think all of us got a bit down that someone did get hurt, even if we joked about it).

Andrea, Kerrie, Nicole – I don’t know what to say, but thank you. The school was everything I was hoping for, but more. A longer time would be great, as there was just so much information coming at us the whole time. It was definitely worthwhile & fun (even if I hate competitions).

E&M – thank you. The amount of work you put into preparing the ranch for the school was amazing, the hospitality was fantastic, I’m just totally blown away by everything.

B&M – thanks for the lift, the hospitality, the sightseeing, again everything.

Kali & Kevin – ditto to above.

Firelily & Buddy – I’d love to ride with you one day, but it was great to meet you & spend time with you.

Bbbom, Karl & FC22 – when are we doing this again? Oh, after hearing about my escapades with you, Henk wants Karl to come over so he can go riding with him & experience a Karl ride for himself lol (hahaha, he’ll have to come over there to truly experience it).

GSR, Getmetoca & everyone else – thank you so much. I just wish I’d had more time to get to know you.

No doubt memories will come flooding back as time goes on & things happen here. I truly had a fantastic time & will share photos as soon as I’m able.

... the end, finally


Dec 17, 2002
Originally posted by Michelle

Leann & Mike, you’re great, the pair of you. I hope Mike heals quickly (and well), that was a real downer to the trip (especially the ride school, I think all of us got a bit down that someone did get hurt, even if we joked about it).


Not that it makes that much of a difference, but it's Sarah, not Leann ;) I'm unfortunately not tall enough to ride her KTM! As for Mike, he's doing ok. The doctor says the surgery was done "textbook", and he couldn't ask for it to look any better than it does! What a relief that is to hear. So, he'll start physical therapy in a few weeks, and be on his way to recovery!

I am so glad you had a wonderful time. It was great to meet you, as with meeting everyone else! I hope that you will let us all know if you and Henk plan on coming over again sometime soon.

Glad to have met you, and I'm happy to hear you got home safe and sound!



Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Doh big time!!!! Lol. As soon as I got an email that you'd replied, I realised my error. Sorry Leann & Sarah & Mike. Blame the flight for that one - plus the fact I'm useless with names to start with. Funny thing was, as I wrote it, I was picturing Leann but couldn't figure out why the pic in my brain made no sense.

Glad to hear Mike's break is a text-book case, I hope it heals the same way.

Michelle the dumbass


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
We had SO much fun! I'm glad you made it and hope we can ride together again sometime. I would LOVE to head to NZ if I can ever afford it.


Dec 17, 2002
Originally posted by Michelle
Sorry Leann & Sarah & Mike. Blame the flight for that one

That's funny because Mike wanted to log in as himself, and reply telling you to stop talking about Leann because you were getting him in trouble!


Aug 13, 1999
Great 2nd hand ride report Michelle. ;) I think you covered it all - at least for the NE Washington portion.

As for your question on when are we doing it again? Not soon enough, that's for sure. We really had a great time. Like you said, for Henk to experience a true Karl Ride you guys will have to come back over here. Karl has been known (Reno) to uphold his reputation by leading on foreign (Reno) trails too but he really shines in the local areas. ;)

The only thing I can add to the report was how relieved I was to see someone holding a helmet when I picked you up at the bus station. There was some lady wandering around in a Fox t shirt & I thought Michelle might think it was me - even though she had black hair. I saw the helmet though & knew it had to be Michelle.

Also, shortly after we found Michelle again on the Mica ride, we headed back home to let the kids know she was found & fill up bikes & camelbacks. Sitting at the bottom of The Hill, I asked Michelle if she wanted to try The Hill or take the road - "I'll give it a go." she said. Off she went right up to the top without even a bobble.

So, at that point, I realized that she had been sandbagging. After the house stop we took her out to hit The Bog and make a photo stop at the Domes and some other nice photo op sites. We brought her back down to Hangover Hill where she again had no problems at all so we headed on up to Oops I Crapped My Pants. She stalled at the beginning of the deep rut, rolled it back a bit & took off again. That was the last I saw of her until I popped out at the top of OICMP where we rested a couple minutes & headed back home via The Hill again.

Looks like Karl & I will have to find some more challenging sections because Michelle made our favorite torture spots look way too tame. We will know the rules to Sorry next time too Michelle, just in case it rains again, just in case!!!

Firecracker, I think you need to cover a New Zealand dirtbiking vacation article. :yeehaw:


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Glad you made it back safely, Michelle!  Loved the ride report, although it just makes me feel that much worse to have missed it.

I'm glad we got to chat briefly on the phone.  I'd wanted to meet you in person, but at least this way I can feel like I participated in some small way. :) 

NEXT time, give us a little bit more notice, and we'll see if we can't swing a trip out west. :thumb:


Mar 9, 2003
Shows what I get for not having the time to read Michelle's ride report, she's got me married to someone else! :) Serioulsy though, I am horrible with names too, so no worries.

Great report! I am glad you enjoyed your trip. I so wish I could have made it to Bbboms. I am getting antsy to ride there.


May 10, 2003
Sounds like you had an awesome time Michelle! Wish I could of been there!! Next time, make it like a year notice and I will be there!!!!

We thought we did well in Oz getting 5 girls to our riding school but 50???? WOW!


Apr 15, 2003
Great ride report Michelle!! You packed in a lot of adventures.

It was great to meet and ride with you at the Oregon School, hope to see you on the next trip.

Happy Trails


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Originally posted by bbbom
Firecracker, I think you need to cover a New Zealand dirtbiking vacation article. :yeehaw:

Good God that would be cool! I wish I could. Maybe someday.


Jan 31, 2001
Hi Michelle,
Ive been gone and just got to read your report.. sure brought back good memories..We did have a lot of good laughs.. Next time you come we get to do more trail riding.. still so much to see here.Really do wish you lived closer.I liked riding and just hanging with you..you are always up for an adventure !

Dont worry about the lever.. they're cheep and easy to get .. no problem. We have a colection of bent levers here that will eventually be coat racks in the shop.. yours will be among them :-)
Mary was glad you had fun on her bike.

Ill catch up with ya soon..
Last edited:

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
'Sounds like braking a lever has become some sort of tradition or something! I broke Henk's lever whenever we were out in NZ and now Michelle brakes one here? Watch out you little levers, there are more bike trips in all of our futures; LOL! I'm SO glad ya'll had such an AWESOME time on this trip!!!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
CJ, at least levers are cheap & easy to fix :) Henk's onto his third or fourth lever, I think. He phoned last night to say he'd broken a clutch lever (oh, and a window in the van lol) - he was racing out of town, I refused to go.

I have barely been online this week - been reading Harry Potter.

One huge thing the trip has given me, is confidence. I phoned a friend & asked whether he was keen to go riding (and trail making). I tried to teach my friend's girls to look ahead further, but they refused to try (they weren't really enjoying themselves, for some reason). What brought that on, was I was following the younger girl on her LT80 and about 200m in front of her (I was probably another 200m behind her), I watched a couple of deer cross in front of her. Whenever we see deer, we stop to make sure they aren't leading more across the trail, but she didn't stop & I didn't think she even slowed down. I asked her about it later & she'd never even seen them.

I was practicing weighting the pegs, downhills, uphills, picking up the bike and log crossings during the rides we went on. I first felt the bike was too big (ie I felt like a midget on it), but got used to it quickly. I have to replace the gear shifter, as I bent it before I left and 2nd wasn't always easy to find. I also found my brake lever was bent (not sure that was me, as I'd lent the bike to someone last weekend & I know he didn't have fun on it).

I definitely think the school & the whole trip was worthwhile, but really do wish it was doable more often than every few years.

I'll be taking some of the pix to work to scan at some stage, but they aren't as good as I'd hoped, nor as many of the riding in Oregon as I thought I'd taken (one film of something was unexposed, so that crapped out, along with a couple of films deciding they dont want to be developed yet - not sure where I put them lol).

Lori, Henk's eyeing up Karl's TY - couldn't believe what a minter it is.

LoriKTM, it was good to talk to you, next time we'll definitely have to meet up.

And everyone, thank you again, it was fantastic.

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