Feb 12, 2005
BIKE=Husqvarna 1985 400WRX
Currently has motoplat ignition and not entirely sure if it is setup correctly. (So the timing may not be correct to measure as it sits!). Awaiting arrival of brand new PVL ignition and will need to know how far BTDC to set stator.

How much different are the bikes in the 80's era (water-cooled) as far as timing from one another? All 80's era owners feel free to chime in! 125cc,250,400,430,500, etc.

Anyone have the owners manual for the 85 400wrx?


Mar 22, 2005
Hey noisy neighbor,

Contact Penton Imports, they are the US importer for PVL ignition systems. I have been talking with them on and off now about my PVL ignition and they have always been ready to help, and are excellent at it.

Do a search for penton imports on google and the first site is the correct one

If you search diligently, they have the timing procedures and troubleshooting steps on that site.

Feb 12, 2005
The people in the "big brown truck" delivered the PVL system yesterday. There was a wealth of info in the instructions sheet that came with the PVL. Now if i could just achieve getting the flywheel off! Flywheel nut came of fairlys easily since I do have a flywheel/clutch holding tool.

I am about ready to break out the dremel tool and just cut the flywheel off! :aj:
I did try using a standard 3-jaw puller but it didnt quite line up right since my flywheel has only 2 holes for the jaws to grasp.

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