
Mar 12, 2001
I just repacked my PC silencer on 2000 KDX 200. I used one package of Moose Fiberglass and it looks like it could have used two packages. Will this effect engine performance due to lack of back preasure? Would any one suggest that I tear it apart and add a second package of glass or should it be fine?

David Trustrum

Jan 25, 2001
Goldilocks & the 3 bears on this one.
Dyno tests I have done on r.race bikes has shown repacking a blown out muffler to reasonably full is A GOOD THING. But totally bloody full losses a small amount of power, not as much as not enough though.
So somewhere in between but fairly full is good.


Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by paulb:
I just repacked my PC silencer on 2000 KDX 200. I used one package of Moose Fiberglass and it looks like it could have used two packages. Will this effect engine performance due to lack of back preasure? Would any one suggest that I tear it apart and add a second package of Thanks.

Yes it will! Redo it now or be prepared to ride without any low end. I learned this lesson the hard way. I did the same thing (Moose packing, one package not enough) and when I fired up and tried to ride(after driving all the way up to my riding area): zero low end. I finally had to rip it apart at the unloading area and with the aid of some scrounged material and some duct tape added enough bulk to tighten things up. Here's another tip. Skip the expensive Moose packing and use the cheap yellow fiberglass insulation that you can find in the plumbing section of Home Depot.

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