
Jun 4, 2008
i bought a 97 cr125 a couple weeks back. i went riding with some friends and was sitting on a slight down hill with the bike shut off clutch out and in gear and my bike was ramdomly jumping forword. also some times when i have the cluch fully pulled in and i shift the bike into 1st gear still with the cluch pulled in the bike jumps forward as if the clutch isnt fully disengaging. i have been told that this is common. is the true or just crap and if its crap whats wrong.

thankyou ben


Mar 14, 2008
if the bike was on a hill then it was probably the motor turning over that allowed u to roll over and as for the clutch grabbing when disengaged this is commmon... my RM used to do it. it is caused by the clutch basket being worn out. after time the fiber plates will dgi grooves into the basket. the grooves egt deeper as the clutch grabbes harder so when u pull the clutch leaver the plates sometimes stay stuch engaged. i replaced my clutch basket with a hinson and now ti works a1. if u replace it dont go with stock.. there a waiste of time. u can also remove the basket and file the grooves flat.


Mar 21, 2004
If I read that correctly, rolling downhill in gear, not holding the clutch and engine off, you more than likely are feeling the engine turning over. Unless you were holding the kill switch, I should have tried to start. The lurching forward is common especially if the idle is too high or (what I see a lot) you are reving the engine then tapping it into gear. If the basket is grooved, you will feel it when you take off. When you feather the clutch out, it seems to slip an then all of a sudden feels like you dumped it. In some bad cases, the lever will feel notchy. It will also disengage the same way, hangs it then lets go quickly. I am using a Wiseco clutch basket im my 05 CRF250R. I like it, after market baskets and hubs make the clutch action like butter and last 10 times longer with proper maintenance (oil changes, replacing worn plates). The only drawback is the new baskets don't come with the gears or cushions. You will have to take your old basket apart (the new one should come with instruction) and install them on the new basket. I would recommend new cushions at the same time, especially if yours are original. The Wiseco setup I purchased was around $200 w/ cushions, a couple of special bits for the Rekluse clutch, and revised Rekluse pressure plate and hardware (the new setup will use strong bolts instead of rivits to holt the drive gear). I purchased mine though my Honda shop from Rekluse (I use a Rekluse Z-Start clutch). The Rekluse basket is slightly deeper (.100" to accomodate the Rekluse pressure plate, but it will still work with a stock clutch). You might also look at Hinson. Of course they make the alum high performance baskets but they also have a newer line of steel baskets for increased flywheel effect for woods riders.

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