
Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
Who would be up for a Damn Yankees spring ride at The Lost Trails in June. I know people have been getting thier RAC permits, but for people who would be traveling to ride, it would be harder for them to get a permit. For those who have looked into Lost Trails before, and were held back by the insurance requirements, They no longer require insurance on your bike. But it is always highly recomended.

If theres interest in a spring ride, I'll start a new thread so we can pick a date.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
I'm up for that Dan. I have been out a few times and am getting back in shape so I shouldn't embarrass myself too much!


Aug 5, 2005
Let's ride someplace with trails.........

What's with you guys? Doesn't anyone other then about 5-6 of us ride anymore? Absolutely beautiful day on Sat! We rode about 31 miles of some really sweet single track that is part of the Broad Mtn Enduro. Guys get your permits, from what I understand they are not limiting the number sold this year and at 100.00 for the year if you do 2 weekends out there you're ahead of the curve anywhere else. If you go out on a Friday morning hit the office before 4pm you get your permit and ride all weekend. This place beats anything that Paragon or Tower city combined has to offer and the price is a steal. Another great option is of course 8b's campground. It gives us the ability to ride their property as well as all of the old Paragon stuff which is still marked out just like the day they closed, for only 25.00 per day. Lost trails I believe is 35.00 a day and has very limited single track, by their own website they are primarily an ATV park. Did anyone also see that they are only open 9-5 it doesn't get dark till well after 7 these days, and I don't know about you but I prefer to get out early to beat the heat of the day say on the trail around 8-8:30 Id say take a better look at their website, they don't even show a picture of a dirtbike on their photo page are they even friendly toward Bikes. Here's the link
Don't get me wrong if this is the best we can do to all get together I'll go but think we would have a better time somewhere else.


Apr 2, 2009
When I'm not working, I'm trying to get out to ride, but my riding buddies are limited... still gotta get that damn permit, but I've been gone for a week and a half...


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Gordon, Believe me I want to get out more. I rode for a couple of hours out behind my house this past Saturday. There's over 1000 acres that I have opening up some old trails with a buddy of mine. I have been so busy with the new house that I only rode once last year. My goal is to get out more this year but I just can't justify driving 3 hours to RAC right now when I have some pretty good stuff right out of my garage. Lost Trails is small but they do have some fun trails (I think Dan even has some single track) that more people can make the trip to. It's sure a lot closer for me.


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
Gordon, if you dont want to hit up lost trails, thats fine. But what gives you the right to bash a place you have never even tried. Not all of us have the ability to drive out and get the permit during the week, then drive another 2.5 hours each way every weekend to ride there. I have had permits for RAC the past 2 years, but to me its not worth the travel time when there is something closer, even if it is smaller.

I didnt ask about a spring ride at RAC because if people are traveling, they may not be able to get a permit. I didnt ask about 8Bs because there have been issues with riding there, and the owners of 8Bs have received warnings about telling people they can ride Paragons property, and I know of 2 friends who have had bikes confiscated for riding Paragons old property.

I am just looking to get together with a group of friends to hafve a fun weekend. If anybody has another resonable idea of where to go, we can try that.


Aug 5, 2005
Not Bashing

Hey Dan
I'm not bashing ( a resource is a resource) and it's only about another hour to 8b's and it's alot cheaper for more riding area even without the old Paragon Property Which as far as I know there is no problem riding it as long as you a have a card from 8b's. Did your so called freinds who lost their bikes, (I'd sure love to hear more about this story) have a day rider card from 8b's or more likely were they just riding the property without anyones permission. Dan you ride lost trails because you work there but be fair about options. I wasn't "bashing", their website makes them look like they are exclusive to ATV's and we all know we don't mix well in the arena. Sorry if you took it the wrong way but please don't take it personally.



Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
Yes, my friends were with 8Bs. 8Bs does not have the authority to tell people they can ride Paragons old land so a pass from 8Bs means little on Paragons property. I have ridden the property a few times through 8Bs last year, but for me its not worth the risk. If others feel theres no risk, thats fine.

As for Lost Trails, I dont work there. I took the initiative to ask them if I could use a section to cut some single track to make the park more bike friendly. The were originally going to be an ATV only park, but that was changed, and there are just as many bikes there on a weekend as their are ATVs . Yes, all the pictures on their website are of ATVs, but if you looked at Paragons website 2-3 years after they opened, there wasnt a single picture of bikes or ATVs there, only trucks.

I agree there should be more pictures of bikes, and eventually there will be. But they have not change or added any pictures to their website since it was put up. The reason is, as with any park that allows dirtbikes and ATVs, there are people who dont want it there. They saw how people were using the pictures on Paragons website against Paragon, so they removed some of their pictures, and wont be adding more until the park has a firm foothold in the area and will be able to defend themselves better against the people who will use whatever they can to get them closed down.

Again, I am only looking to get together with friends for a weekend of riding. I'm open to suggestions of where to go. My choice was lost trails because I know the trails, and i think I can set up a good 2 day ride. RAC would be a great place for a spring ride because of the size, but would be dificult for some to get permits, 8Bs, I am not sure about , but if thats where people want to go, I'll be there. The only other place I can think of would be Hatfield McCoy, but I think we would need a week instead of a weekend if anybody is up for that.


Jun 15, 2001
I have not tired Lost trails but its farther (for me) and smaller than other options. Scooter do you think we could make an honest 2 day ride out of it? If so I would make the trip just to see, ride, and hang with everyone. I vote RAC but I understand the permit issues. But, lets not forget that Pottsville is the home of D.G. Yuengling & sons brewery (4 doors up from the RAC office) and they offer tours and tasting. What better excuse to knock off Friday do you need?

8 B's is $25 / day, not night, so if you camp its $50. But that's 2 days of riding and one night camping so still cheap. There are showers but you have to run (or ride) up to the mini mart to do heavy biz. There is a hotel open now right at the entrance as in ride right out of the lot onto the trails. That's nice if your into that sort of thing. You can even hang and have a few Barley bevs and putt back to the hotel for you soft bottom boys, and girls.....


Jun 15, 2001
Had a nice 26 mile poke up at Bonners today. Carmella even let me roll for free since it's my Birthday! How sweet :nod: . Neal and his buddy Dean and I. Neal mentioned Dean had not ridden in a while but just picked up an XR 650. I figured a while was A WHILE when he dawned some Bob Hurricane Hannah White, Pink, Purpple and floresent Blue Cotton Awnser jersey and AXO pants. Turns out it had been a while. He got a bit bummed early when we hit a washed out rock step up and he had to wrestle and try to start the big bore no e start bike. He got his boots back after that and we cruised some nice woods trails. He picked up the pace but got pretty tired after a slog in the mud after lunch so we took a jump in the lake at the rope swing and that hit the spot. We dried off and worked our way back in. Neal even had a nice cold one for me when we were done! Nice day. I think I'll go rock some more cold ones!
Oh we were playing in the Horse shoe pit and I ripped off 5 Nobes on each side doing power slides so I need to drop some $ on my bike now for sure. To Dunlop's credit, they tore all the way down to the cords!


Aug 31, 2008
Is bonner part of RAC?

I've been going up there maybe 3 times a month. Burma rd and the side west of that too. I can't get enough. I'm looking to link up with some experienced guides for the area.

We did find the one singletrack that has the monster downhill and swerve left to avoid the tree at the bottom.

I will vouch that Lost Trails can't hold a candle to RAC. The rocks are ridiculous and the single track is nothing like what can be had in the coal fields.


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
OK since it seems like people are misunderstanding what I have said about lost trails...

I never said Lost trails was better than RAC. Myself I would prefer RAC, Tower City, the old Paragon area any day just due to the size and variety of terrain. My reason for mentioning lost Trails for a get together was because it is the easiest place to acess with a group who are traveling, and can't get a RAC permit, or dont want to buy a yearly pass for Tower City to ride 1 weeeknd. Nobody else had mentioned anything about a ride, so I thought I would throw it out as an idea.

There are definitely better/larger areas to ride than Lost Trails, but for those of us who have limited riding time, and dont want to drive 2 hours every weekend, its a great place to ride.

Again, if anybody else has a suggestion for a spring ride, by all means, post it. Although it doesnt look like theres much interest in a spring ride right now anyway.


Aug 5, 2005
been missing you

Hey rock rock rock
How is it that we haven't seen you there yet? Jason, Steve, Brad, John, Darrel and I are regulars to the Berma Rd parking area, which by the way runs pretty much East and West So you're usually riding either north or south from it. Your welcome to join us if you like. I'll post toward the end of the week as to which day we'll be there.



Aug 5, 2005

Oh by the way no 8 b's or Bonners is there own thing and has nothing to do with RAC although you can probably connect the dots and get there but just make sure to stop in and pay Mrs. B for the day ride.


Aug 5, 2005
Saturady 5/16

So who's in? Looks like we might get a little rain late in the day but other then that should be ok. I plan on meeting ready to ride by 10:00am Berma Rd. Should be a good ride since they have had plenty of rain to keep the dust down.

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