
Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
The other side of the Statistics - What the Media isn't telling us

By now everyone has been hearing the death toll rise and reports
of the destruction from the terrorist attacks on the US. These were
deplorable acts that we will never forget. But now is a time to look
at the other side of the numbers coming out of New York, Washington
and Pennsylvania. The sad but somewhat uplifting side that the
mainstream media has not reported yet - the SURVIVAL rates and
some positive news about the attacks.

*** The Buildings ***

* The World Trade Center - The twin towers of the World Trade
Center were places of employment for some 50,000 people. With
the missing list of just over 5,000 people, that means 90% of the
people targeted survived the attack. A 90% on a test is an 'A'.

* The Pentagon - Some 23,000 people were the target of a third
plane aimed at the Pentagon. The latest count shows that only 123
lost their lives. That is an amazing 99.5% survival rate. in addition,
the plane seems to have come in too low, too early to affect a large
portion of the building. On top of that, the section that was hit was
the first of five sections to undergo renovations that would help
protect the Pentagon from terrorist attacks. It had recently completed
straightening and blastproofing, saving untold lives. This attack was
sad, but a statistical failure.

*** The Planes *** The flights were originating (first-leg) flights.

* American Airlines Flight 77 This Boeing 757 that was flown into
the outside of the Pentagon could have carried up to 289 people,
yet only 64 were aboard. Luckily 78% of the seats were empty.

* American Airlines Flight 11 This Boeing 767 could have had
up to 351 people aboard, but only carried 92. Thankfully 74% of
the seats were unfilled.

* United Airlines Flight 175 Another Boeing 767 that could have
sat 351 people only had 65 people on board. Fortunately it was
81% empty.

* United Airlines Flight 93 This Boeing 757 was one of the most
uplifting stories yet. The smallest flight to be hijacked with only 45
people aboard out of a possible 289 had 84% of its capacity
unused. Yet these people stood up to the attackers and thwarted
a fourth attempted destruction of a national landmark, saving untold
numbers of lives in the process.

*** In Summary ***

Out of potentially 74,280 Americans directly targeted by these
inept cowards, 93% survived or avoided the attacks. That's a
higher survival rate than heart attacks, breast cancer, kidney
transplants and liver transplants - all common, survivable illnesses.

The Hijacked planes were mostly empty, (they were originating,
first-leg flights) the Pentagon was hit at it's strongest point, the
overwhelming majority of people in the World Trade Center
buildings escaped, and a handful of passengers gave the
ultimate sacrifice to save even more lives.
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R White

Sep 13, 2001
the stats? how about god's work

Your thread listing stats of how many lived after 9/11 are true. But, I have received the same "stats" listed in another manor. Someone asked where was God thru those horrors. The stats show where God was. He was working hard that day quietly convincing people not to get on those airliners.
God was there making minor hazards and delays to keep people from arriving on time to work in the WTC and the surrounding buildings. God was weeping as some of his children chose to take the lives of so many others. Then God himself reached out and held up the twin towers until all that were saved could be saved. Then he carefully allowed them to fall straight down to earth rather than collapsing to the sides causing more damage and destruction and loss of life. God was there to guide those who died home to him. And most of all, God was there with all of us thru the horrors and terrors of that day and the days following to love us and comfort us and guide us in helping to unite and aid our fellow man. These stats you give are not just stats. They are more, much more.


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
You all know who Jackie Chan is, I am sure. He was supposed to start filming a movie about a window washer, riding a scaffold on the outside of the building, at the Towers at 7:00 AM on the morning of 9/11. The script writer did not get the script ready in time the previous day, delaying the production. You know what they say, he works in mysterious ways...

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