stuffed clutch 1997 rm125 need help!!


Jul 15, 2007
stuffed clutch and gear changing 97 rm125 need help!!

Hey there everyone, every time my bike is in gear (1st etc...) i hold the clutch in so that it will idle, but the bike still stalls.And when im changing up a gear, i feel the gears dont change very well, e.g wen im at 3rd i tri shift up but theres no change, so i have to try again until i get it up. Wat do i do?? I can feel that there is something wrong wen i change up a gear, but i have no clue at all.
I'm new to 2-strokes and im not sure, how to get to things like the piston rings, reed valves etc as yet

could someone please help, any suggestions i'll take em :yell:

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Sep 1, 2003
It could be your clutch or a shift fork. Lets eliminate one possibility- the clutch.
Put the bike in gear. Lean the bike way over onto a stand or something (enough so the oil will not run out) and open up the clutch cover. Then remove the spring retaining bolts (around the center) and start removing the plates (remember how they are arranged: fiber, steel, fiber, steel...). Inspect all of the plates. Are the fibers worn down? Are any broken? Is the clutch basket grooved? Look at everything. Let us know what you find.


Jul 15, 2007
showtime586 said:
Is there anybody that you ride with that might be able to help you with working on your bike?

yea there are a few, but its holidays in new zealand, and most of them hav gone away...
Sep 15, 2004
I had a kx 100 that did the same thing.Try adjusting the clutch lever first.You want a little play in the other words when you pull the clutch lever in you want a little play in it before you feel the clutch sounds like it is too tight to me.if that doesnt fix it then you need to replace the clutch.I would reccommend getting a clutch kit(new clutch plates ,steel plates ,springs and a clutch cover gasket)as motordr9 stated when you take the old ones out remember how they were in there.If you replace the cutch remember to oil each plate before you put it back in.Try to adjust the lever first though


Jul 15, 2007
Yea, i tried ajusting the clutch but im not sure if im doin it right because theres no change, also wen i shift up,is the bike ment to alow u to change gear with out holding the clutch, because i tried that and it works??!! Im guessing that this is a bad thing..


May 15, 2007
I have a 1999 RM250 and when the stock clutch basket wore out it would die everytime I stopped with the clutch pulled in unless I revved the heck out of it. The clutch basket will be all wavy on the edges and that causes extra grab. Mine was so bad it broke a clutch plate.

A good basket like Hinson or Weisco will cure that part of it.

After the new clutch, I still have the problem of it not feeling like it is making it into the next gear. Alot of times it feels like I missed the shift, no positive click and I have a hard time finding neutral unless I use my hand to gently pop it up from first. I think I also have a shift fork problem or something else related to the tranny. I do not want to split my cases right now so it will be awhile before I address it.

I hope this helps.


Apr 18, 2006
You can change gears even without a clutch all bikes are capable of this.

It sounds like you clutch is not fully releasing.
Either the cable needs to be adjusted out or you probably have grooves in your clucth basket.

Grooves eventually wear themselves into the clutch basket over time and it happens to all bikes eventually. If adjusting the cable does not fix your problem you need to take the case off as suggested and inspect the clutch basket and disks.
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