Malcolm M

May 22, 2003
After riding for more than a couple hours, I'm developing some swelling in my lower legs, just inside from the inner edge of the shin guards. I guess it is blood pooling, and it goes away within 45 minutes or so after changing clothes. The shin guards are comfortable, not that tight, and I don't really notice anything unusual when I wear them. But the lump is kind of noticeable after I take them off. It's not painful, but sure looks funny.

Is that anything to worry about? Anyone else have something similar happen?


Mar 22, 2001
It's called pitting adeama (sp?), it's very common, and far as I know, nothing to worry about. You can take your thumb right now and press it against your shin and hold it for several seconds and then pull it away. The indention it leaves is pretty odd looking, but harmless.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Originally posted by billywho
You can take your thump right now and press it against your shin and hold it for several seconds and then pull it away. The indention it leaves is pretty odd looking, but harmless.

I don't know, Billy. I know he can sometimes be abrassive, but naming "it" after him? Regardless, the feat you describe sounds impressive, nonetheless. :worship:

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