Tri-County Dual Sport NJ ride Wow


Jun 15, 2001
The East coast crew is having a hard time getting together for rides but I have been riding with CFR guy at TC and saw his post on the Tri-Couty Dual Sport ride in Prot Elizebeth NJ. I have a good plate on the WR and it was only about a 1.5 hour drive so what the hell. Got on the grounds and there ware a good number of riders, campers and bikes staged in the large lot. I droped the bike on the ground and got signed in and some grub. Plenty to eat on this run from start to finish including a hot dog stand and bon fire at about mile 35 or so of the 88 mile trip.
We got off shortly after the rider meet and were under way shortly after 9 on a brisk but clear and calm day. It did not take to long to get the groove of the day. Ungelating sandy single track linked with some fire roads and very little paved roads. I was thinking as a dual sport ride there might be more road riding and after a while I started thinking, man 88 miles in the dirt is going to be a hard day! It was, but very fun. The ride ended up with about a 25 mile Hero single track option meaning there was a power line by pass for the larger bikes or smaller hearts :laugh: . This was GREAT single track, very tight, with lots of narrow tree "gates" . Man Im glad I cut my bars down as much as possible when I got the bike. CRF guy was banging around like a pine pinball with his full width bars. I was able to keep gliding through most of it in 2nd gear with some very tight 1st gear work for minutes at a time. I really got the hang of the high speed woods "grooving" after a while buy loading the bike up into the sandy berms and keeping my momentem around the turns. My GPR dampener really earned its keep today, I was able to work the knob through the wide range of terain and man with my very unsure footed (in the sand) 749 front tire I would have eaten sand at least 10 times. And the ability to crank it down to 1 in the tight single track was hudge!
I did get a bit to saucy in the end singel track section and dinged a tree I intended to clear, thus T-ing up square on a 3" round tree on the other side of the trail. A well executed hi side sumersault had me landing more or less on my feet. I recovered the bike took a look over things, and a few swift boots to the front tire had it riding ture, or so I thought untill a few minutes later I went to hit the front brake and the lever hit the bar! Doooh! :yell: . The hit had loosened the front brake line banjo bolt at the master cylinder. I stopped at the next section brake and was able to tighten it up and burp bleed the air out in short order and the front brake held up the rest of the ride. By the end of that last section, I was out of water, and on reserve fule. After a dip in the 3' deep mud pool the corse workers roped IN the trail!!!!! I was happy to roll back into base and grub out on the pulled port sandwich and chicken on the bone! We ate up, cleaned up, and loaded up and it was a great day. I have not ridden NJ in years and this was a great welcome back. I would do it again anyday! Well, maybe not tomorrow, we will see how I feel. CRF guy said there is a Dual Sport ride next Sunday with the Meteor MC group I think. Sounds cool to me. I hope I can make it.


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Nov 24, 2001
Sounds like a good time!


Aug 5, 2005
mud puddle

It was great riding with you and look forward to seeing you at the next dualsport. We need to get you entered into some of the Enduro races that are coming up in the spring. You'll need a race card but those I think are free and you get it at the event.

Oh by the way you forgot to metion there was a sneek route (which Steve and I took) around that huge mud puddle you decided to go ripping through. All I saw was a wall of mud and you were somewhere in the middle. Good thing it was a warm day!

The website for the next one is.


Jun 15, 2001
Yeah I don't really want to hurt anyones feelings by racing and taking podium spots from factory sponsered guys you know? :p . Yeah its ture, I slamed through the smelly sog but you know what? just like on the drive down there, I started behind you and ended up in front :nener: . Its fun to ride with your buds and be just a little bit competitive, it helps make getting soaked and stinky all the more sweet! Plus evey time I try to be cautious I end up crashing, LOL.


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
As I recall Jason, You were never shy about gettng into the muddy sog at PAP.

I sure do miss riding, and especially miss riding with all of you guys....and gals :(

Rock on brother :cool:


Jun 15, 2001
Yeah but a brisk November day of high speed riding and that pattented NJ brand of stinky bog juice make even me think twice. Once before I hit it and once after :p . Where you been sleepy? Not riding anymore?


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
Hey Jason, Yeah, I had to quit and sell the bike due to physical issues that I simply could not ignore anymore. I was very sad to see her go, and really bummed out about not being able to ride dirtbikes anymore, but the broken body finally left me no alternative but to set this particular sport aside, at least in the short term. Who knows...maybe one day I'll be able to get out there again.

Fortunately, I didn't have to give up on two wheels altogether yet, I've been spending a lot of time on my 03 FLSTS (Heritage Springer) and even went so far as to take a long ride down the skyline drive and blue ridge parkway, all the way to Georgia and back this summer! What a great trip. I highly recommend it to anyone who has a love for two wheels and the great outdoors!

I'll check in from time to time, I don't see too many NJ/NY/PA posts anymore since PAP closed it's doors. Do you still ride Bonner?


Jun 15, 2001
Hey Dave, that sucks you had to give up dirt. I do love street ridint too, not as much as dirt and not as much as I use to since my VFR is still apart. I am working on it this month and hope to have it on the road by the end of the year. Would love to do some road riding with you. Hey if you still love dirt riding you can joint your local club and help organise and run off road events. I know its not like riding but its still alot of fun.
Yes I still ride 8 B's and could even line up a soft cussy quad for you to tool around on if you can get your soft cussy butt on it :nener: . For real there are lost of guys up there that just kind of tool around all day and have a great time seeing the sights. And of corse they tool around all night and enjoy cool bevrages and great campfire food and cheer. Me thinks you should join and hang out :nod: . I have in the past said, if I could not swing my leg over a bike I would get a quad. I just love the trails and the outdoors to much to hole up or watch pavement all the time.


Aug 5, 2005
Meteor Dualsport

So any of you guys interested in the dualsport this weekend It's in Chatsworth, NJ area some really sweet riding to be had if you can handle the cold. Looks like a high of 52 for Sunday and partly cloudy so that's the day for me. Saturday looks like it migh rain.


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
That's a great idea Jason! I will certainly keep that in mind! I could see doing that, as long as the quad was squishy, the problems are with my spine, and in lieu of major debilitating surgery, I chose, at least for now, to discontinue all mid and high impact sports that have been contributing to and accellerating the degeneration of the disks.

I love the outdoors, and the woods especially, and really loved being out there on 2 or four wheels. In fact, can't think of anyplace I'd rather be or anything I'd rather be doing on a crisp day. I don't know of any local clubs, but I'm sure Dan does, maybe I'll check in with him.

Good tip! I'd definately like to do some road riding with ya too bro! I'll be riding until it drops below 20, so if you ever feel like cruising out here to Sussex county, I can show you some AMAZING roads up here to rip through. It's definately not like riding on Rt. 80, I can tell you that! ;)

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