
Aug 25, 2000
I found some unwelcome campers, here's how it transpired:

Sunday i take my dogs to the park for a walk, afterwards i stopped at the grocery store for some stuff for dinner. When i came out of the store my truck would not start. :think: It seemed like a dead battery which didn't seem too likely as it's a pretty new truck. I opened up the hood to find about a bushel of grass/twigs/branches/leaves. The damn engine compartment was crammed full! I thought a racoon had made a nest in there.

Well - got a jump and was able to get the truck home but it was evident that there was something wrong electrically (acted like a failing alternator). I had to go to Mexico the next morning for a few days and got back this evening - opened up the hood to see what damage might have occured Sunday and bammo - the same thing. Only this time there is a squirrel staring me in the face. She scampers away and i can hear her babies crying. :whiner:

I felt bad as i cleared away the second bushel of grass/twigs/branches/leaves/electrical wiring/vacuum hoses/and other miscellaneous engine parts as i knew that i would come across the babies eventually. Well - i did find them and came to the realization that it's a truck and not a maternity ward. So i gently scouped them up and placed them under Wendys' pillow. Boy will she be pissed when she finds them tonight!!

OK - so i didn't really do that - but it did cross my mind. :debil:

So now here i am - i just killed two little squirrels and the wiring and vacuum lines in my engine compartment are on par with confeity. I have to get the truck towed to the dealer as there are so many wires and other items eaten away that i'm afraid to even try to start it.

This is going to probably be slightly expensive. :ugg:

OK - i'm done venting.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Lou can hook you up with some great BBQ sauce! :)


Aug 25, 2000
I do love that KC BBQ sauce from Lou! I thought that the little ones would make an interesting appetizer - maybe deep fried (although i am not really a fried food person). :joke:

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
I had a similar experience; three baby squirrels presented themselves in the battery box of my tractor one day. No damage to the tractor, but I knew what was gonna happen. Mama was no-where to be found.

I was going to "put them to sleep", but my 8 year old Kristy wandered up and wanted to know:

"Daddy . . . . .Whatcha doin'"

"Uhhh . . . . ahhh . . . . rescuing these here baby squirrels Sweetheart."

"Oh! goody!! What are we going to name them?"

"Uhhh . . . . . um . . . . .errrrrr . . . . . arghhhh!!! . . . . What do you think we should name them Pumpkin?"

And so I was hopelessly trapped. The three babies took residence in the bathtub, we were feeding them with an eyedropper with very little sucess. Two of the little fellers just sort of slipped away :whiner: , but the biggest one was looking good. Eating well. By golly I think this one is going to make it! We named it Gilligan.

Then the fateful day came when Kristy came into the living room;

"Daddy! You should see BB playing with Gilligan!"

BB is the family cat. :ohmy:

How did I ever get into this mess? :flame:

Gilligan is resting comfortably under the azalea bush now.

And Kristy somehow doesn't feel quite the same about BB. Indeed, everytime that stupid show comes on TV, Kristy and I exchange meaningful glances . . . . .

"Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale . . . .a tale of a fateful trip." :whiner:


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Years ago i worked at a Budweiser distributorship , we had a squirrel that we would give a few peanuts too everyday at lunch.. He knew the time and would wander inside the warehouse.. One day, i hear the mechanic right outside start yelling and cussing, run out (thinking he was hurt) and saw out lil buddy being taken away by a hawk :debil:


Aug 25, 2000
gospeedracer said:
You KILLED them??!! :|

Killed them?? :uh: Why i would never do such a thing. I think it was the extreme cold that killed them when i set them on the ground while i was working on the mess of wires in my truck.


Aug 25, 2000
XRpredator said:
ain't nufin' better'n a batch o' squirrel stew . . .

Pred - just let me know if you want the youngn's. I'll drop them in the mail with some dry ice. Although i dno't think that there will be enough for a batch of stew you should get a nice snack out of them.


Aug 25, 2000
Well - the truck's all fixed. :) Cost was under my insurance deductable ($250) so i did not turn it in.

BUT - Now i have another issue to deal with. :| The mechanic calls me and says that he's finished but that he can't really testdrive the truck since he can't drive down the road more than 30mph without the tonno cover flapping all over the place. It seems that the AAA tow service towed my truck backwards on the flatbed that they brought and the wind must have caugght the cover and broke the aluminum side rails on either side of the truck bed. Hopefully it will not be a huge fight with AAA to get the thing repaired to my liking or replaced.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
I had a lady in my shop the other day telling us that AAA was going to pay for the damages to her car. I guess they towed her car backwards and dropped it off the truck. They "forgot" to hook up the chains, so when they started to tilt the bed, oopps..there went the car. Screwed up her bumper, tires, and alignment. They are fixing it though. May be harder to prove to them that they messed up the cover.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
XRpredator said:
ain't nufin' better'n a batch o' squirrel stew . . .

Squirrel stew?

Toughest darn flesh God ever created! :)


Aug 25, 2000
MXGirl230 said:
... May be harder to prove to them that they messed up the cover.

AAA already agreed that the cover was damaged due to the tow. Now it's a matter of getting the $$ to get the cover replaced.


Dec 10, 2001
I feel the pain... check out this similar situation.

Starts off my bike is kept in a shed that had nuts showing up, birdseed being eaten, and rags shredded. So I thought I had a squirrel too.
One day I pulled the CR out for a ride around my backyard track, and decided to do the right thing and put a clean airfilter in, since I hadn;t changed it from the last mx race I ran. Low and behold, when I pulled the seat off, all those rags, birdseed and nuts are in the airbox. Furious I started throwing the shredded mess into the trash can when I noticed a hole was eatin in the filter itself right on tip. Now I'm pissed, and pulled the rest of the juck out, which included the wad really covering the filter. I found myself looking into the eyes of a scared/pissed mouse with four baibies hanging off her. It was sick, little bald babies and all. Now I wanted revenge, and grabbed a can of Brake Kleen and began to spray, I think the results are that of a chemical attack to Iraqi's.
Needless to say, I had to drop the sub-frame and clean to whole mess out, luckely nothing went into the carb. Imagine if I had not decided to do the right thing, my engine would have been a disasster.
Mine only cost me $25 for another filter, but I still feel the pain!


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