
dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
the yanks are coming :aj:
my riding partner and i will be at coal creek(windrock) for our annual get the cobwebs out / cabin fever cure-all mountain ride . we will be there april 7-10 riding a couple cr250s.

anybody who cares to join us is welcome, the more the merrier :nod:

also any ideas to enhance the experience are welcome , you know like nightly entertainment , must have restaurants in the area , mx tracks worth staying off the mountain for a day , etc. etc.

again anyone up for some serious ground pounding , be there.
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dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
everyone quit riding down there??


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
un believable, the weather is nearly perfect for ya'll and this place is deserted


Sponsoring Member
Jun 8, 2003
sure the weather is good - thus not sitting on the computer - been out riding in the backyard. have you been to windrock before - what are you looking to ride - where you planning to stay. not sure how much i can help as i have avoided windrock over the past 2-years but was thinking of heading back up there again. i live about 4-miles out of oliver springs


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
we were there last year toward the end of march, planned to wait a week or two later this year cuz there was still alot of runoff which caused an insane amount of puddles, looking at staying in oak ridge or knoxville, why do you avoid windrock?? something better in the area?

stop by and we'll cook ya some lunch(tailgate style)


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
mostly wasnt really looking for help, this thread was mostly an invite to all and if some outstanding ideas came along that would be ggood too


Sponsoring Member
Jun 8, 2003
There has not been much rain this entire year - of course that can change in an hour in east tennessee. i recommend staying in oak ridge as the drive from knoxville will add 20-min to the drive to windrock riding area.

we never ride on the weekend up there as it is too crowded and really hate coming around the corner and meet a truck or buggy running all out. after 4pm on sunday in summer is ok as most have left riding area by then. week day riding is great - just have to watch yourself around 4pm when the mine gets out and the workers come ripping down the hill. oh, also watch out for the occasional coal truck or logging truck - but they typically move slowly and only on the main access roads.

single track is on the far end of windrock - lake city area. i am not that familiar with it. i did ride out there from oliver springs a few times but its a long ride on dirt roads (boring) to get there. most people looking for single track come in from the lake city side.


Oct 31, 2002
ellandoh said:
everyone quit riding down there??
Not likely, but there are very few people from there that are DRN members. RTL was one, but I don't see him post anymore so I'm not sure he even rides. Volunteer riders is your best bet for meeting up with people, but I don't know how often they check the mail from their website.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
a guy cant even coax some of you fellas to play hookie for a day to go riding and get a free lunch?? SHEESH :coocoo:

is windrock not the right place, i thought i was in heaven last year


Sponsoring Member
Jun 8, 2003
i will likely show up and drag along a few friends too. i will try to prerun some trails the week or so before your planned visit to check conditions. we had a heavy rain a few days ago - turned my track into mud! let me know if your planned visit dates change.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
sweet!!! we are still a go for that weekend, will get in touch with you maybe trade cell# or Nextel# if you have that


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
weather looks good lately , hope the rain in this weekends forecast is as reliable as the weathermans usual routine :coocoo: ....................

3 of us coming down now................. :aj: :aj:


Nov 25, 2003
Sorry but I didn't see your post until now. My son rides mx and I don't have a bike right now. Eventually, I plan on taking him up there to ride, perhaps when he masters the 65sx. Untill then, we are focused on mx and trying to qualify for Loretta's.

I could have pointed you towards some potential riding partners though. Oh well, hope you had a good time.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
we had a blast, met up with tnrider, was our 2nd year there so we had a good idea what the scoop was :ride:

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