What cool/scary/wierd/neat things have you seen while out riding???


Dec 27, 2005
I have seen some pretty wierd and cool stuff while out riding, just wondering what other people have found/saw. Some of the things ive found are meth labs, 03 chevy Suburban found it today, numerous other cars that have been shot up and or burned/ rolled over. homeless peoples "houses", Explosive disposal range sign, many housing appliances and your other usual trash and garbage. Lots of stuff out here in the desert. A guy found the body of a model that was raped and shot when she was in a remote mountain trail doing a photoshoot.


Dec 27, 2005
bordrshane said:
I found a guy who had commited suicide the night before. He blew half his head off with a shotgun. Ya, that sucked.

THATS COOL, but im a sick, emotionally "empty" indavidual. seriously sorry you had to see that though. I'm not sure if i'd run, hide, cry or poke it with a stick.


Jan 14, 2005
I was racing in Alberta once and saw a wolverine, I was so busy looking at the wolverine that I crossed up on a log on the road (front wheel on one side and rear wheel on the other) I thought for sure I was going to crash and have this mean little creature attack me (they are vicious) I managed to save it though... In the same race they sent you right past a crashed airplane...All in all it was a cool ride.


Feb 3, 2004
The scariest thing I have seen while riding was my riding.

We see stolen/abandoned/stripped cars all the time. We ride by a cliff with atleast a dozen cars at the bottom.


Oct 9, 2004
I see something cool every time i ride: Roost flyin' off my rear tire!:)
Last Sunday I had to make my own trail for a bit when I ran up on a gang of turkeys. Not unusual.
One time I found a horse laying on the side of a fire road. The thing was obviously dead but it's guts were moving. Out crawls an opossum. I had interrupted his meal. Yummy! I sat there watching that greasy giant rat looking critter slink off into the woods and wondered how the horse got there. The world may never know.


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
I pulled up behind a PIck-up with 4 feet hanging out the passenger door. ;) I was about 12 at the time, so didn't cause them any grief.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
bsmith said:
I pulled up behind a PIck-up with 4 feet hanging out the passenger door. ;) I was about 12 at the time, so didn't cause them any grief.
I appreciate your discretion.

We were almost done.

oh, and I've seen many a moose, deer, elk, and bear. Up on the Palouse Divide, there's a crashed B-17 or -29 (I'd have to ask someone else to be sure) that we ride by all the time, just a couple yards off the trail in the brush.

No grizzly bears or ninjas, though, so I haven't yet had the need to carry an axe.


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
I was there in 78 when Spazzy ran over a rattler and his rear tire flung it up and into Chuck's lap (obviously Chuck was following Spazzy but you guessed that). Chuck really stuck his dismount!

Then in 84 an owl swooped down out of the sky and attacked Mike's leg. We never really figured that one out but Mike had Fox boots with the little fox head on the front, maybe the wise old owl thought it were a mice.

Haven't really been out much since then.


Freedom Ain't Free
Jul 3, 1999
Worst I ever saw was as a kid. A big hole dug right in the middle of a fast turn that we rode our trail bikes on just about everyday. That was my introduction to the enviro-friendlys.

I seen one or two more booby traps since then


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
I came across the site of a cult's place of worship. Some Satan worshipers had a big meeting and scarificed some animals and all that stuff the night before. The rope they used to hang the animals when they mutilated them was still there as was a bunch of blood and fur. They painted all kinds of signs on the trees (upside down crosses and other stuff). I was in the 8th grade at the time - it scared the crap outa me!


Jul 20, 2004
jeffd said:
I came across the site of a cult's place of worship. Some Satan worshipers had a big meeting and scarificed some animals and all that stuff the night before. The rope they used to hang the animals when they mutilated them was still there as was a bunch of blood and fur. They painted all kinds of signs on the trees (upside down crosses and other stuff). I was in the 8th grade at the time - it scared the crap outa me!

Completely weird...I was reading down through these before I posted, but that is almost exactly what I was about to post. We came across an area in the woods where some type of animal sacrifice was going on :p and found carcasses of a couple of goats.

Also, there was an old Page dragline that we used to ride to and explore when we were teens...it was bigger than my parents farmhouse...about 4 stories tall, and it used to 'walk' instead of move on tracks.

Once when riding on a strip mine, we went down into the bottom of the pit and there was a perfect 'doorway', which is to say a mineshaft in the rock. We came back with flashlights and walked about a 1/2 mile into the mountain, blissfully ignorant to the dangers of methane gas that might be in there.

We ride trails on a farm NE of Oxford, NC and found John Penn's homestead, complete with family cemetery and really really creepy slave cemetery where you could perfectly see the sunken graves in a row. I wouldn't ever ever be out there alone at night...creeeeeepy.

Hard to top finding bodies, though, sheesh, talk about a haunting memory. :yikes:


Freedom Ain't Free
Jul 3, 1999
While riding in Bill's woods in Muenster I found this guy named jeffd, and I haven't been able to shake him since. He's like a little lost puppy dog insistently following me around nipping at my heels


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Cooliest thing ? I was riding out around the backside of Canyon Lake and had a coyote pace me, I gave chase for a bit, which was fun, then after I gave up, he followed me back to the trail, it was really cool, but I think he was waiting to eat me when I crashed.

Coyotes are a crack up, almost as much fun as chasing jackrabbits

That's right PETA, I did and they had just as much fun running as I did chasing


Jul 5, 2005
Where we ride stripped down cars are used as landmarks, when showing a newcomer the trails. Beep beep where you at? im by some gutted s10, beep beep ill be there in a second. Other than that i found a stolen ford ranger, windows where smashed but the keys where in the ignition. No animal sacrificings or anything like that.


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
I saw bear poop on the trail once.

Nope - that was Taraker! :laugh:

It is easy to get those two things confused. The way to tell the difference is that if you see something that looks and smells like a big pile 'o bear poop, but it is talking and never seems to shut up, then that is Taraker.

If it is quite, it is in fact bear poop. :uh:
Last edited:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I saw bear poop on the trail once.
reminds me of something my delicate flower said in response to my ol' man saying:
"Does a bear **** in the woods?"

"No! They always do it in the trail!!"


Aug 29, 2003
Riding my first enduro, the trail went past what resembled a house. surrounded by about 10 destroyed cars. It was really interesting because there was no roads leading out to were they sat. Very large trees had grown up around them so I knew taht they had been there for a while. The scary part was that my bike stalled. Now did you ever catch your self in the woods and you sudenly realize that there is no noise or sounds around. I mean deathly quiet, so quiet you could hear a nat fart. Yeah, that is what happened near that house. I have never kick started my bike that fast in my life.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
We came across a party area once. It had a fire pit, couch, recliners, and other chairs...nothing too exciting though.

Another time we came across a section of hill that was really sandy, and halfway up was a car upside down and burned up.

Akira said:
you could hear a nat fart.
I have no idea why I find that part so funny...

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