
Dec 29, 2003
XGX Racing :|

I was in the market for new graphics and found a vendor for what i needed on MX South's site. they didnt list my bike in MX's catalog so i called XGX direct. I ordered graphics, numbers plates and numbers from them to include some custom graphics for my rear fender. I placed my order on February 11th. its now March 25th, I dont have my graphics and havent been able to get a live person on the phone from XGX for two days.

I spent $177 on these stinkin things and have been waiting over a month and a half now for them.

I dont blame MX South other than they are the ones where i got this outfits name from.

BEWARE or XGX Racing DBA Xtreme Graphics.

Are there any graphics companies out there that would like my piddly $177 in exchange for some flamed graphics for my KDX?

only one requirement, they ship 1 week from the receipt or my order.



Dec 29, 2003
I finally got a hold of them. They had me 98% finished and promised they would ship by COB Friday (yesterday).

they (Tracy) told me they have been so busy they actually are not offering any more custom work until they get caught up.

My biggest gripe is i have several things i need to do to the bike before the race season starts and they all are centered around these graphics.

I have to paint the frame, but cant until i see the colors in the graphics. while i have the engine out i need to re-ring it and blast the plates in my clutch and file the basket.

I have been waiting forthese graphics for a month and half. my first race is tomorrow (sunday) I it'll be on last years rings and a naked bike.

I just dont like waiting, I'm part Gen X and need instant gratification.


Sep 10, 2001
Hello all,
Tracy here,
Just accidetally happened across this post and noticed some pretty upset comments. Imathorp, your stuff is out the door and turned out pretty darn cool I might add! I do sincerely apologize for the delay and will do whatever I can to help you out. If anyone else is concerned, we are going through some major grwoth right now. More than I ever imagined, so things are a little tight for us right now. But we have hired two new people this month, one starting tommorow who are top notch and will definitely make things speedier for us. We have stopped taking orders for customs and number plates right now until our new people and equipment are implemented. Then its Katy bar the doors! Because some awesome stuff is happening! I also apologize for any non returned emails. We did have a problem with our mail server but that was a while ago and is fixed now.
Anyway, we are honestly doing our best and things are getting bigger and better everyday. I'm totally stoked about the new stuff that is happening, but I really want to get back to the one on one time I could spend with each customer. If anyone has any questions, feel free to give me a call.
This number works in Canada too... 814-837-7789
Again my apologies for the delay Imathorp. We'll take care of ya man!
:thumb: Later,

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