You think my BIKE is the noise problem ??


Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007
Today was a beautiful sunny day, so I decided to go out and do some work in the yard. And the entire time I was out there I could hear my neighbour running his brand new chainsaw. He has been running it for hours on end, every day for about 2 weeks. Where I live , you can go outside almost any day of the summer and hear, chainsaws, weed whackers, lawnmowers, heavy equiptment, barking dogs, screaming kids and tractors. In the winter is is a little quieter, snowblowers, trucks with blades pile driving into banks and boulders, sleds, and of course the barking dogs. The point I am trying to make is that my neighbourhood is always noisy.

Now, all of these people who make all sorts of their own noise are the same people that throw a fit whenever they hear a dirtbike drive up the road. I will listen to them run their chainsaws all day, and put up with their yappy dogs all night, and they will complain about the 1 minute in a day that I drive past their house on a bike. They only hear me for the ONE MINUTE that I am within their sound range ( I drive quiet and fairly slow when I am on the road, out of respect).

And what ticks me off just as much, are the ATV'ers. They want to kick the bikers of the trail too. OFF OF THE TRAILS !!! My bike does not block of the entire trail like their fat a$$es do. Ok, so my two stroke is a little noisier than their quads, but when I am on the local trails where people walk their kids and dogs, and quad, I drive very slow in a higher gear, to be quiet. But they still tell me to get off the nice little trails and banish me to the mountains. Maybe once in a while I like to putt around on the low down trails with my beginner friends that are just learning how to ride. The mountain trails are only another minute up the road, but sometimes it is nice to just go for a relaxing ten minute ride with a beginner. Would they rather have my friend break her neck up the mountain than let us go for an easy ride on the low trails? I guess so!!

Thank you for letting me vent, this has just been driving me nuts. I am also in a bad mood because I just had to push my bike home arrgg.

Thank you,


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Stop waving that middle digit at the neighbor girls and they might let you pass :) Yes noise pollution is everywhere and dirtbikes are by far the minimal cause. A couple years back an enterprising tree hugger managed to get almost everyone in his township to sign a petition limiting noise. He actually used dirtbikes and a small family track as the bait to get people to sign. Once he had enough signatures he went to the townboard and tried to get them to adopt the petition as an ordinance. Luckily one of the board knew how to read and saw that he had written it in language that would ban the use of any power equipment between the hours of 2PM and 10AM everyday of the week and all 24 hours Saturday and Sunday. Even farm tractors (in a mainly farming community) would be banned
I kind of wish he had gotten it passed just to teach all those signers a lesson in reading what you sign :whoa:

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
oldguy said:
Stop waving that middle digit at the neighbor girls
Dang........ you beat me to it.
Apr 30, 2007
oldguy said:
an enterprising tree hugger managed to get almost everyone in his township to sign a petition limiting noise....that would ban the use of any power equipment between the hours of 2PM and 10AM everyday of the week and all 24 hours Saturday and Sunday. Even farm tractors (in a mainly farming community) would be banned

I deem him:

Narcicisticly Miseducated Dachshund Terd!

What a selfish little buggar, not even considering a differing viewpoint! Banning tractors in a farming community...Did he NOT think of the consequences? Next he'll try banning pickups and cars.

Oh...yea...I'm a farmer's daughter...The guy in Dave's post especially pisses me off knowing what it's like spending 15 hour days in a tractor. It takes that long to dig a larger field!

If we were only allowed to work 4 hours a day, one might as well ban farming all together. Heaven forbid we should grow plants! :debil:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
justalonewolf007 said:
What a selfish little buggar, not even considering a differing viewpoint! Banning tractors in a farming community...Did he NOT think of the consequences? Next he'll try banning pickups and cars.
Don't kid yourself. There are people out there like that. I deal with stuff like this every day.

You would be amazed at some of the crap that comes down the pike. :|


Mar 18, 2008
yeahh, i hear ya, that sucks. we are outnumbered by the selfish stuck up non riders who ride around on their "nothing runs like a deer" lawn tractors, and the men who have .03 acres of land but still own a chainsaw people. what can we do? nothing really, we are outnumbered and allways will be
Apr 30, 2007
XRpredator said:
Don't kid yourself. There are people out there like that. I deal with stuff like this every day.

So do I...they will soon be my career...(criminal psychology type stuff)...

I just got spoken to by the local not so friendly police today (yes, there are awesome cops out there...but these particular individuals are not so awesome), about my street bike's "volume." As he was speaking at me, two huge harleys with highly modified exhaust passed...making our words totally illegible. To which I shrugged and had to wait for them to pass, then asked as politely as I could "Is it really that loud?"

Apparantly someone in this little town is trying to do the same thing.

Any day, we have people cruising (for hours on end) with their "jiggabo" music at top volume and windows rolled all the way down. We have the highschoolers with the biggest pickups money can buy, who modify the exhaust to deafening levels.

Yet, a small, fully geared, non-leather wearing, and conservative Ninja 250 rider (WEARING A FEGGIN" PINK HELMET AND JACKET NO LESS) gets to take crap for being "loud." :think:

I think finals have begun to take their toll on my patient and usually understanding/easygoing ways...


Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007
XRpredator said:
they are just mad because your noise is funner than their noise.

Your english sucks. It should be, "They are just mad because your noise is much more better than their noise" :nener:

This middle finger thing is my new trademark isn't it ?? :laugh:

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Yes, most certainly.
You're a girl in a man's sport.........the fun has just begun. (for us)
Apr 30, 2007
250girl said:
This middle finger thing is my new trademark isn't it ?? :laugh:

I'm pretty sure a mod or someone with "the powers that be" will be along shortly to affix something to your sig or avatar wordy things.


Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007
SWEET !! I think you are probably right.

Hey, is that Pred I hear?.............. :moon:


Sponsoring Member
Jun 8, 2003
oldguy said:
Even farm tractors (in a mainly farming community) would be banned

i have put 10-hrs on my kubota in the past 2-days and that thing makes much more noise at PTO speed than the crf450... and now that the track in riding shape :cool: - i will let my neighbors hear my crf450 and a few of the other toys too...

if anyone complains - i will just run my kubota with tiller attachment in the very early morning hours - i installed auxiliary lights on the tractor to make better use of daylight hours for MX riding... :laugh:


Aug 21, 2005
justalonewolf007 said:
Any day, we have people cruising (for hours on end) with their "jiggabo" music at top volume and windows rolled all the way down.
If you must use racially offensive terms, please have the decency to spell them correctly. There should be two O's.

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