
Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Friday night brought many storms to OKC, and we weren't quite sure if any tracks were going to be open Saturday to ride. The local track we ride (MotorCycle Raceway) has a series every year called the Gold Cup, and Squid Nasty and I decided to try our hands this year.

The weather seemed to be cooperating so we loaded our bikes and gear and headed out to the track at 430 for 530 practice. The parking lot was a mess from the rain the night before, but the track was in awesome shape. After unloading and getting setup we paid our fees and got back to the truck to get ready for practice.

The first practice was pretty exciting. There large chunks of mud all over the track and the roost was flying everywhere. Squid passed me, got directly in front of me, and roosted me so bad my googles were covered with thick mud. I think I need to learn to use tear-offs. :) On the second lap of the 4 lap practice, some guy in orange army fatigues decided that he wanted to take me out I guess. I was in the low line around a big bowl turn, and he came from the top line, and T-Boned me. I was suprised this happened because I had just entered the turn, and was nowhere near the meeting meet coming out of the turn. This happened in the first few feet of the turn. We both went down, and I suffered a broken clutch lever and had to pull off.

Somehow, the 2nd practice moto went off without a hitch. I got a nice, hard moto in and felt pretty good.

The first race moto was VERY eventful. I came out of the gate somewhere near 8 of 14 riders. I didnt stall it or wheelie!! We had completed one lap and I was riding much better and was passing a few people. Over the step-up, into the corner, over the table, into the left-hander, and onto the first double. As I hit the face of the jump (in 3rd) the yellow flag came up. As I was in the air, and had nowhere to go, I couldnt slow down for the flag. It seems a young man had gone nose high off the jump and landed on his rear wheel, having the bike flip over on him. I couldnt see any of this and when I landed, he was right in the middle to left-hand side of the track. As soon as I landed, there he was. This guy must have been around 6'1, and weighed probably 260 pounds. Im coming at him with 235 and 3rd gear. It was ugly. As I landed, I hit him with the left side of the bike and my knee and the left shoulder as he was facing me. The impact almost knocked me off of my bike, and I had one foot on the right peg, and one arm on the throttle (read WFO) trying to keep my balance. After that double, there's a big sweeping left-handed, bowl turn. I was headed at thing WFO in 3rd with no balance. The result was not pretty. I hit that berm and went over it, and dropped about 5 feet. My bike nosed dived into the backside straight that was about 3 feet high of dirt. I took the bars across my right arm pit and to my left ribs, went over the bars and face planted, then I had the luxury of the bike falling on me. It took about 2 minutes for me to catch my breath and get composed, and then I rode out the rest of the track, taking the checkered. I ended up 11 out of 14 with 3 guys mangled in that same wreck getting DNF's. :)

The 2nd moto was a good one for me. I rode around in the pits a bit to see how I was feeling and if I wanted to ride it or not, and decided I was good to go. I came out of the gate 6th out of 11 riders. For me, thats an awesome start. I normally wheelie or stall it, and I did neither of these things. Throughout the race, I held 6th until one guy passed me on the third lap. I was riding well, clearing all of the jumps (even a double I havent done out there) and ended up with a 7.

11-7=9! I am now in 9th place in the Gold Cup series!

Im not quite sure how that kid that got ran over survived. I was the second person to hit him, and after I did, he was struck again. I was told he was disoreinted and was crawling BACK on the track when I hit him. THe 3rd guy to hit him blew the yellow and passed 2 guys when this all happened. The track director came out at the starting gate and yelled at us all, but explained he knew who hit the guy under yellow.

Damage report: The right should and arm pit are sore. My knee that hit the kid must have hit the kids helmet because it is cut and swollen. It feels like I hyperextended it, but Im not sure because Ive never done it. Hurts mostly behind my knee. The left, bottom rib is super-sore, but not cracked or anything. Somehow, my left foot feels broken.

All in all, I had a great time. Ive gotten to where I dont crash on my own now :eek: but all these people are trying to sabotage me! Through all of this, I now now my bad femur is now a "good" femur and it wont break on me again. ;)

I saw the kid that was hit in a sling, going to the hospital shortly after the moto...I hope hes OK.

I have video of my crash that Squid took and Im going to try and post it soon. It makes us laugh. It reminds us of Americas Funniest Home videos or something..


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
good report, interesting ride. glad to see that you are not discouraged. what class did you ride? i'm lucky in that i usually get good starts and get away from that stuff. in local motocross, starts are everything. kendall and i will be at 59th next weekend for the state race. we'll probably be there saturday and watch the big bikes and vets, then camp at the track. kendall races sunday. you coming out?


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Way to go Milk.  Glad your still upright:) 


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Good to hear you survived Milk. My cousin rode his new yz450 in the intermediate class 2-2 fifnish for second overall. I guess the kid is better than I thought.


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Ha! I ride 250 Beginners. I racer I am not. I only race to have a place to ride. :) I stay to myself and try not to get over competitive. I had enough of that crap playing ball for so long. :) Im still learning to ride that 4 stroke, but get a little better each day.

Jay, I will most likely be out at 59th Saturday to either ride or watch. Maybe we can have dinner or something. What time does Kendall race Sunday?


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
i think sunday's races start at noon. if you're riding beginner, come on out and race. the beginner classes race on sunday.

justin's cousin is very fast. obviously, it's not hereditary. :debil:
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Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Here's a link to the video of me crashing Click Here (418kb)

Here's a link to the video in slow motion. Click Here (925kb)

Its ok to laugh. :) Squid's been making fun of my the whole day. :moon:


Apr 14, 2001
Nice report Milk... And, nice attitude about the nights eventful outcome...

I checked out those vid links and I can't see the kid you hit, he must have been on the ground?


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Yessir. he was crouching next to his bike just at the botton of the landing jump. You cant see his head as its obscured by the jump. :)


I come and go
Aug 7, 2001
Man, that XR100 sure can do some damage to a fella. You better go back to the KX125!


Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002
Ok Milk, I replied to the other thread before I read this review, Homer Simpson comment retracted, I thought you did it like I would have done, just forgot to turn! :o


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Good report! Glad you are all right, only worse for wear it sounds like. Did you have any damage to the bike?


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Bike came out unscathed fellers. :) All that hurts on me today are my ribs. Rib injuries SUCK.

Sweden: Yessir, we did do both race moto's under the lights. It allows for races to be held later, out of the heat of the day, but it also casts shadows on most of the lines, and the braking bumps. :(


Apr 14, 2002
Geez, that bikes too new to be throwing on the ground like that! Sounds like minimal damage to you and the bike. Those moving (crawling) whoops can be hard to figure out.

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