
Oct 31, 2002
Hi i am new to this forum, im from montreal canada, me and my friends bought some xr 100's about a month ago to polish our roadracing skills.We built a little racetrack in my backyard (here is a link to the pics (http://www.bikemovies.com/members/racerdude413/02xr100/)
I had never really ridden dirt before i bought this bike. I also ride a 98 honda vtr1000 on the street, i have been street riding for 10 years and roadracing on and off for 9 years (i am 25)

I do have a question about gearing. See i went out riding with friends on 4 wheelers last week some of the places we went had wide open gravel roads to conect the trails together. It seemed my xr would top out really quickly and i felt i had enough power to pull a taller gearing maybe 2 or 3 teeth smaller sprocket on the rear (i dont want it to top out at all unless i am drafting someone) I was wondering if anyone here as tried differant gearing to gain more top speed. The main reason for this is that i dont want to damage the engine by running wide open too long.

Now i know the little xr wasnt built for top speed runs, and it is not why i bought mine, in my back yard, where i mostly use my xr i dont even get out of 3rd gear. I just want to have the option if i go ridding with the 4 wheelers again.

It's nice to have a place to come where people have the same inerest as you, thanks for a great forum.
When in doubt, gas it!!!


Apr 6, 2002
I'm an ex-roadracer from Canada and love to play on my XR100 too.
I have a 15T front sprocket for more speed but you might want to beef up the motor too. check-out my web for links to do that.


Oct 31, 2002
hey minifig, i already read all the mods you did on your bike in the xrphreaks forum (is that still alive btw?) The link that you posted to your website doesnt work i have been trying to go on it for a couple of days now.

I would like to start building up the engine, but i dont think i will for a while. The reason for this is that i race against my friends and all our bikes are stock and they dont have money to modify theirs, so if i put money into mine i will just beat them even worst then i do now (they dont have racing experience, but they are learning pretty fast)

Do you think a stock bike will pull a 15t front? i already ordered it yesterday it was 6.95$ from kimpex, i wasnt worth not trying it lol. i should get it tuesday.


Oct 17, 2002
i think that it should pull a 15 but on your track from what i can tell of the pictures it will be a little slow comin out of the corners, because a 15 will kill the bottom end power


Apr 6, 2002
the 15T should work fine. If you put a pipe on it it'll be even better and it'll sound cool.
My web page was down because I changed my web hosting now I have more space to do more stuff. It should be working now so check back soon. The xrfreaks forum is kind of dead the pop-ups are anoying. you can also try thumpertalk forums links on my web page.
Did you see my Roadracing pages?


Feb 20, 2002
I keep the stock (14) on the front and have swapped to a rear 46 or 47 aluminum sprocket. Sprocket specialists makes them. the biggest advantage to changing the rear and not the front is that you remove 1.5lbs (!!!!) of spinning weight off the rear wheel.


Oct 31, 2002
Thanks minifig, yes i registered to the thumpertalk forum and also the HondarXR.com forum. I did get to see your roadracing pics also. I feel like i have heard your name before.
I paid 7$ for the front sprocket and none of the stupid distributors here carry rear sprockets for my xr, so i will have to order it from the states, but i wanted to test it out before i spent 50$ on aluminium rear sprockets.

minifig, if you hear of any pit bike races around the north east let me know, so we can maybe meet up, try and talk that indoor track you talked about into having a minibike special event or something.

There is also the pitbike nat. in ohio and the races in PA. (here http://www.rauschcreekracing.com/rcmp/index.php) i hope me and my friends can make one of those next summer.

Let me know if you hear any superminimotard stuff going on on the east coast. I may try some oval ice racing this winter even tho there is no specific class for the xr to run in.
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