JCV 220R

Oct 13, 1999
2 years ago I bought a new '01 250exc. I had been riding a KDX and the KTM was a great upgrade. I absolutely loved the bike. I got 8 rides on it and I stopped riding for awhile because my 2nd kid was about to be born anytime. Well, I was going to let the bike sit for awhile after he was born and I didn't owe any money on it so that was cool. Then business got crummy and I had to sell it.

Well, I'm ready to ride again and I want a new bike for spring. I loved the 250 and I never really got the quality time with it that I should have so of course I want another one. I fully intend to ride this bike for several years so I want to make the right choice and I am thinking about a 300exc as well. The 250 always had plenty of power for me and hauled me up some very steep sandy hills and such. It had a great ability to lug as well... and that's what I do a lot of. When I ride the real tight stuff I lug through it and when things open up, I pinch the clutch and off I go. Which bike is superior in this way? I believe the 300 weighs the same (?)... would it be an even better choice for the tight riding? I've heard it has massive low end.

I really want to make the right choice. Any opinions are really appreciated!



Jun 8, 1999
Hey Jay, Long time no hear from. Glad to hear that things have turned around for you and your getting back into riding. I too went orange while you were away. I have a 01 250 EXC and LOVE IT. I rode a 300 after I bought the 250 and it seemed like the 300 had more low end torque than the 250 and would pull forever. I still felt more at home in the tight stuff on my 250 (maybe it was the fact that the 300 wasnt mine and I didnt want to dump it). The best advice I can give you is to bum a ride on a 300 in the tight stuff and see how it compares. Either way you I bet you wont be disappointed.



JCV 220R

Oct 13, 1999

Thanks for the reply and nice to hear from you! It has been awhile.

I'm not surprised about how much you like the '01 250 - I really thought mine was awesome. Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to bum a ride on any KTM... the bikes I have available to me are a KDX (I'm real familiar with those ;) ) and a WR250f.

I know I'll love the 250 so I might just go that route. I want to start gaining some knowledge on the 300 though... spring is a long ways off LOL

thanks again


Sep 3, 2002
I have owned several models of the 250 and 300. I love them both. The 250's are surprisingly good, while the 300 has more low end. I would suggest the 250 since you are comfortable on it already. There is not that much of a difference between the two. I think the 250 feels lighter and has a similar low end, it just doen't feel as hard hitting.
The 250 is the best all around bike. The 300 allows you to become lazy through the turns and can bail you out if you need to gas it and are in the wrong gear. However, it's strengths are it's weaknesses, as well. If you are in the right gear and gas it unintentionaly......


Jun 16, 1999
Good to see an "old timer" DRN member!

Before I bought my 300, I had ridden my cousin's '01 250 E/XC several times. I really liked it in the woods, but I preffered just a little more power for hills and open stuff. I took a spin on an '02 300 and was hooked. A couple weeks later I bought mine. I didn't notice any handling difference between the two. The 300 just has more power.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
It's possible that the 300 might vibrate a little more because of the bigger cyl. I don't know because I've never rode both, but I love my 250.

Bill Hibbs

Aug 25, 1999
Hey JCV!! Both bikes are very cool. I'm riding the 300 myself. A question you may want to ask yourself. Did you ever want to add a pipe or silencer to your 250? Were you totally content with the power? If so I'd stick with the 250. If Not, I'd get the 300. I ride mostly in Slippery Souther Ohio and totally use the low end lug of the 300. Tough choice, but there's really not a bad decision. ;)


Jul 28, 2000
What a great problem to have - what KTM to buy! My .02 is if your not limited by class displacement, get a 300! I can honestly say that I've never wished for less power and if your right hand is connected to your brain, well, it's a no brainer. All other things being equal, why not go for an extra fabulous 50ccs.

JCV 220R

Oct 13, 1999
Thanks for the replies everyone! Good to hear from you as well Big Bore! I suppose I am a DRN "old timer" ;)

I never really felt the need for more power from my 250. It would lug way down low better than anything I have ridden. I was thinking that if the 300 could do that even better, that would be great! And it sounds like it might. I was a little worried that the 300 might be a bit of a handful for me though. I can't imagine not liking the 300, that's for sure!

If anyone else would like to give their .02, I'd love to hear it - I have a couple of months to decide. Man, I can't wait for spring!


die you sycophant !
May 22, 2000
I choose the 250 added a single taper needle and flywheel weight and it tractors with the best of them. I rode a 300 a couple weeks ago and it seems to have a bit more vibration and didn't flick from side to side as well but jetting and suspension could contribute to that


Jan 15, 2000
I have ridden both 250 and 300 in tight, tight woods. Both did well, but at the end of the 25 mile loop I was much more tired after riding the 300 than the 250. It just seemed to tug at you more... you really had to stay on top of it if riding pretty hard. 250 is a little more forgiving when you grab a handful by accident as well....

Both are great bike though...

03 250E


May 19, 2000
Are you talking an 03 model when you buy? If so, the 250 for
03 has a little less low end than the 02 and 01, but man it takes
off after that. It has really been an adjustment for me and I have
owned both a 300 (2000 model) and probably 10 different 250 EXC's.
The 300 for me was just too much on the low end but it really comes down
to how you ride. If you push it hard like an A or AA rider the 250 is the better bet. If your just riding, with hills to climb the 300 is the ticket. You can liven up the 03 250 bottom end with careful jetting and changing to an 02 or 01 head. This will get the bottom back close to an 02. Gearing down 1 tooth on the front sprocket is also a good idea. It still will top 70 with 13-52 gearing.
Good Luck, but choose wisely.


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
Another for the 250. I got an '02 after riding the 300, 200 and an older 250.  To me the 250 was the best.  The largest difference was that the 300 was there ALL the time, and was more of a handful in the tighter stuff.  With time I'm sure I could've gotten used to it, but the 250 I rode was exactly the motor I wanted.  I don't regret the decision at all!  Whichever one you end up with, I sure you won't regret your decision either.


Oct 2, 2001
I have a 01 300exc i ride in old chat mines and deep thick woods here in missouri. my friend has a 250exc and i like it to but they ride the same to me until we get into a sraight the 300 pulls hard, the 250exc reminds me more of my old kx250 with its flywheel weight more pipey, my 300 has torque like a john deere tractor, its always there and yet still hits hard when needed and carves in my opinion as good as the 250exc, i was weary of buying the 300 when i knew how good the 250exc was already but there is many times the 50cc comes in handy, and u shift less to. anyone who rips on the 300 saying it doesnt handle as good or vibrates to much is full of it and hasnt ridden the 2 side by side, same bike as the 250 just bigger slug in the jug. the stronger motor can affect handling but not noticible unless your mcgrath, if your racin though or plan to definetly get the 250, but if you just ride on the weekends and race your buds or other people at your ridin spot get the 300,just my opinion but both bikes are awesome!


Oct 31, 2000
If you were a 6'4"/260lbs C Vet rider which would you choose - 250 or 300? I ride D36 - NorCal - on a '99 WR400 and I'm seriously considering trying a 2 smoke for the '03 season.


Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Originally posted by NVR FNSH
If you were a 6'4"/260lbs C Vet rider which would you choose - 250 or 300? I ride D36 - NorCal - on a '99 WR400 and I'm seriously considering trying a 2 smoke for the '03 season.


I have a friend that is your size and he swears by his 300. He's a big guy too and he was hauling on it at the DW 02 harescrambles -got us second place off the start into the woods.


Aug 27, 2001
Although I have never ridden the 300.  I have to say I am very satisfied with my 250.  It does everything that I need and I always have power in reserve.  As far as low end, I don't want to argue that the 300 has more, because it most likely does, but the 250 has more than enough for me.  I am 200+ with gear and ride harescrambles.



Mod Ban
Aug 30, 2002
there is one indisputable fact that i'm surprised no one has mentioned: the 250 will "handle" better and be more "flickable" than the 300 simply because the gyroscopic forces exerted by the bigger 300cc piston are greater than those generated by a 250 cc piston. and this is true even if they wiegh the same.

however, this difference may be negligible or even impreceptable to most riders.

so with the 300 you give up SOME (probably negligble) handling for a very preceptable boost in power. and as long as the power is tractable, there is no such thing as "too much power" as some one said.

i say 300. you may or may not feel the handling difference, and if you do, as lots of people have said, it is a marginal difference. but the difference in power is not marginal. plus that, you won't run a 300 as hard to go the same speed and your top end rebuilds will be less frequent as well as few clutch replacements.

nvr fnsh -

300 without a doubt. in fact, find yourself a nice used 380 exc. we, the proportionally gifted, need the power.

Rut Rider

Sep 12, 2001
I just recently traded in my '98 KDX200 (heavily modified) for a 2002 300EXC. While I loved my KDX, I wouldn't go back for anything. It took a few rides to get used to the difference in power, but once I got adjusted to it I am faster and less tired after races. The low end is like a tractor. It will, however, leave your butt in the dirt if you happen to get lazy on it and accidnetly give it too much throttle. I have a riding buddy who has a 250MXC (2000 model I think). I have rode his and I think my 300 has a smoother hit to it than his 250. Just my .02 cents worth. Which ever one you get I am sure you will be happy with. (Get the 300)



Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by beer_stud_76
nvr fnsh -

300 without a doubt. in fact, find yourself a nice used 380 exc. we, the proportionally gifted, need the power.

Unfortunately, I'm disproportionaly gifted when it comes to talent. I've considered a 380 but I think it would be too much work in an enduro for me. I like electric motor smooth power delivery and from what I understand the 380 ain't it. Heck, I have a '90 KX500 maybe I should just ride it:) I'm looking for something that will forgive my transgressions as a rider..... especially in close proximity to immovable objects - trees, boulders, etc.

I love the power delivery of a 4 stroke but I think I could be faster & more consistent on a 2 stroke due the weight difference. That, and a late model 300EXC is cheap enough to buy AND keep my '99 WR400. A KTM 4 stroke would require selling the KX500 and the street legal WR.



Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
Brian, since you like "four stroke power" and "electric smooth delivery" and "I can get a 300 AND keep my 400", you sound like the 300 would be your bike all the way! 


Feb 10, 2002
I have an 02 300 and love it. I have never ridden the 250 but I can only assume that the 300 is just more of a good thing. When the bike was new I did notice the vibration but it seems that as I get more time on it there is less vibration or maybe I am just used to it. I find the 300 power easy to manage and it has yet to get away from me on the tightest of mountain goat trails. I just love the versatilty of the motor. I can stay right with my buddies on their XR 400's (aka "The Trail Couch") on the slow and go in the mountains and then just absoultly smoke their butts out in the sand washes of the San Rafael!

scott brown

Jun 2, 2002
i also have a 300 exc. i have really enjoyed this bike. it has smooth power with lots of low end torque, but will really scoot when you twist the thottle. the part of tenn. that i live in has lots of hills and it is a very good hill climber. i usually short shift and ride in a higher gear to reduce wheel spin and it has the power to do so. i have not riden a 250 but am sure it would be a great bike. good luck with your deceision.


Sep 20, 1999
i have an '01 300 & have ridden numerous other 300s & some 250s, including my own '97 & my buddy's '03. the 250 revs quicker & hier, but of course feels a little pipier & does not have near as much pull down low--just what you'd expect. the 300 is a little more work in really tight stuff. i don't know about "gyro effect" & such as that, i'm no engineer, but the feel is there--maybe it's the extra power tending to make it want to stand up when applied. the 300 can be a bit of a handful; you'd better have it pointed where you want to go if you pull the trigger. i think it really comes down to what kind of power you like. for some, the 250 will be the easier to ride in tight woods, but if the 300's power delivery is more to your liking, i think you will like it better in tight woods & everywhere else.

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