8 yr kids old dirt bike options ?


Sep 19, 2002
Hi All !

My 8 yr old son has been riding a somewhat rough 78 Z50 and I would like to get him to the next level. The next level in my opion would be safer, more control and ridablity in rougher terrain. I am looking at something 95 or newer. My current thought is the PW80. I like the gears with auto clutch config and low seat hieght. I would prefer a 4 stroke for noise concerns but could be converted being a 2 smoker myself. Is the PW80 loader than a Z50 for riding around the yard ?

Thanks for your opions !



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Apr 9, 2002
Originally posted by scairns
Hi All !

Is the PW80 loader than a Z50 for riding around the yard ?

Thanks for your opions !


Not sure what your asking there but I'll offer my thoughts on the PW80.  We had a PW80 for my son and it was a great learning bike.  As far as 2 strokes go the PW is Oil Injected so fill the reservoir occasionally and ride no need to mix gas and oil.  The PW80 comes stock with an exhaust restrictor that limits the power, once Jr is comfortable on the bike you can remove the restrictor plate for a little more throttle.  I personally would recommend the PW80 for someone in your son's age group my son was 10 going on 11 when he got his and outgrew it almost before he used it.

CO Dan

Apr 20, 2001
You should look at the TTR90, I think it is an auto-clutch.

The XR80 is what my daughter, at age 8, started on. Actually, it worked very well. She had some issues with the clutch, but got reasonably adept. And that little motor allowed her to putt-putt up some fairly steep and rocky hills. The XR is VERY quiet, you should have no problems with neighbors unless they're really sensitive.

On the physical size of the bike, I'd tell you not to buy bigger than he can currently handle unless he is real aggressive. If he can't put his feet down easily then he won't be happy.


Sep 19, 2002
Thanks Guys !

Sorry for the brutal spelling (opinion & louder)

I am use to email spell checker ???

The TTR-90 has a auto clutch but is pretty new and expensive.
Kinda looking for something a few years old. I like the XR my
concern was the clutch with little hands, but maybe it's not a big deal.


Dec 15, 2002
If your son is tall enough the XR80 is a great bike and he won't out grow it as quickly as the PW. He'll figure out a clutch a lot sooner than you think. FWIW my son was barely seven when he started with a clutch.


Oct 31, 2001
My son rode a JR50 for two years and then started on a KX65 at six years old.  He got the clutch down in about two rides, mostly in the backyard.  I had a post in this forum about a clutch lever mod that I had done to his clutch perch.  It works well and allows you to adjust the distance of the lever from the bar.  Teach him to ride a clutch, anyone can ride an automatic. ;)   Good luck.


Mar 7, 2001
seat height 25.8 weight 128lbs
seat height 28.6 weight 154lbs
seat height 30.5 weight 165lbs


Dec 1, 2002
I had a PW80 I bought for my son when he was 7. They are an easy to ride, very dependable machine. I did drop a tooth on the front sprocket but off road gearing was still too high. If you just want to putt on some fairly smooth terrain, it's fine. If you want to do some more serious riding, the suspension is wayyy too soft. We ride in what amounts to cow pastures and the little bike was bottoming constantly. The forks wallow alot and it is hard to handle. Jumping is a bad idea. The TTR 90 uses the same suspension, BTW.

I'd look into an XR80 if I were you. clutches are easy to pick up for kids and it is a much more useful bike for offroading. Your kid won't outgrow it so quickly either.


Sep 20, 2002
I bought my smallish 11yr old son an XR80. At the time he could just reach the ground on his tiptoes. His first attempt ended with a stalled motor. I showed him how to feather the clutch and he was off to the races. If he can handle the seat highth I wouldn't worry about the clutch he will pickup on it quicker than you think. And you can't beat the little Honda's for reliability. Shop around, I bought an 02 model about six months old for $1400.00 bucks.

My now 12yr old is flat footed and knees bent on the XR80 and wanting a 2-smoke like his dads. In fact he rides my KDX220 in the pasture, of course I have to hold it up till he gets going and catch him when he stops. :laugh: :laugh:


Oct 3, 2002
I bought my boy a PW80 last summer at the age of 5-1/2. Thought it's all he can do to handle it now, he'll out grow it in 2-3 years. Your 8 yr old will out grow it in one season if he's a typical dirt ridin' fool like the rest of us. Might as well teach him the clutch thang now on a bike he will enjoy for a few years.


Sep 19, 2002
Thanks for your thoughts, one of my friends kids has an XR80 I will get him to try it and see if he likes it. I think the suggestion of the XR80 lasting him longer and being able to do more now is true. The PW80 I think would be great right now but in a year matbe not enough. We live on the West Coast of Canada and trail ride almost every weekend all year round.

What do I do with all that Blue Riding Gear ???

Cheers !!!

Steve (IT200 Rider)


Jul 11, 2002
That is kind of the new thing that I have seen. All of the honda guys wore red and the KTM's wore Oorange and The KX's wore green but now the Honda's Wear Blue and The KXers wear Red.


Sep 19, 2002
Ride on !

Matching Gear is for posers, is what I tell the boy.


Jan 23, 2000
I started my 9 year old boy on a new XR80 over a year ago and its been perfect. After about 3 rides he was very comfortable with it. Just find flat smooth places to practice starts, stops and turns. The XR80 is a real motorcycle unlike the PW80/XR 70 types. Later this year or next I think he'll be ready fro something bigger.


Sep 19, 2002
OK I'm convinced XR80 it is and I believe they have been making them basically the same since the mid 80's making for a good used market.

Any comment on years to look for or avoid ?

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