
Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
One of the many reasons I love DRN are some of the unbeliveble people on here. The one person I am picking out is Thorman75, I offered him a small amount for his flywheel weight and when he found out I was a poor college kid he GAVE me the weight. That's right gave it to me, all he wanted was shipping paid and NOW he won't even accept that!! What a guy:), he asked for a box of cookies *which I hope arrives soon*:ugg:
I have seen many acts like this on DRN and I often wonder why people do it, I mean you can have money for selling stuff!!
Well I just gave away some frame guards and it felt pretty good because I know the kid works hard for his money just to pay the bills. It felt good helping out another rider, I guess that's why!
People like Thorman are a true asset to this community and that's why I dirtbike, most my cherished memories have to do with dirtbiking and some of my best friends in the world I met with my bike, and I will never forget a minute of it. So once again Thank you so much to Thorman, DRN and for everything dirtbike's have brought me.

God bless what we all have and share together.

ps, thorman hopefully the weight goes on sat, it's shop week in my garage this week ugg... *painting a car*


Jan 1, 2001
Acts of generosity like that are what makes this place the “evil empire”, people being nice, sharing their time and knowledge just to help someone out. I am proud to have my DRN (evil empire) stickers on my bike! And thanks to the generosity of BigLou I have stickers to show.

There is more to this place then just the forums, there is countless amounts of knowledge here, there are life long friendships being built and great acts of generosity. We all come here because we love bikes and that common passion for the ride is what makes this place and it’s members great.

Thanks DRN.

Lee W.


"Team Army"
Dec 9, 1999
i just remember making a surprise visit on my daughter coming home from a race at casey ill.she was at university of ill,champaign.i checked her cabinets,no food,how did she use the money i sent her for food .partying,no,practicing flying the plane.i asked her how she planned on eating,said she was goin to the blood bank to sell a pint of i know you college guys got it tough.i took her to sams club and loaded her cabinets.

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