
Nov 4, 2000
I have heard that selenium can increase your stamina a bit on the mx track and reduce armpump a bit. Before I buy a bottle, I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with it.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
I've got no idea how Selenium will help you with your riding!! Here's SOME info, though, and I hope it helps.

Selenium is an essential trace element but its main function is as an antioxidant in an enzymes (selenium-glutathione-peroxidase) and it does aid in the function of antibody stimulation in response to vaccines (like when your children get their baby vaccines, Selenium helps this process work). Also helps with protein synthesis in regards to growth and in men it has been shown to improve the production of sperm.

Most foods contain Selenium naturally, especially shellfish, chicken, red meat, grains and (bclapham was right afterall!) GARLIC. The amount of selenium in the soil vegetables grow in has a lot to do with the amount in the veg.

Dont overdo the supplements if you go with more than the amount occuring naturally in foods or a basic supplement. Excess selenium can give you trouble with your teeth, skin, hair, nails, etc.

I want to thank you for posting this question, I thought I had the answers from memory, but found I had to recall/search a few things :think: .

This was fun for me, but maybe someone with more experience in sports nutrition/medicine can answer your specific question about stamina and arm pump.


Jan 10, 2001
Selenium’s primary function is to work in conjunction with vitamin E in the preservation and elasticity of tissues. it is also neccessary in the slowing down of the aging process by increasing endurance and improving the blood and oxygen supply to the heart muscle. the prostoglandins in the human body which protect against high blood pressure cannot be formed without selenium. only minute quantities are needed, but selenium deificancy can cause muscle pain and tenderness and loss of elasticity, and may cause decreased stamina and weakness. i have also heard that it reduces the risk of many types of cancer but i'm not sure

Not getting enough can cause problems, but i dont think taking extra will help any. i guess it's worth a shot though if it works. if you try it out let us know


Nov 4, 2000
Thanks for the info everyone. Reason I asked was a racer I was talking to ( who used to be a pro and is still exremely fast ) recommended it for arm pump / increased stamina. He himself is approaching 40 and has tried a few supplements in the last few years so he can keep his endurance and speed up on the track. By your responses, I probably won't try any ?


Jan 10, 2001
if it works for him i guess it's worth a try...considering its pretty cheap you wont be out much money if it doesnt work. if you decide togive it a try, let us know if it works
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