are the AMA insane? GH round moved to sept!


Nov 5, 2001
i heard about this over the weekend, they are apparently going to move the Glen Helen round of the nationals to a September date.

i saw this on MXA

The AMA National motocross schedule will undergo a major overhaul for the 2004 season. According to AMA sources, when the 2004 Supercross season ends on May 1 in Las Vegas there will be a one-week break before the start of the 125/250 Nationals. In the past the Nationals started the very next weekend at Glen Helen (on Mothers Day). If the proposed schedule holds up, Hangtown will be the first National of 2004. This new break will allow the teams more time to prepare for the outdoor series.

Glen Helen will move to September 12, 2004 and become the finale. The AMA had previously moved the Glen Helen date to May years ago because the last time they held a race at Glen Helen in the dead of summer it was 110 degrees. The AMA says it is not concerned about the potential for 100 degree weather because by that time in the 125/250 series the riders will be acclimated to hot weather.

Does it matter if Glen Helen is first or last on the schedule? Universally acclaimed by the aficionados as the toughest, roughest and most difficult track on the circuit (and equally hated by out-of-shape riders), Glen Helen was always a shock to the system for riders coming from the Supercross season.

If Glen Helen isnt first, many riders will have an easier time making the adjustment to the outdoor series on the smoother Hangtown track.

When Team Yamahas Tim Ferry was asked whether he would like the toughest race to be held first or last in the series, he said, I would prefer that Glen Helen be the final race of the series. That way if the AMA championship race is close, the winner would chosen at the toughest track.

The AMA has yet to release the 2004 schedule or confirm the date changes for Hangtown and Glen Helen. Rumors have it that several other Nationals will have there traditional dates changed (in order to accommodate more travel days for the long haul trip from the west to the east coasts). Stay tuned.

all i can say is that this is the most stupid thing i have heard for a while, in may, its as hot as hell at GH after 12pm but cooler in the morning. right now, its around 100F after 9am and around 110-120 around noon! :eek: the riders will suffer bad, but i am more worried about the 30,000 spectators...there will be a lot of heat stroke cases or maybe worse this year!


Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002
Yes they are (insane) I think the idea of 2 weeks off to prepare is great but why not just move the series back a week. If I recall correctly GH was one of the races on the AMA's hit list, maybe they are trying to kill it in another way.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
I'm much more likely to go in September than on Mother's Day.  Yeah, it will be hot, but at least is will be a dry heat ;)

Two weeks between the SX finale and the MX start is a great idea.  And Hangtown used to be the season opener anyway (before GH even existed), so there is some history there.  Overall, I think it's a good move. 


Jul 22, 2002
It makes perfect sense to me,, the factories are already "home" with the season over, the schedule change will help the Unadilla/Washougal trek,
a break after SX is needed, as far as the heat,,,maybe it will be warm that day,maybe not, but these are National riders not weekend warriors, they practice in heat all summer in SoCal, GA, TX, and FL.
The fans will have to deal with whatever mother nature gives them,,


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I don't mind the move, but I despise MXA hyping Glen Helen as much as they do as "the toughest track in the series" blah blah. We know Jody designs it, give it a rest whydon'tcha? Get some rocks like Unadilla, then proclaim the toughness.


Jan 27, 2000
Originally posted by dirt bike dave
I'm much more likely to go in September than on Mother's Day.  Yeah, it will be hot, but at least is will be a dry heat ;)


I gotta agree with Dave on this one. Plus it will be a lot less expensive for the fans.

When ya figure in the gate fee and beer and food, a guy could spend up to about $ 100.00 for the weekend. Of course that depends on how much beer you drink.

But, when you factor in the special Mothers day candies, (Extra large guilt trip size.), the diamond bracelet, (Something to remind her every day that you missed Mothers day.) :scream: A dozen roses @ $ 75.00 a dozen for both the Wife and Mom. Not the mention the Mothers day cards, dinner and a movie. All of this bumps the price of the weekend up to about $ 500.00 to $ 1,000.00.

Well, as you can clearly see, it will be better for some of us. And like Dave said, it's a dry heat. :laugh:


"Treat your wife like a thoroughbred and she won't turn into an old nag."
Last edited:


Nov 5, 2001
LOL Terry!

i know we should be greatful we still have a national, i still dont think it will be a good idea. $4 for a bottle of water, people will be dropping like flies. Ive ridden GH several times in the last few months and it was way over 100F by 10am- its not like there is any shade either


Apr 1, 2001
Originally posted by XRpredator
I don't mind the move, but I despise MXA hyping Glen Helen as much as they do as "the toughest track in the series" blah blah. We know Jody designs it, give it a rest whydon'tcha? Get some rocks like Unadilla, then proclaim the toughness.

Forget about what MXA says and listen to the riders. If Tim Ferry thinks GH is the toughest round I believe him!:eek:


May 8, 2001
im with jake949...............hell, ill even give up the houston sx if it means we get an outdoor national within a days drive.


Dec 30, 2002
Well one good thing that came out of it was the new order, right? Aren't they re-ordering the schedule to make travel easier? They didn't make it perfect though the way they have to go all the way back to Washougal. After the flooding of Kenworthy I'm inclined to take it as a sign and let that one go from the Nationals. What do you think? The reason I would like to replace it with anything (Mammoth Mountain? Lake Sugar Tree? I don't know) is because I think Kenworthy is basically a Supercross track outdoors. I want to see scary drop-offs and bikes pulling up huge hills. The huge hill at Glen Helen is the only thing that keeps me interested in that track also. Flat just doesn't do it for me. Of course there are other things. GH is situated at the very epicenter of MX now, so there's not getting rid of it.

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