
Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
I am planning on buying Chili Jr tickets to the Minneapolis SX for X-mas.  This will be the first SX race we have attended and I had a few questions for you seasoned race goers to hopefully get the most out of the experience. The only advice I've been given so far was to get seats about 25 rows up or higher or you won't be able to see the entire track over some of the obstacles. 

As far as purchasing tickets is there a better way to buy other than through ticketmaster and all of the associated surcharges?  This race also says there is no pit party, does that mean no pit access at all and no autographs either?  Someone also mentioned that there is practice on Friday night but it's almost impossible to get passes to watch, is this true? And if so anyone got any connections? :)

Any other advice is appreciated as this is our first event and with driving 8 hours and only having very limited opportunities to see these events I really want to make it something special for the whole family but especially for Jr. who is a really gung-ho aspiring racer.

Also any DRN'ers planning on attending this event?


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
take binoculars.
go early and watch practice and the preliminary qualifiers.
i'm not sure about minneapolis but at dallas the pits are open during a certain time period in the afternoon. instead of standing in mc's autograph line for an hour, go meet the privateers. you'll actually get to talk to them.
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President of Bling
N. Texas SP
Nov 3, 2000
Try to get a ticket with a special sticker on it. You need hookups for this and yes they are hard to get if you don't know people. This entitles you to Friday's practice, and you get to see and meet all the riders without the public around and also you get to sit in rider seating for the sat races. Which are bad seats for the race, but its cool to sit next to the riders. You also get access to the pits after the races, which is the best time to get autographs and a special entrance to the pits so you dont' have to wait in line (usually thru the exit). If you can't get the special sticker buy the $10 pit passes and go early the line gets long near opening time. Then pick your favorite rider and stand in line for an hour getting his autograph. You can also walk past the semis which you kinda have to walk inbetween them they try to block them off, and go talk to the privateers. Walk around get cool stickers and also check out the qualifing races and practice which goes on at the same time as the pits are open.

How old is your son? and how many people are you taking?


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
My son is 13 and just started racing this past summer.  There will be my wife, son and myself.

Are Pit passes and Pit party two different things? as on the site they mention there is no pit party for this event.

I don't know for sure if he has a favorite racer right now but I doubt he would bother stand in line for an hour just to get RC or MC's autograph when he could go talk to some other racers ie the privateers.  As an example we got him some private lessons this year from the local pro in this pic and because of the lessons and the fact that this guy is a nice guy and always makes time to talk to Troy at the races Troy idolizes him and invariably anytime we watch racing it always comes around to well how do you think Matt would do against these guys.  So that's the kinda kid he is, if you can ride and your a decent person he'll cheer and respect you, that being said I doubt he would turn down MC, RC or Bubba if the opportunity presented itself :)

Anyone else with thoughts on purchasing tickets is it ticketmaster only or are there other better options?


Sep 18, 2001
My family an I have went to Mn SX for the last two years. We stayed at motels right downtown and then walk to the dome. It is easier than trying to find your way around on the 1 way streets. We go in at 12 noon and watch all of the practices. No pit access is a bad deal, but thats the way it is. You do get to walk around the big rigs outside and see some big name riders as they come and go to there practice rides. Instead of pit access, they set up 4 spots to get in line for autographs. You never know which line you are in until the last minute, so it is just luck if you are wanting a certain brand of bike. We split up and got Honda and Suzuki two years ago and then last year we ended up in the Yamaha and Kawasaki limes. We have so many signed posters now. But you do have to be in that line about an hour before they start signing the autographs or you will be at the end of the line. Another way to see pro riders is at Bob's Cycle Supply. It is a fun place to go, but gets very crowded. Call them to see who will be there. Also, last year we went to the Mall of America on friday afternoon and the Suzuki boys were there to sign autographs. We got in line about an hour and a half early and we were about 5th in line. Travis Pastrana is the only rider I care to see now. He had the best attitude out of all the riders we have met. Some are really distant, which I understand, when you think about what they are really there for. Let me know if you want an idea of where to stay and I will give you some more info. Just email me for it. And I have only bought tickets through online Ticketmaster, but they do have a will call window if you want to just pick up the tickets when you get there.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Frito it's funny you mention Pastrana's attitude I had a similar conversation with a local dealer here who happened to be staying in the same hotel as most of the riders a few years ago and they felt the exact same way.

Their little girl approached several riders in the restaurant during breakfast (I know not an ideal time yada yada yada) and she said all the riders signed but the only one who took some time to talk to this 6 year old fan was Travis. This is not meant as a slag to any other riders as I understand the constant demands on their time etc but is mentioned as an example of the tremendous person that Travis is personally.

Based on some of your messages I take it your most likely in the Minot area, perhaps we will meet at the race and discuss some of your finer mini racers (Shriock and Lock come to mind) who come up to Manitoba and rough our boys up :)

As for Bob's Cycle supply I went and checked it out this summer when I was in Minny to watch the PGA championship, man what a store people would kill to have a store like that around here :thumb:
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Sep 18, 2001
We are about 120 miles West of Minot, in Williston. It is about a 10 hour drive to Minneapolis. I don't think we are going this year. I would like you to give a race update about your trip when you get back so I get upset for not going. It is one of the best family trips that we have taken.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
chili I just ordered my tickets yesterday and they were still good ones. Only way is ticketmaster as far as I know unless you wait til the last week or so and can hook up with Bob's Cycle or a local dealer. We stay at a motel about 15 minutes from the dome and 5 minutes from Bob's so we can go to the Friday night meet and greet at Bob's. PM me if interested and I 'll get you our hotel info. Would be fun to hook up for the weekend and I will have my 14 yr son and 1 of his friends along.

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