
Sep 7, 2001
Well, here's my report. Let's start with I had no idea what to expect. I'd never had a honeymoon, let alone ridden through Baha. Trailboss tours was worth every penny. Those folks know how to ride and party. I can say it was the fastest I've ever gone on a dirt bike. The ktm was geared for 75-80 and I had the thing in 6th gear almost the entire time. I kept looking for 7th..?
I learned that hesitating on the throttle costs you, esp. in the sand. It's like riding on two flat tires, so just stay on the gas and the tires will just hook up! I couldn't believe how fast I was going. I was freaking myself out. We rode on the beach thru salt flats to sand bars to dried out creek beds to roads that couldn't even be called roads(there was a hurricane in Nov). We had to do some pavement and a lot of gravel roads with hidden rocks waiting to captipult you at any moment. Bill and I rode side by side a whole day; it was awesome doing my favorite thing with my newlywed! I think we drove 1400 miles in all. My bike seized the 2nd to last day, so I was lucky enough to get an xr 400 for my last days ride. It had considerable more power than the ktm and sucked up a lot of vibration. I'm glad I took my bike. I feel more in tune it with and its reactions, but it beat the crap out of me. The bike vibrated so much that I thought my eyeballs were floating. I had to remind myself on a few occasions to let the bike do it and stop trying to steer it which ended up costing me energy which one should always conserve on a 250 mile day. We also rode for 60-80 miles at streach sometimes which was a nice change from the start and stop of the trails. I was worried about my back 40, but my hands took the brunt of the punishment. I got stabbed by a cactus on the 2nd day and my hand swelled up like a blown up glove, but fortunelty Chris had some magic ointment. One day we rode to a little town on the sea of Cortez called scorpian bay and had lobster for lunch where I was obliged to drink as much tecate without going crosseyed. The one thing that was different(well everything was) was the animals on the trails. A lot of cattle and dogs running straight to the bike with fangs bared. I think I acutally kicked on . We also saw donkeys, goats and lots of little ones yelling, wheelie-wheelie( Bill soon became everybodies hero) This was definetely the time of my life. It a great way to start a marriage or continue one...:p


Oct 31, 2000
I'm going to make sure my wife reads this:)

sounds like you had a great experience. So when are you going back and are you going to organize a DRN trip:p



Sep 7, 2001

So when are you going back and are you going to organize a DRN trip
When we're back in the good graces of the money Gods...
Ya know, most of the off road we did is the Baha 1000 course.
I'd be hard pressed to find my way again, although I do have a map with the roads we took:debil:


Feb 16, 2001
What is the secret for miles of whoops?
It seems like yoiu should be able to rip through them but the bike kept getting sideways and promising to spit me off!
Had to back down out off fourth and run third even then it felt sketchy.
Ol' yamaswap raising its ugly head!


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Sounds like a great time Denise! I can't imagine riding my KTM in top gear for days on end! I've had that thing tapped out on some roads during an enduro, and I thought my fillings were going to vibrate out! I much prefer riding it on the twisty trails (slower speeds, less vibration!).


Sep 7, 2001
Yes, Lori it was an epic adventure. Although the bike vibrated a lot, I felt really happy to be riding it. That bike is perfect and it ran like a champ.
Also, the logging on problem seemed to work itself out. Thanks for the help!


Dec 18, 2001
That sounds like a trip of a life time! One of my favorite places to ride are the sand dunes. And your right, full throttle is your best freind! Especially on a 125. I always felt like I was making the most of my bike out there. The whoops in sand are so much smoother! I dont know why I can do the whoops in the sand and not the whoops on the track.

Well, glad you had such a spectacular honeymoon. That gives me a few good ideas for mine.


Sep 7, 2001

I'm just learning how to navigate them myself. Landing on sand just seems easier, so I think I go for it more. One thing Bill taught me was to stay on the gas on the landing for two reasons:
1. The load doesn't land on the front catapulting off into somewhere you just don't want to be.
2. The entrance to every whoop is the same.
Dirt bike honeymoon is the way to go, but remember you won't have a lot of energy after riding all day:p
Are you going to do the Reno ride? I forgot to look where you live:silly:

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