
Aug 22, 2018
I have a 125cc 4 stroke that is hard to kick start for me. The bike is brand new, I have barely ridden it before and I need to run the engine in.
I really want to ride it, so I was thinking of trying to bump start the bike. It's just that I don't know how to bump start a bike, and idk is bump starting a cold engine different than bump starting a warm one _BGRIN_ So what do I have to do? Do I put the choke on, go down a hill kick it into 2nd and drop the clutch, if the engine starts up, stop and put it into neutral, choke off and let it warm up for a while? I'm not an expert in dirtbikes yet, so I'm pretty much clueless.


Dec 31, 1969
Do I put the choke on, go down a hill kick it into 2nd and drop the clutch, if the engine starts up, stop and put it into neutral, choke off and let it warm up for a while?


Although after starting it, you don't really need to "warm it up" for a while, just long enough for it to idle.

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