
Jul 18, 2001
thanks mwiessen I could not get those photos to load from that nikon site. thanks, looks like a nice place and time had by all.

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Oh, I neglected to acknowledge just how much help CR250 (Mike K) provided in pulling all this off. He spent quite a bit of time working with me and my boys brushing out some trails, arrowing and ribboning a couple weeks before the "event". In fact, he earned a new nickname: Machete Mike - he is an absolute Mad Man with a Machete! We learned real quick to stand WAY back from him when he is swinging that thing! Once he got going, it was hard to get him to leave ANYTHING standing - I had to risk my life jumping in to save a few trees to keep some of those tight spots really tight! (just kidding!) Thanks Machete Mike!

Great pics Mark! I really like the ones of Mike and his son, Doug and Al, Bill and Zach, and Mark and myself. Kinda a father and son theme going on! Thats how the sport continues to grow!
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Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
KTM Mike said:
Looks like Ted and Woodsy have some interesting tales to tell!

They always do!

Great pics Mark! I really like the ones of Mike and his son, Doug and Al, Bill and Zach, and Mark and myself. Kinda a father and son theme going on! Thats how the sport continues to grow!

Yeah, I think "helmets off" pics often tell the real story. You're definately right about the buddying up to keep the sport going. I sure enjoyed getting Emily back on a bike on Sunday. I wish I would've gotten my camera out.

I've got a little story about Emily and our ride on Sunday. She hasn't been on a bike in awhile, and then it wasn't as big as the XT225 (last bike was an XR100). So I took it easy for about 3 laps on the grass track with her following me so she could get a feel for the bike in first gear. After those laps, I pulled over and said to her "Are you ready to work on shifting beyond first gear?" She hollered back "Dad, I've already had this bike in third, and I've been waiting for you go speed up. Can I go ahead of you if you're going to ride so slow?" Whoa! With that I let her by and she shot off like a pro. She even started getting a little air on the jumps. I could tell by her face through the helmet she was grinning ear to ear all the way.

I don't think trail riding is in our future. We stopped at the west end of the field and she said she'd rather ride a track like that. "I like jumping!" she sadi.


Sep 1, 2003
Catching up from across the lake. Connie and I made it home form Camp Chaos OK late Sunday night. Simply put, it was more good times and better memories on the road of life. It is a comfort to be with those that know how to go through life and live.

I'm a little behind here because at 6 AM Tuesday three other riders stopped by to load INCA and etc. to head for Mio on the fall Hop Sings Rendezvous. Returned again Saturday afternoon with four more days of good times under the belt.

Concerning a picture. Whatever I do in public, is a zero on the bother scale. There is no way I'll be ashamed because is has been posted here. Woodsy is my Special Brother.

As for buying off Judge MWEISSEN. Forget it. I'll use that money to do more riding instead.

A contented Young Ted


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
INCA said:
Concerning a picture. Whatever I do in public, is a zero on the bother scale. There is no way I'll be ashamed because is has been posted here. Woodsy is my Special Brother.

As for buying off Judge MWEISSEN. Forget it. I'll use that money to do more riding instead.

A contented Young Ted

Real class, Ted. If I thought pictures would've bothered either you or Woodsy, I woudn't even keep them, let alone put them up here. It's all in the fun of being with special people!


It's been awhile...
Dec 1, 2004
That thing with Woodsy and Young Ted is a little scary!

You MTR's Must be very close, very close indeed. :think:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Believe me Dave I totally understand your comment. Let me try and help explain somethings - hopefully not sounding defensive because I am with Ted, I have nothing to be ashamed of or defensive about..
Back when my little boy was 10 he was still holding my hand everywhere we went. I LOVED those days of closeness with my son and hand holding and kissing good night was all part of the affection that I had for him and he for me. As he got into those early doouble digit years he sprang up like a corn stalk - almost as tall as me!! I remember catching people looking at me as he and I walked hand in hand in stores and such. I soon stopped holding onto his hand because I thought people were getting the wrong impression. After that I never got it back with my only son! I allowed other peoples opinions steal something very precious from my child and I.
FOr a long time I would kiss my dad on the lips when I would see him (I am not talking about wet stuff here) and soon that stopped too.
Pretty soon I stopped cuddling my little girls in public because child molestation became a huge issue in our country..
Then my life started changing and I actually started thinking about what my behavior was saying to others, especially to my children. If I was afraid to do what is right because others percieve it as wrong is it me or them that have the problem?? So I started taking control of my own life and not really caring what others might think...
Now when I see my son I give him a HUGE hug and sometiimes he kisses me on the lips!!
My girls all will walk arm and arm with me proudly beside them, rub my bald head and not even give it a second thought.
I kiss my dad EVERYTIME I greet him because I LOVE HIM and tomorrow I may not have him!!
Young Ted has become a very special friend to me - in a totally innocent and honoring way. He and his wife Connie were at my side during my recent life altering back surgery. Might be hard to understand but Ted and I instantly became best of friends the first time we met. Almost a divine thing if you will.
I also kissed Teds very pretty bride Connie just before I kissed him at Camp Chaos because I think the world of her too. Nothing sexual or intimate about it - pure love.. If it were the other I can guarantee that YOung Ted would have torn into myself with just cause because he is a real man and he aint afraid to protect what is his!!!
At any rate, I treat Ted like he is my dad/brother and dearest friend. The kind of friend that you only get a couple of in a life time, if that!
I am very thankful that this subject is here because it shows that as a family our "group" is growing in depth as well as numbers. Just goes to show that there is more to a man then motorcycles and chasing women. Stick around guys, you may even catch each other crying or something (I actually did have a tear in my eye when that little guy of Mikes held onto that trophy his daddy won at the harescramble at KTMmikes, talk about PRIDE in your Father) ;)
Sure makes life worth living from my point of view!
Man its nice to be back online!!! :aj:

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Welcome back Woodsy!

FWIW I dont think any one meant to seriosly insinuate anything...only poking some fun. We all know how special and outstanding of people Woodsy and Ted are. But Woodsys comments are on the mark. I too was touched by Mike's little guy - and I sure was proud in hugging my son when he got our trophy! (some times my kids really hate it when I do that!) I for one, really appreciate the ability to have a group together such as we did as an excellent example to my kids of just plain GOOD PEOPLE that I would be proud to be associated with in ANY group! Every one that was there before is welcome back in my home anytime! Cherish your kids and your parents - and all those smelly biker trash in your life that make your life so enjoyable!

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming....Woodsy - you gotta tell us exactly what happened with the Northern Crew on that Saturday's ride! I have only gotten little snipettes here and there and need to know!


Sep 1, 2003
If I can see well enough through the misty eyes, I'd like to add a little to this. We know that many follow what goes on here on MTR. I can't help but feel that some good will come to someone after reading what has been put on here. Then there is what took place early Saturday not everyone is aware of. Mitch presented me with a GLS he made, to replace the one I lost in June. His version is much more durable and to make sure it doesn't end up out on the trail, I'm going to bolt it down in the garage today. The point is he put time, thought and effort into doing something for someone. The second point is that a child will be the reflection of its parents.

Mike - An observation on the difference between those that went north and south. The ride south was essentially uneventful as far as I know. North it was Chaos both days. Now look for a common denominator. It was three that got 'lost' both days, but only one rider was 'it' both times.
So into each ride a little rain must fall.

Young Ted
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It's been awhile...
Dec 1, 2004
Woodsy- May we all be so blessed with the courage to display our effections no matter the surroundings!

Are you going to make it to DW???


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Dave - THANKS FOR THE COMPLIMENT!! I have alot on the platter but SOMEDAY I am going to make DW!!! It would be a RIOT adding to my aquaintances by doing so!!
YOUNG TED - you rascallion!! Did I detect what I thought I detected in that tricky little commment you made concerning one rider being "it" both times?? If your reference to that particular rider and "a little rain" was in ANY WAY connected to myself and that weekend up at Mikes - I take great issue with you!! First of all, those "other riders" were actually the ones who were lost - I knew where I was at all times!! Secondly, that "little rain" was actually a "HUGE rain"!! As a matter of fact - the WHOLE state of Michigan was covered by that "little rain"!! I will NEVER forget standing under that Pine tree with you, Larry and Aaron waiting for that "little rain" to stop :laugh:
I tell you what, when Mikey puts on a show - LOOK OUT, its going to be a good one!!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 3, 2002
woodsy said:
First of all, those "other riders" were actually the ones who were lost - I knew where I was at all times!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:" Lets see if we keep the sun on our right shoulder we will be heading south" Another Quote from Scott . Woodsy if we were heading south and you werent lost how come we were heading east ? :think: I think the only one who was truely lost was the fellow we stopped to ask for directions. That was the most fun I have ever had on a dirt bike, and it was because of being able to share the day with so many quality people. Boy if we could only get Aron online to tell his side of the adventure.

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Whats all the fuss about getting lost?

I never get lost because every where I go, there I am! Either that or someone seems to tell me right where to go!

Now to Ted's common denominator - lets see - day 1 - Woodsy, Aaron, Larry, Curtis
Day 2 Larry, Aaron, Neal (woodsy doing chase to find them.) Hmmmm seems ole Woodsy not guilty! It is the Larry and Aaron combo that is doing it! And all this time we thought it was Woodsy that was directionally challenged!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 3, 2002
Larry wasnt with us when we got lost. :think: When did the 2Nd days lost episode happen, at the beginning orthe end.

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
3KDXXR2 said:
Larry wasnt with us when we got lost. :think: When did the 2Nd days lost episode happen, at the beginning orthe end.

Well then, seems the real culprit is Aaron then!

2nd days lost episode happened...on the second day! :nener:

I think it was about the same area a day 1 - B loop cut off. According to the lostees, they did not see the BIG BLACK ARROWS on the tree. We concluded that it must have been because the arrows were rotated about 19 degrees to far around the trunk of the tree...clearly outside of reasonable tolerances from specifications. This does not explain Neal though - he had ridden that trail with me MANY times! They did try to suggest that trail was not well "worn in" at that junction... and did not "flow" properly in relation to the curve preceeding it. I dont buy that story either. :moon:


Sep 25, 2005
Hello everyone, as Mikhail's father I would like to thank everyone at the fall camp chaos for all of the warm welcomes, encouragment and help you gave him , he really enjoyed it and I myself enjoyed it for the short time I was there.
We went through alot of work and heart ache getting his bike ready for the weekend but I loved every minute of it just working side by side with my son.
He learned alot about working on his bike and I enjoyed teaching him.
this weekend we got to have a similar experience, the transmission went out on my truck and he helped me tear it down so we could order the parts to fix it.
Needless to say he has alot of motorcycle and automotive transmission experience now!
You are all a great group of people and if any of you need anything don't hesitate to let me know.
Thanks, Everett :cool: :ride:

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001

Mikhail is always welcome here - as are you! I know that Mark and Mitch sure enjoy having a local kid to ride with as well. Even allowing for the various wacko's in the bunch, what you saw here is the norm for us MTRs! Smelly biker trash that would do about anything to help get a biker rolling on a ride!

I always enjoy the time wrenching with my kids to - great (to use that over used term) quality time - not to mention they develop some important life skills. Let us know if you need any assistance getting that YZ all set up for the woods. While the collective IQ may only add up to 50 or so when measured on a "normal" scale, it would be 200 plus when it comes to bikes!


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
Everett, it was great to meet you. Next time I hope you and Mikhael are both riding with us!

As a result of Sunday's ride Camp Chaos, there's a new family member coming tomorrow to live in my barn:


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KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Everett, it was great to meet you. Next time I hope you and Mikhael are both riding with us!

As a result of Sunday's ride Camp Chaos, there's a new family member coming tomorrow to live in my barn:

Looks like that ride with Emily was REALLY a good one! :cool: Great news for both of you! I assume we can count you both in for next year!

Yep - Everett, one thing you need to realize with dirt bikes - they have a way of multiplying in the garage...i wont be to suprised if somehow another one appears in yours! It seems my garage has been rather uh...over productive at times :yikes: (from Sheila's point of view at least) so dont leave them bikes unsupervised for to extended of time periods! (hmmmm a Harley and a YZ....dunno what that critter would look like! :nener: a street trail Yamarley? Harlaha? I better quit while I am ahead!)


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Wayyyy cool there Markus!!! I can see that Emily's SMILING face riding that puppy right now!! Man, I am so envious of kids now adays! Why if we could have had something like that when we were kids most of us would have turned out to be smelly ol woods riders... Hey wait a minute..
Everett, meeting and riding with your son was indeed a real pleasure!! To be honest with you he reminded me of myself back in those days!! I say that because during one of our rides he was having a little trouble getting his YZ started and I offered to help him. The first time he reluctantly allowed me to - the second time he looked at me like "nahhh, I can start my own ride man" ;) .. I always lived by that rule myself - I CAN START IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Concerning the bike population explostion that Mike was mentioning - I parked my chop next to a Harley on the way back from Strugis and look what appeared in the garage 4 weeks later!!! Yea, ya gotta watch em allll the time!! BLIPY GET AWAY FROM KADIE RIGHT NOW@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Sep 1, 2003
Little and huge are not exact,
This, Dear Woodsy is fact.
To those who think you're all wet,
The answer is not yet.

Dry Ted


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
I tell you what Timer - "C" and I went out to visit Sarah in Manhatten and we did get WET!!!! It rained all the way home and didnt stop until we hit the Michigan border!!!!
Mark - that Buell is a 95 "Signature Series" S-2 Thunderbolt with the EVO belt drive 5 speed and 1203cc HD motor. As FUN to ride as it is to look at!! It doesnt HIT like the Jappers do (R1, Hyabusa) but they did put the higher comp heads on them. It pulls REAL steady and strong right off the bottom and extremely smooth allthe way up - matter of fact its the "normal" HD "HOG" (I always thought they were piggy not hoggy) but its VERY light weight and EXTREMELY manuverable!!! The early models had a very short frame that just beckins to be whipped (reminds me of a dirtbike - REALLY!!)! I think it would make a GREAT dual sport bike with with a set of nobs!!!!! THis thing is pretty cool machine!
4700 miles and real clean - NEVER down, LOADED with aftermarket chrome (apparently the previous owner was a "true Harley rider" and kind of crossed over his love for Harleys to this sport bike). It has White Power inverted forks with very modern rebound/comp clicks. It also has the "upgraded" mono underframe - also full clicks and nitro res!! New DUNLOPS fornt and rear on PM aluminum wheel!
Corbin seat matches the OEM color niclely, no cracks of dings ANYWHERE! Really a SWEET bike!! Pass it around your shop - its for sale (of course). Get it before "Me-Bay" :rotfl:
Oh yea, 55MPG aint to bad either!!
Couple more shots?


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Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
woodsy said:
I think it would make a GREAT dual sport bike with with a set of nobs!!!!!

Woodsy....Woodsy.....Woodsy..... :| :coocoo: Once a die-hard dirt biker.......

That bike is a real looker! How much?

Do you have any John Deere tractor parts??? My electric PTO clutch blew to smitherines this weekend. I've just started repair (stuff on the bottom of the tractor has been trashed that I didn't see before), and I'm in $150. Chump change for bike parts, but way too much otherwise!
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