Clear Creekin' with Dirt Bike Dave

angry jim

Sponsoring Member
Aug 4, 2000
I didn't realize how much I missed the ol' creek. It had been over a year since I'd been. Clear Creek is a huge riding area in the central California Diablo Range. The elevation is 2000 to 5000 feet.
Dirt Bike Dave agreed to meet me at 9:00 am for a good sunday ride. After extricating Daves bike from his truck, we set out for adventure. The goal was to put in 50-60 miles of mostly single track. We started off at warm up pace and stopped at a little hill climb to get the bikes warmed up right. After a little fun on the hill, we darted up and down single track for several miles finding some very nice dirt in the shaded areas. We ended up doing about a 10 mile circle and then headed into a technical canyon with a small creek at the bottom. As we headed to the southern section of CC. we momentarilly got seperated.
We rejoined and sped up a nearby ridge just near Indian Hill. We switched bikes at this point and I found the ground within 50 ft of the transfer. It was the first of many rookie mistakes for the both of us. I was feeling right at home on Daves CRE250. The trails were fairly easy for a while, but we soon headed down a steep ridge and fell in behind a slower group. We worked our way around the first couple of guys and then caught the rest of the group right at the bottom of the long downhill. I waited for a young kid to ride over a nasty group of boulders, and followed him out. As Dave waited, he went to put his foot down and stepped into invisible dirt and fell over, thankfully cushioning my bike with his body. It was an awkward fall and I asked if he was OK. Dave was fine, but I felt cheated that I didn't see the whole thing unfold. Dave dusted himself off and we headed toward the airplane crash site for lunch.
We found a cool spot for a break and then continued to ride almost exclusively single track for the next hour. At this point, about 10 miles from the trucks, I felt my from tire getting low. We decided to b-line for camp to put in a new tube. While I changed the tube, DBD ate a little food and put some gas in the CR. We headed back out for a final ride. I chose an loose rocky singletrack to the top of the ridge. The dirt was dry hear so I headed for the north facing hillsides. I took my second unexplainable dirt sample riding down a simple downhill. The wreck dislodged my chain guard. Luckilly dave had some spare bolts to fix it up. We worked our way around and back to camp for a cold refreshment.
It had been a long time since Dave and I had ridden together. The past couple of rides ending badly for Daves bike or body. Overall,we had a really fun trail ride. I hope to see some familiar faces on my next trip to the Creek. What ever happened to Fremont Guy and Jonala? I hope all is well Dave. Good ride.


Mar 27, 2004
Great ride report! I've only been to Clear Creek once and had an absolute blast. We went after the rains last year so there was minimal dust and the temperatures were cool. Hollister is my alltime favorite place since we lived so closely to it for 2 years (Monterey) and I miss it everyday!

p.s. That invisable dirt will getcha everytime!

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Thanks for the report, Jim. That was one of the best rides I've had in quite a while.

It was great seeing you and riding with you again - it has been way too long. Conditions were awesome and you picked great trails.

Those in colder climates would be jealous to know it was warm enough to ride with a single jersey - no layers needed. Just perfect for the 2nd weekend of December! Areas in the shade were moist but not muddy. Some southern facing hillsides had a little dust, but not bad at all.

This was my maiden voyage on some new Gaerne boots. They felt so comfortable out of the box, I decided I did not need to break them in by walking around the house in them for a few hours. Big mistake! I know they will be great boots, but I longed for my old broken down pair at first.

I need all the help I can get to keep up with Jim (he just finished in the top 20 Overall in the D-36 cross country championship). Thankfully Jim slowed it down to a fun (but not frantic) pace.

It was also a real joy to try out Jim's '05 250 exc. Best near stock bike I've ever ridden. Excellent motor and suspension and not at all tiring to ride.

Clear Creek is an outstanding riding area and we should all support the efforts to keep it open.


Jul 1, 2000
Cool, a creek report. The rains have made it moist like oatmeal down there the day after a storm. Should have a group ride one of these days. :nod:
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Sep 20, 2000
I rarely come into this forum site anymore. I've been riding Trials, family enduros but mostly I've gone back to cycling.

My brain doesn't work so good when it comes to trials, so I've put my bike up for sale. We've gotten my 14 year old nephew riding family enduros. Other than a few family enduros, my Honda is a dust magnet in the garage.

I sure do miss those group rides we had up at Elkins.

Have a Happy New Year.


May 11, 2000
How does Clear Creek look right now? I'm thinking about heading down there later in the week but don't want to make the drive unless it's rideable.
From experience the trails drain pretty well but there are always a few roads sections in the shade that get deep.




Sep 20, 2000
I've read ride reports in other forums that say it's sloppy to rideable. Give the Hollister BLM office a call before going down. With the rains that we have had and the new rules that the BLM operate under they may close CC if it rains to much.

angry jim

Sponsoring Member
Aug 4, 2000
I think it's a lot like Cow Mtn. If it rains too much (1 in or more) they close it up for 48 hrs. That's a big chance to take coming from Santa Rosa.

Jon and Les. I miss those rides of a few years ago. Les, you can probably show me around clear creek now. Jon, I saw you working the second check at the fools gold. We need to get you out of retirement so you can master that hill at Elkins flat.

Happy new year!

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