
Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
I am flying into Columbus tommorw night 11:15 pm and will be attending a funeral on Wednesday south of Columbus on the West Virginia border. I fly out of Columbus on Saturday at 6:00 pm. I was wondering if there was any DRNer's in Columbus or the Galipolis/Pomeroy/Rutland area that would like to hook up and go to dinner or maybe put me up for a night or should I say put up with me for a night? :) I know this is short notice but It would be cool to meet some other people from DRN. I will check this thread later if anyone is intrested send me an email at veronp@hotmail.com


Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
Yep, suspension in hard side rifle case, wheel and motor in gear bag, frame and plastic in ski bag and riding gear on mixed in above for padding. I could do it.......

I wish I could go for fun.... But thats the way it is.........:(

It still would be cool to meet some others. I can't remember off the top of my head who is from that area... The only one I can remember is Slowpoke Denis?


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
you'll be right down my way, as I'm not far from the W. Va. border. It's a shame I only have one functioning bike at the moment or I'd invite you to hit some of our nice singletrack :)
Good luck getting a bike through airport security nowadays :think :eek:

If you're really despirate for a place to hang out for a night I've got a spare bunk, the problem is my messed up work schedule, I don't know if I'll be around for sure, but if you're hard up for a place to sleep let me know and I can probably accomodate, if you're looking over your maps I'm in the town of wellston. You can email me if needbe, smb_racing@yahoo.com

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