CR125 Non reving past 11.5k rpm - Please help


Nov 15, 2005
Hello everyone.

Currently I am running both a 1999 mod and stock CR125 moto in kart racing. My mod moto is fine and operates perfectly with all the works however the stock unit I have which I just rebuilt (top, bottom, reeds, removed and plugged power valves/we do not use in karts and jetted perfectly from my earlier notes) does not rev past 11.5 k or so. It just stops pulling. After plug readings, to want more fuel (looks leaner on the top-end), but I am nearing ranges that are settings for my mod moto, which makes close to 40 hp compared to stock.

It definitely loses peak power which I know before modifying the current mod motor I have never had a problem bringing the rev's up to 12.5k with a 12.8k over rev, with the exact same parts. Any help or recommendations would be greatly appreciated as I have tried timing changes, carb changes, but used same pipe and configurations from a working setup.

Could it really be a stator or ignition system. I changed box from a vertex to stock and its the same thing.

Very perplexing…. :bang: :bang: :bang:

Thanks everyone for any advice or recommendation as I spent all Saturday testing at my home track with no resolution.
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Sep 3, 2001
timing? float level? could it be something with the way you blocked off the ex. valve? An effectively lower exhaust port window could do this...


Nov 15, 2005
Appreciate the input.

The float would not be an issue since we run something called a pump around fuel system eliminating the floats. Timing would and could be an issue, though it was set to stock. I will have to check that again. Lower exhaust port timing would be a factor but the motor is stock with stock cylinder. Electronics are the only thing left I guess...

Any other ideas? Thanks again !


Nov 15, 2005

Thanks for the input. Gas has been consistent I am running Sunoco Purple leaded 110. Have had no problems in the past with a oil mix of 28:1.


Sep 3, 2001
I wasn't sure by your post if you are using the same carb you used before?

I tried putting a crescent slide carb on a new RM85 (instead of the crappy low tech stock round one), and it simply will not rev, tried jetting all over the place even a totally different carb from ****, as soon as I put that stock carb back on it runs like a top. I give up. Some combinations just don't work.

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