
Jul 18, 2003
My '03 (I'm the only owner) has about 500 miles on it. So far I haven't done any maintenance to the brakes yet, but I have read TONS of posts where people have problems with their brake caliper pins, so...

To avoid problems later, is it a good idea to go ahead and break my calipers down, put anti-seize on the bolts, then reassemble? :think:

I just don't want to be one of the poor souls who needed to work on their calipers, only to find out that one of the pins gets stuck or broken. :bang:


Jun 4, 2004
That probably is not a bad idea but with your bike being so new I would not think it is something urgent. The problem with mine is that the last owner stipped the head out of the allen (sp?) head and put the pin back in. I can not get a good grip on pin to get it removed and then broke the easy-off in the pin that I drilled out. Thankfully JasonWho had a spare he could sell me (Kudos!!!) due to my Kawi dealer stated that the rear caliper for a '93 KDX 200 has been discontinued.

Applying some anti-seize to the bolts should only take around 10-15 minutes to do and is well worth the price of a $286 caliper if it was still available which yours being so new would be, and probably not so costly. :cool:


Oct 14, 1999
re: 'break down caliper...'

Not required. Just take the pins out, put some goop (neverseize) on the threads and put the pins back in.

Don't have to take anything apart.

Use a good wrench...not one that has been goobered from misuse or bad fits. May be a good excuse to buy a set of T-handles from your local Sears store.

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