
Apr 10, 2003
So my daughter's 6th Bday was last Friday and she got her big present...03' PW50. She was super excited and couldnt wait to get out. We spent the last 4 days straight goin at it. She's learnin like a champ. That go-cart I made her when she was 4 really paid off.
Anyway, we were out behind the HS in the grass practicing quick stops and other turn patterns yesterday. She was riding for about 5 min straight when I noticed she stopped in the middle of the field for no reason. Pulls her throttle hand off and begins to shake it off in a way that hinted at unfamiliarity.
MAN! Arm pump on 6 yr old girl dressed like a mini-me-pro rider was the cutest damn thing I have ever seen.

Brought a tear to my eye.

pics coming soon in the womens forum.;)


Feb 4, 2003
I'd suggest scheduling forearm surgery immediately in order to make up for the lost points in the Nationals...I mean...


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