Deleted postings in off topic

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Dec 9, 2002
Ok I post two threads in Off Topic the first was about some rather disturbing thing that some industry supported rides did to a poor cat and then place it on their web site for all to see.. Well it was deleted. So I posted a question (not a smart asre response or anything) as to why it had been.. because I really wanted to know.. and that was deleted as well. There is another thread about a dog getting kick that's not been deleted. So i figured animal abuse was something that the members of this forum cared about. Now I'm wondering if I should send in a check for membership or not? :think:


Dec 9, 2002
Cam e-mail me and I'll send you all the info.. Seems like any mention of it here ends in a deletion.


Dec 9, 2002
I thought since you are a member you could get it from my profile.. Or am I wrong? I hate to post it in a thread.. But I'll get a junk account if I need to. Or do you think I should try and place a link in here? I don't want to get band but what these guy's have done is BS.


Dec 9, 2002
Sorry I did not realize that and I check my profile and can not find anyway to fix it. But I'm sending you the info and the links.


Feb 18, 2002
I think the reason why your posts were deleated is becuase DRN tries to stay away from the whole FMX scene becuase of exact things that you posted.  Most members here arn't intresnsted in what goes on that neck of the woods with the Mulisha or whatever else, and there is no need for them to see it.   If they want to, they would go over to a fmx board.


On the other hand, MTX has very different members, so I can see why they don't have a problem with it :)


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Hey stick around... even the mods get their posts deleted sometimes.

It is up to the mods and admins to try and keep the published topics on the site in check. Sometimes the topic itself is horrible and needs to be deleted... other times it is the responses that the topic garnered (I have seen quite a few good threads go bad in less than an hour)... and sometimes it is a judgement call.

We try to communicate as best we can as to why but since we all volunteer with this we usually end up deleting and hoping that the poster gets the hint.

I didn't see your thread so I can't comment on it in particular but I can say that most of what gets deleted deserves to be deleted.



Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
On the other hand, MTX has very different members, so I can see why they don't have a problem with it

The^^rock, mtx does infact have a problem with it. Even the "owner" who's life depends on that sport has a big problem with it and it's obvious why.

It's pretty sad really, you have one group of guys trying to do good for the sport and then one just pushes them right back down. 1 step forward and 2 steps back :(

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by A-RustyDemon
Now I'm wondering if I should send in a check for membership or not?

If you are hoping that it will somehow shield you from ever getting a post deleted than you probably shouldn't. Posts especially in the OFF-TOPIC get deleted all the time for various reasons. Threads asking "Why did my post get deleted" are almost ALWAYS deleted, because we aren't going to litter the forums with posts like that. When a Mod deletes a "grey area" post they will often times send a PM to the poster. People who can't receive PMs just have to sort of figure it out for themselves because there is too much to do around here to look up someone's e-mail address and explain everything we do. Look closely at what you posted and you'll probably be able to figure out WHY it was deleted.

I can assure I've had more of my posts deleted than you can ever hope to even though I'm a Mod. Like Ivan said, it happens to EVERYONE, so the best bet is to not take it personal and move on.


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by Rich Rohrich

I can assure I've had more of my posts deleted than you can ever hope to even though I'm a Mod. Like Ivan said, it happens to EVERYONE, so the best bet is to not take it personal and move on.

Music to my ears.

sorry couldn't let this one go.

BTW: Rusty it took me sometime to get used to this place but once you know how things go then you will treat it like your home.
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