difference betweeen 250exc and 450exc

killerbeez 75

Oct 26, 2004
Today I had the opportunity to ride the 03 ktm 450 exc.I had bought a 250 exc/rfs for my wife for her first bike and she loves it,hell sometimes I love it more than my cr250.Anyway a buddy of mine came over with his 450 and let me ride around a bit.When he asked me what I thought I told him that the power does not feel that much different than my wifes bike.I thought it was kind of odd.I was expecting alot more bottom end and mid range but it just did not seem like it was there.I felt like I had to ride it like the 250 by ringing its neck to get up speed.It deffinantly did not have comparable power to the cr250.What I want to know is if anybody else has riden these two bikes back to back and what was your take on them. :think:


Jul 19, 2002
At DW04 I was able to ride the 450, 250, 300exc's all back to back.

first was the 450exc. I like it but felt the weight was very top feeling. I liked the bike and all, but like you it wasn't the experience I was expecting.

second, was the 300exc. This bike was awesome. had power from low to top. a 2-stroke with real thumper power. easy to ride and doesn't need the clutch much, just turn the throttle and hang on.

finally, I rode the 250exc. This bike was real fun. A little more work than the 300 to ride, but it had a 2-stroke zip to it that i enjoyed alot.

If I was to walk into the dealership today and work out with one bike. I would take the 300mxc

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