
Mar 30, 2004
OK, I've just realized that my bike leaks oil right where the drain plug meets the plug itself and I am desperate to figure out a solution. The bike runs great and I don't want to open the motor up; I am praying there is a solution out there.
The leak is slow and I was thinking maybe using some epoxy around the plug and then screw it in there before it drys might work. When I go to change the oil just simply break the seal, change the oil and repeat the process. Will this or something like it (another type of glue) work? What else can I do?

If I can solve this problem it would make my week.

Any advice, suggestions, ideas or flat-out lies would be greatly appreciated. Well, except for the last one. Thanks :worship: :worship:


First, make sure there isn't a hairline crack around the drain plug. This will require a different fix. If there's no crack, I agree with the new washer. The manuals usually call for those to be replaced every oil change, which I think is a bit extreme, but still, replacing it every now and then will help.

A better idea, IMO, along the lines of your epoxy question is to use teflon tape on the drain plug threads.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Some thread sealer on the threads of the bolt will stop any leaks but like Lou said, check for any cracks first.


Mar 30, 2004
Hey I really appreciate the responses. I am going to check for cracks tonight. Say there are no cracks, should I put a new washer on, maybe a little teflon tape on the threads and install? If there are cracks is there any way to fix the case without splitting it?


Feb 10, 2004
KX2fitty said:
Hey I really appreciate the responses. I am going to check for cracks tonight. Say there are no cracks, should I put a new washer on, maybe a little teflon tape on the threads and install? If there are cracks is there any way to fix the case without splitting it?

I had a 95 XR650 that was standstill dropped on concrete and the shift lever cracked the sidecover. It started to slowly drip oil so I went to the Honda shop and asked what a new cover cost. They recommended I clean the outside of the cover with alcohol and use JB Weld to seal the crack. I had the bike for three years after that and it never leaked another drop.


Jan 8, 2004
Don't use epoxy. Try some silicon type sealant like instant gasket. It seals good but won't set like steel as epoxy does


Jul 6, 2004
the best way to find cracks in aluminum is to spray the area completely down with carb or brake cleaner the quickly blow it dry with compressed air and watch closely. on small cracks you will see the oil begin to appear out of no where and it will kind of show you where the crack is, if theres one, or where the oil is coming from exactly. as far as fixing it if it is cracked it could be tough if the crack goes all the way over and through the threads but I have had good luck tiping bikes quads so that the oil inside runs away from the crack. roughing or grinding the area. then cleaning it with something that completely dries (paint thinner, brake cleaner, alcohol, etc) leaving the bike in that position then using JB weld on it. after the JB weld is completely dry shape it how you need it and paint if needed. this has been a permenant fix for me on a couple machines. Just remember what ever you try to seal it with it wont work properly if there is any oil on the surface.

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