Jun 4, 2006
ok, me and my friend took the engine out of my bike today becuz my bike was puttin out 25psi the piston rings looked melted into the piston the wall and piston has scratches u could tell there was some bad friction there, the combustion chamber is also a little pitted and stuff...

now the fun part, there looks like there is some meat left on the cylinder sleeve to bore it out some the previous owner said the bike was already bored .020 im guessing to bore it another .020

how can i find the piston that i need after getting my engine bored and stuff?

also it seems the wrist pin, bearing and crank is all in good shape, when i wiggle the crank with hand theres like no slop and its turning over smooth and nice...

while the engine is out should i also get the seals replaced?
i'm guessing yes i don't want tranny oil sneaking in and making it impossible to jet also i hear theres a dry seal aswell that if it leaks will lean out the engine.

there are special tools required to replace these seals ?
i think i read somewhere the case don't have to be split on my bike to replace seals i hope not because don't wanna risk damage on the crank case halves....

blah first time having a motor apart!!!
i guess i can get someone else to order the parts and do the work which would be alot easier? someone with experience

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